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175 packages found
JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes
Color Picker component for React.
- react
- react-color
- react-color-alpha
- react-color-hua
- color-convert
- hua
- shade-slider
- slider
- circle
- compact
- sketch
- chrome
- alpha
- editable-input
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Color Compact component for React.
JSON formatter that produces highly readable but fairly compact output
Trim a consecutively repeated substring: foo--bar---baz → foo-bar-baz
Javascript utility functions for web development
- object
- deep clone
- array
- async
- map
- find by key
- try catch
- compact
- difference
- intersecion
- promise
- defer
- open
- is truthy
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Small & sweet date-range formatting library
Helper to create compact @mui/material theme
A vite plugin which will, when building, find all .jpeg, .jpg, and .png images, convert them to .webp and then adjust the image urls accordingly.
Decoding and encoding JavaScript/TypeScript/JSON objects to binary format.
Color Picker component for React.
- react
- react-color
- react-color-alpha
- react-color-hua
- color-convert
- hua
- shade-slider
- slider
- circle
- compact
- sketch
- chrome
- alpha
- editable-input
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fast (~300 MB/sec) and simple incremental JSON parsing that can start and stop at any byte offset
Buffer for Browser and NodeJS. Writing and reading basic types to binary data.
Walk or map over objects in a depth-first preorder or postorder manner.
The best of both `JSON.stringify(obj)` and `JSON.stringify(obj, null, indent)`.
mdast utility to make a tree compact
ExtremeJS Utilities
A compact trie for mapping keys to values
The fastest smallest Javascript polyfill for the encode of TextEncoder and decode of TextDecoder for UTF-8 only. Made by AnonyCo with ❤️ from 🐕s.
- utf-8
- encoding
- decoding
- encoder
- decoder
- javascript
- polyfill
- js
- utf8
- compact
- cross-browser
- utf8-string
- pure-javascript
- nodejs
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