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authenticator client sdk for connecting a web application to
authenticator server sdk for connecting a web application to
The Kloudless Authenticator JS library prompts your users to connect their accounts to your Kloudless project via a pop-up.
2 step verification function library with Google Authenticator
JWT autnenticator for web services module.
The best React Native example for phone verification
- react
- react-native
- native
- phone
- verification
- verify
- auth
- pin
- code
- digits
- fabric
- twitter-digits
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HMAC-Based One-Time Password (HOTP) and Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) Command Line Interface
Custom logic authenticator for the Nephele WebDAV server.
Unrestricted authenticator for the Nephele WebDAV server.
Apache htpasswd based authenticator for the Nephele WebDAV server.
Authentication code generator
Third party authenticators in nodejs. Support various providers. Almost zero dependencies.
- passport
- passportjs
- express
- authenticator
- authentication
- github
- foursquare
- tumblr
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HMAC-Based One-Time Password (HOTP), and Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) Algorithms
- hotp
- totp
- otp
- rfc4226
- rfc 4226
- 4226
- rfc6238
- rfc 6238
- 6238
- one-time password
- two-factor authentication
- two-factor
- 2fa
- authentication
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An illustration of how one might write a roaming authenticator for Nymi Bands
A TOTP secret, token generator and verifier!
SDK para autenticação de usuários no Account
Simple promise-based authenticator for systems using OAuth 2.0 protocol.
VS authenticator package can generate TOTP (RFC6238) for 2FA, and also provide secret and recovery codes for 2FA setup
- generator
- node
- authenticator
- VS
- recovery code generator
- vs-recovery-code-generator
- vs-org
- Recovery codes generator
- vs recovery code generator
A flexible and customizable login component for React applications, built with Material-UI. This component provides an easy way to create a login form with validation support.
- react
- login
- authentication
- component
- security
- user
- authorization
- authentication-ui
- auth-form
- frontend
- signin
- signup
- authenticator
- authentication-library