Search results
49 packages found
Apollo Federation internal utilities
Apollo Subgraph Utilities
A CLI tool for checking a subgraph's compatibility with a federated gateway
The new Apollo CLI
Apollo Federation Subgraph Compatibility tests
Apollo Gateway
A Pothos plugin for implementing apollo federation subGraphs
This library makes it easier to support file uploads to your federated micro-services. It uses the [Apollo]( server's solution. It works by simply redirecting the file uploaded stream to
GraphQL Yoga driver with Apollo Federation for NestJS GraphQL.
#### Download binary
A serverless plugin that uploads a graphql schema to the Apollo Platform managed federation service
Apollo Federation composition utilities
Apollo Federation library to work with 'query graphs'
Apollo Query Planner
This library makes it easier to support file uploads to your federated micro-services. It uses the [Apollo]( server's solution. It works by simply redirecting the file uploaded stream to
Apollo Federation support for Graphile Engine
Building subGraphs with GQLoom
Apollo Query Planner
Utilities collection to extend graphql-ws and integrate it with GraphQL Apollo Federation