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exact matchSample plugin for GitBook
GitBook Plugin to hide Published with...
GitBook plugin for including file
Gitbook plugin to change style of code blocks
A gitbook plugin to show image by lightbox.
GitBook Plugin to add header
GitBook Plugin to add "Edit this page" link on every page. Link target will be that page's source file on Github or Gitlab or any repo.
GitBook Plugin to add inline table of contents (TOC) to each page based on configurable selectors.
Gitbook plugin to auto-generate
gitbook plugin for iuap-design
Gitbook plugin provide GitHub Button.
Gitbook plugin for prism-themes base on gitbook-plugin-prism.
Gitbook plugin add "edit this page" link, and intelligent recognition to Github or Gitlab source repository.
GitBook Plugin to change sidebar menu's to collapsible menu. For gitbook with many pages, navigating long menus can get irritating.
a gitbook-plugin for generating footer
GitBook plugin to convert blockquotes into beautiful and configurable alerts using preconfigured or own styles and alert types.
GitBook plugin that provide interactive JavaScript console
gitbook plugin theme
A gitbook plugin for zooming images like Medium
GitBook Plugin to add footer, mainly for personal usage at for documentation.