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6000 packages found
ESLint rule to detect when a class has duplicate properties and methods.
Eslint plugin for xunit tests
Eslint rule for checking that should-promised assertions return
Eslint rules for mocha and mocha cakes.
Lint rule to autofix unpreferred imports
detects long call chains/nested expressions
Eslint utils to add checks for react-intl usages.
Linting rule set to support linting of k6 tests.
plugin for frontend training
A Eslint plugin to check if the story files has the prefix
Disallow jQuery functions with native equivalents.
Lint the content of <script> tags in arbitrary text
path checker plugin
plugin for fsd paths
Custom ESLint rules for Billogram
Import with sanity.
An ESLint shareable config for projects using 'Prettier' and 'JavaScript Standard Style' as ESLint rules.
- eslint
- eslintconfig
- eslint-config
- eslintplugin
- eslint-plugin
- JavaScript Standard Style
- jsstandard
- lint
- prettier
- prettierconfig
- prettier-config
- standard
- standard style
plugin for production project
eslint import path checker for my prop project