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192 packages found
Fork from vue-chartjs with typescript definitions
A ChartJS doughnut plugin. It add inner text to the center of doughnut chart.
Vue.js wrapper for chart.js for creating beautiful charts.
Vue.js wrapper for chart.js for creating beautiful charts.
Vue.js wrapper for chart.js for creating beautiful charts.
vue.js wrapper for chart.js
Interactive react chart components
Vue.js wrapper for chart.js for creating beautiful charts.
Vue.js wrapper for chart.js for creating beautiful charts.
<img align="right" width="150" height="150" alt="svelte-chartjs logo" src="">
Vue.js wrapper for chart.js for creating beautiful charts.
Be colorful Chart.js v3.
A react library for rendering graphs, charts and other related things.
this zero-dependency package will provide single css-rollup (includes font/glyphicon/theme) and single js-rollup (includes jquery) of twitter-bootstrap (v3.4.1), datatables (v1.10.20), and chart.js (v2.9.3) with working web-demo
Export charts created by vue-chartjs to PDF files
The funnel plugin for Chart.js
Reactive, responsive, beautiful charts for Angular based on ng2-charts
react charting components using the chartjs lib
Create Chart.js chart images server-side
The bar-chart visualization plugin