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814 packages found
Read a set of SVG icons and output a SVG font
Quasar Framework fonts, icons and animations
Font names dictionary for cspell.
Speeds up your pages initial paint by automatically subsetting local or Google fonts and loading them optimally
Measure text accurately before laying it out and get font information from your App
React hook to detect if web fonts are available 🪝
<div align="center"> <img src="logo.svg" height="160" width="160" alt="Analyzer logo"> </div>
- projectwallace
- wallace
- css
- stylesheet
- stats
- statistics
- analytics
- performance
- styleguide
- metrics
- designsystem
- fonts
- colors
- quality
Universal Webfont loader
Helpers for loading local fonts into Remotion
A Google font picker component for React
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Extract SVG icons from an SVG font
Load binary font files for Google Fonts
Detect if web fonts are available
A Google font picker component for React
Next.js plugin to load and preload fonts
Bitmap fonts based on the font design from Nintendo DS
Loads CSS declarations for FT web fonts. Does not include font assets.
Text style/fonts for your text inputs