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1.0.4 • Public • Published


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Automatic generate the routes of vue-router based on the file directory.



npm install vue-router-invoke-webpack-plugin -D


cnpm install vue-router-invoke-webpack-plugin -D


yarn add vue-router-invoke-webpack-plugin -D

What is Automatic Generate Routes

Routing automatic injection refers to according to the format of the file directory to automatically generate the corresponding router.js, every time without the need to create a module to reference manual



  • We need know whether the environment is development or production.So you should set process.env.NODE_ENV which is equal to development in the development environment and is equal to production in the production environment.There are many plugins can do that. We recommend cross-env
  • If there are many people working together,we can't import route by the absolute address,so you should set a alias for the watching dir.
  • the generated route will be lazyload. So make sure you have add @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import
const VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin = require('vue-router-invoke-webpack-plugin');
const path = require('path')
// omit some other option...
resolve: {
  alias: {
    '@': path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'demos')
plugins: [
  new VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin(
    dir: 'demos/src',
    alias: '@/src'


vueCli3 will be easier than webpack


const VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin = require('vue-router-invoke-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
  // omit other options...
  configureWebpack(config) {
      new VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin({
        dir: 'src/views',
        // must set the alias for the dir option which you have set
        alias: '@/views'
// or another way..
module.exports = {
  // omit other options...
  configureWebpack: {
    plugins: [
      new VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin({
        dir: 'src/views',
        // must set the alias for the dir option which you have set
        alias: '@/views'


After configure the options you can use npm run serve or some other scripts that you defined to activate the plugin in the development environment. When first generated or the file which in the dir option's direction changes.router.js will be automatic generated.

And you can use npm run build or some other scripts that you defined to activate the plugin in the production environment. router.js will be automatic generated.


Prop Type Required Default Description
dir String true '' vue file directory
alias String true '' the option dir's alias
notFound String false '' the alias address of notFound chunk
mode String false history hash or history
meta String false meta the yml file's name
routerDir String false ROOT generated router.js file
language String false javascript javascript or typescript
ignore Array false ['.dsstore'] files or directions will not be resolved
redirect Array false [] redirect route
modules Array false [] the import modules
scrollBehavior Function false '' same as scrollBehavior
beforeEach Function false '' router.beforeEach
beforeResolve Function false '' router.beforeResolve
afterEach Function false '' router.afterEach

How To Automatical Invoke

The following example depends on VueCli3. I believe that if you know how to use in VueCli3,the using of webpack is easy for you.


const VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin = require('vue-router-invoke-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
  // omit other options...
  configureWebpack(config) {
      new VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin({
        dir: 'src/views',
        alias: '@/views'

And import router.js in your entry file src/main.js

The default location of router.js is under the invoke folder in the root directory,You can change the location anywhere by setting the routerDir option

The address of routerDir is relative to ROOT, Pay attention to that it is not a absolute address

And I recommoned that router.js may put into .gitignore or .eslintignore. Everyone's branch can be independent because router.js will be automatic generated

import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import router from '../.invoke/router';
export default new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  render: h => h(App)


Please pay attention to that there is a direcotry which wrapping the Index.vue,Do not name vue directly.It maybe not quite in the usual way

The same, do not name the directory with Index, it may have diffrent sense on Nested Route

version 0.2.7, The plugin will throw an error when the wrong naming of the directory in production environment and will show you a danger notice in development environment

So if you see that


The rule of naming about your directory maybe wrong

If your directory just like this

├── views
│   ├── Login
│   │   └── Index.vue
│   └── User
│       ├── Account
│       │   └── Index.vue
│       ├── Home
│       │   └── Index.vue
│       └── Index.vue

automatical generated route will be this

  component: () =>
  name: 'login',
  path: '/login'
  component: () =>
  name: 'user',
  path: '/user'
  component: () =>
  name: 'user-account',
  path: '/user/account'
  component: () =>
  name: 'user-home',
  path: '/user/home'


We make a special treatment for HomePage which route is /

HomePage we named Index.vue and is a unique route

If your directory just like this

├── views
│   ├── Login
│   │   └── Index.vue
│   └── Index.vue

automatical generated route will be this

  component: () =>
  name: 'index',
  path: '/'
  component: () =>
  name: 'login',
  path: '/login'

Dynamic Route

If your directory just like this

├── views
│   ├── Login
│   │   └── Index.vue
│   └── User
│       ├── _Home
│       │   └── Index.vue
│       └── Index.vue

automatical generated route will be this

  component: () =>
  name: 'login',
  path: '/login'
  component: () =>
  name: 'user',
  path: '/user'
  component: () =>
  name: 'user-home',
  path: '/user/:home'

Nested Route

If your directory just like this

├── views
│   ├── Login
│   │   └── Index.vue
│   └── User
│       ├── Chart
│       │   └── Index.vue
│       ├── Home
│       │   └── Index.vue
│       └── User.vue

automatical generated route will be this

  component: () =>
  name: 'login',
  path: '/login'
  component: () =>
  name: 'user',
  path: '/user',
  children: [
      component: () =>
      name: 'user-chart',
      path: 'chart'
      component: () =>
      name: 'user-home',
      path: 'home'

Dymaic and Nested Route

If your directory just like this

├── views
│   ├── Login
│   │   └── Index.vue
│   └── User
│       ├── _Category
│       │   ├── _Category.vue
│       │   └── Infor
│       │       └── Index.vue
│       └── Index.vue

automatical generated route will be this

    component: () =>
    name: 'login',
    path: '/login'
    component: () =>
    name: 'user',
    path: '/user'
    component: () =>
    name: 'user-category',
    path: '/user/:category',
    children: [
        component: () =>
        name: 'user-category-infor',
        path: 'infor'

Correct the name

We will transform diffetent rule of naming into upperCamelCase naming

For Example

├── views
│   ├── LoginPage
│   │   └── index.vue
│   └── User-home
│       ├── account
│       │   └── Index.vue
│       ├── Home-details
│       │   └── Index.vue
│       └── Index.vue

automatical generated route will be this

  component: () => import('@/views/LoginPage/index.vue'),
  name: 'loginPage',
  path: '/loginPage'
  component: () => import('@/views/User-home/Index.vue'),
  name: 'userHome',
  path: '/userHome'
  component: () => import('@/views/User-home/Home-details/Index.vue'),
  name: 'userHome-homeDetails',
  path: '/userHome/homeDetails'
  component: () => import('@/views/User-home/account/Index.vue'),
  name: 'userHome-account',
  path: '/userHome/account'

Meta Succedaneum

The meta option in vue-router can resolve many questions.Just like define the title of a page or define a page is necessary to login or not.

Some of the questions just like define the page title can be resolved by vue-meta.That is a fantastic repository.

But if you really need define the plain meta option of vue-router .You should make a yml file.

For example

├── Single
│   ├── Index.vue
│   └── User
│       ├── Index.vue
│       └── meta.yml


  - name: user

automatical generated route will be this

  component: () => import('@/views/Single/Index.vue'),
  name: 'single',
  path: 'single'
  component: () => import('@/views/Single/User/Index.vue'),
  name: 'single-user',
  meta: { name: user },
  path: 'single/user'

Special Options


If your set options like this

plugins: [
  new VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin({
    dir: 'src/views',
    alias: '@/views',
    // muse set ignore for notFound chunk
    ignore: ['NotFound.vue'],
    notFound: '@/views/NotFound.vue'

the directory

├── views
│   ├── Login
│   │   └── Index.vue
│   └── Index.vue
│   └── NotFound.vue

automatical generated route will be this

  component: () =>
  name: 'index',
  path: '/'
  component: () =>
  name: 'notFound',
  path: '*'
  component: () =>
  name: 'login',
  path: '/login'


If your set options like this

images components template.vue will not be resolved by the plugin

And the value ignore case

plugins: [
  new VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin({
    dir: 'src/views',
    alias: '@/views',
    language: 'javascript',
    ignore: ['images', 'components', 'template.vue']

the directory

├── views
│   ├── Login
│   │   └── Index.vue
│   ├── Template.vue
│   └── User
│       ├── Components
│       ├── Images
│       └── Index.vue

automatical generated route will be this

  component: () =>
  name: 'login',
  path: '/login'
  component: () =>
  name: 'user',
  path: '/user'

Obviously The plugin ignores the files


If your set options like this

plugins: [
  new VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin({
    dir: 'src/views',
    alias: '@/views',
    language: 'javascript',
    redirect: [
        redirect: '/',
        path: '/home'
        redirect: '/test',
        path: '/demo'

automatical generated route will be this

  path: '/home',
  redirect: '/'
  path: '/demo',
  redirect: '/test'


The generated router.js has Two modules

import Vue from 'vue';
import Router from 'vue-router';

If you need some other module which would use in beforeEach or some other place you can define it by using modules. For example

new VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin({
  dir: 'src/views',
  alias: '@/views',
  modules: [
      name: 'diyName',
      package: 'some-packages'

automatical generated route will be this

// omit other options
import diyName from 'some-packages';

VueRouter Guards

we have supported VueRouter's Guards beforeEach beforeResolve afterEach

If your set options like this

new VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin({
  dir: 'src/views',
  alias: '@/views',
  language: 'javascript',
  beforeEach: (to, from, next) => {
  beforeResolve: (to, from, next) => {
  afterEach: (to, from) => {}

automatical generated route will be this

// omit others ...
const router = new Router({ mode: 'history', routes });
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
router.beforeResolve((to, from, next) => {
router.afterEach((to, from) => {});
export default router;


If your set options like this

new VueRouterInvokeWebpackPlugin({
  dir: 'src/views',
  alias: '@/views',
  language: 'javascript',
  scrollBehavior: (to, from, savedPosition) => {
    if (savedPosition) {
      return savedPosition;
    } else {
      return { x: 0, y: 0 };

automatical generated route will be this

// omit others...
const router = new Router({
  mode: 'history',
  scrollBehavior: (to, from, savedPosition) => {
    if (savedPosition) {
      return savedPosition;
    } else {
      return { x: 0, y: 0 };


The detailed usage you can git clone our project and run npm run build:demos or you can just watch our demos directly.The demos dont't have substantial content,the more we focus is on the generation of directory,you can get how router.js generated in the demos.



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