TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.13 • Public • Published


zicode cli

oclif Version Downloads/week License


$ npm install -g zicode
$ zicode COMMAND
running command...
$ zicode (-v|--version|version)
zicode/0.0.13 darwin-x64 node-v10.16.3
$ zicode --help [COMMAND]
  $ zicode COMMAND


zicode app

Sub-Command to control the ZiCode App

  $ zicode app

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode app:restart

Restart the zicode stack

  $ zicode app:restart

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode app:start

Deploy zicode to a docker swarm

  $ zicode app:start

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv      use .env file from a path
  -h, --help               print this help
  -i, --identity=identity  identity file to use while convoluting
  -q, --[no-]quiet         do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent             shut up
  -v, --verbose            show debug info
  --compose=compose        use an extra compose file
  --convolute              convolute the web service after starting it
  --[no-]deploy            the actual deployment
  --[no-]newline           separate output with new line instead of space
  --repo=repo              repository prefix for images in compose.yml
  --target=target          convolution targer (default: docker@docker.zisoftonline.com)
  --[no-]update            update the stack if it is already running
  --url=url                use a custom health check address (default: ui.zisoftonline.com/app)
  --[no-]wait              wait for the app to come up

zicode app:status

Show status of web service on docker swarm

  $ zicode app:status

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode app:stop

Undeploy zicode from a docker swarm

  $ zicode app:stop

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  -w, --wait           do not wait for stack to shutdown
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode base

Sub-Command to control base images

  $ zicode base

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode base:build

Build a base image

  $ zicode base:build

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]cache         use cahce for docker builds
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --push               push after building
  --recursive          build parent images first

zicode base:pull FRAMEWORK

Pull a base

  $ zicode base:pull FRAMEWORK

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -f, --force          delete and reclone if it already exists
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode base:push

Push a base image

  $ zicode base:push

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode connect

Sub-Command to control SSH connection to docker swarm

  $ zicode connect

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode connect:start [TARGET]

Start SSH Tunnel from localhost:2374 to docker engine (defaults to docker@docker.zisoftonline.com) and give me a shell

  $ zicode connect:start [TARGET]

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv      use .env file from a path
  -h, --help               print this help
  -i, --identity=identity  ssh private key file
  -q, --[no-]quiet         do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent             shut up
  -v, --verbose            show debug info
  --[no-]close             close the tunnel when bash exists
  --interactive            give me a bash
  --[no-]newline           separate output with new line instead of space
  --[no-]strict            strict host key checking

  --[no-]tunnel            open an ssh tunnel from localhost:2374 to docker engine (defaults to ' +
                           docker@docker.zisoftonline.com if no target is specified)

zicode connect:status

Show status of SSH connection

  $ zicode connect:status

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode connect:stop

Stop SSH Tunnel from localhost:2374

  $ zicode connect:stop

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --[no-]posix         use POSIX style for ps

zicode cron

Sub-Command to control the cron module

  $ zicode cron

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode cron:build [FILE]

build the cron module

  $ zicode cron:build [FILE]

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]cache         use docker cache
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --path=path          override the default path module/cron

zicode cron:start

start the cron module

  $ zicode cron:start

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --registry           use the zicode registry

zicode cron:status

status of the cron service

  $ zicode cron:status

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode cron:stop

stop the cron service

  $ zicode cron:stop

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode db

Sub-Command to control zicode database

  $ zicode db

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode db:create

Create the zicode db

  $ zicode db:create

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --docker             the database is running inside the zicode swarm stack
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode db:exec COMMAND

docker exec into db container

  $ zicode db:exec COMMAND

  COMMAND  the command to execute inside the container

  -d, --daemon         exec command with -d option (run as daemon)
  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -i, --interactive
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -t, --tty
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode db:logs

Display DB docker service logs

  $ zicode db:logs

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -f, --follow
  -h, --help           print this help
  -n, --num=num        number of log lines to show
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode db:sql

sql into db container

  $ zicode db:sql

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode db:start

Start the db module

  $ zicode db:start

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --port=port          [default: 3306] use a specific publish port
  --publish            publish the db port
  --registry           use the zicode registry

  The Database will use the following environment variables

zicode db:status

Show status of zicode database

  $ zicode db:status

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode db:stop

stop the db service

  $ zicode db:stop

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode docker

Sub-Command to control docker

  $ zicode docker

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode docker:exec

Execute a command on the DIND container (only works from inside the swarm)

  $ zicode docker:exec

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode docker:leader ADDRESS

Find the first swarm leader (only works from outside the swarm)

  $ zicode docker:leader ADDRESS

  ADDRESS  (ip|name) [default: name] type of address to print

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode docker:logout

logout to docker registry (only works from inside the swarm)

  $ zicode docker:logout

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode docker:restart

Restart the DIND container (only works from outside the swarm)

  $ zicode docker:restart

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode docker:start

Start the DIND container (only works from outside the swarm)

  $ zicode docker:start

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode docker:stop

Stop the DIND container (only works from outside the swarm)

  $ zicode docker:stop

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode env

Show environment variables and application constants

  $ zicode env

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode framework

Sub-Command to control frameworks

  $ zicode framework

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode framework:build

Build a base image

  $ zicode framework:build

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]cache         use cahce for docker builds
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --push               push after building

zicode framework:install

Install a framework from inside the web container to the connected DB

  $ zicode framework:install

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode help [COMMAND]

display help for zicode

  $ zicode help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

zicode language

Sub-Command to control Languages

  $ zicode language

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode language:delete

Install a framework from inside the web container to the connected DB

  $ zicode language:delete

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode language:install

Install a framework from inside the web container to the connected DB

  $ zicode language:install

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson

Sub-Command to control lessons

  $ zicode lesson

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:build

Build a lesson

  $ zicode lesson:build

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]cache         use cahce for docker builds
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --[no-]panic         panic with the first build error
  --push               push after building
  --recursive          build parent images first

zicode lesson:clean

Clean a lesson directory

  $ zicode lesson:clean

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:cloud9 INSTANCE USER PASSWORD

Start the cloud9 server in a lesson

  $ zicode lesson:cloud9 INSTANCE USER PASSWORD

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:compose

Build a lesson

  $ zicode lesson:compose

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]cache         use cahce for docker builds
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:container INSTANCE SERVICE

Get container id of a lesson

  $ zicode lesson:container INSTANCE SERVICE

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:delete INSTANCE

delete a lesson instance

  $ zicode lesson:delete INSTANCE

  -d, --del            delete the instance directory
  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:exec INSTANCE SERVICE [COMMAND]

Docker exec into a lesson container

  $ zicode lesson:exec INSTANCE SERVICE [COMMAND]

  COMMAND   command to execute (defaults to sh)

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -i, --interactive
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -t, --tty
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:install

Install a lesson from inside the web container to the connected DB

  $ zicode lesson:install

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:list

delete a lesson instance

  $ zicode lesson:list

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space


Pull a lesson

  $ zicode lesson:pull FRAMEWORK LESSON INSTANCE

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -f, --force          delete and reclone if it already exists
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:push

Push a lesson

  $ zicode lesson:push

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:start INSTANCE PORT

Start a lesson

  $ zicode lesson:start INSTANCE PORT

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:status INSTANCE

Check status of a lesson

  $ zicode lesson:status INSTANCE

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:stop INSTANCE

Stop a lesson

  $ zicode lesson:stop INSTANCE

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode lesson:sync INSTANCE SERVICE PORT

Sync with a newly created lesson

  $ zicode lesson:sync INSTANCE SERVICE PORT

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode metrics

Sub-Command to control the metrics module

  $ zicode metrics

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode monitor

Sub-Command to control the swarm visualize service

  $ zicode monitor

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode monitor:start

Install the swarm visualization stack

  $ zicode monitor:start

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --registry           use the zicode registry

zicode monitor:status

status of the monitor service

  $ zicode monitor:status

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode monitor:stop [FILE]

describe the command here

  $ zicode monitor:stop [FILE]

  -f, --force
  -h, --help       show CLI help
  -n, --name=name  name to print

zicode network

Sub-Command to control the ZiCode swarm network

  $ zicode network

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode network:start

Install the ZiCode swarm network

  $ zicode network:start

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode network:stop

Delete the ZiCode swarm network

  $ zicode network:stop

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode proxy

Sub-Command to control the proxy module

  $ zicode proxy

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode proxy:bash

bash into proxy container

  $ zicode proxy:bash

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode proxy:build [FILE]

build the web module

  $ zicode proxy:build [FILE]

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]cache         use docker cache
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --path=path          override the default path module/proxy

zicode proxy:exec COMMAND

docker exec into proxy container

  $ zicode proxy:exec COMMAND

  COMMAND  the command to execute inside the proxy container

  -d, --daemon         exec command with -d option (run as daemon)
  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -i, --interactive
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -t, --tty
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode proxy:restart

Restart the zicode stack

  $ zicode proxy:restart

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode proxy:start

start the proxy module

  $ zicode proxy:start

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv      use .env file from a path
  -h, --help               print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet         do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent             shut up
  -v, --verbose            show debug info
  --[no-]https             publish an https port
  --https-port=https-port  [default: 443] use a custom https port (Default 80)
  --[no-]newline           separate output with new line instead of space
  --port=port              [default: 80] use a custom http port (Default 80)
  --registry               use the zicode registry

zicode proxy:status

stop the proxy service

  $ zicode proxy:status

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode proxy:stop

stop the proxy service

  $ zicode proxy:stop

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode registry

Sub-Command to control the swarm registry service

  $ zicode registry

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode registry:label

mark the current docker node with label registry=true

  $ zicode registry:label

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --delete             delete the label instead of adding it
  --force              delete the storage volume if it already exists
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --prune              remove the storage volume

zicode registry:login

login to docker registry (only works from inside the swarm)

  $ zicode registry:login

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode registry:logs

Display docker service logs

  $ zicode registry:logs

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --num=num            [default: 10] number of log lines to show

zicode registry:start

Install the swarm registry

  $ zicode registry:start

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode registry:status

status of the registry service

  $ zicode registry:status

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode registry:stop

Delete the swarm registry

  $ zicode registry:stop

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode secret

Sub-Command to control secrets

  $ zicode secret

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode secret:create NAME

create application-specific docker secret

  $ zicode secret:create NAME

  NAME  (base.domain|db.password|db.root.password|git.key|swarm.key|ssl.crt|ssl.ca|ssl.key|web.env|ssl.bundle) name of
        the secret to add

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv    use .env file from a path
  -h, --help             print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet       do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent           shut up
  -v, --verbose          show debug info
  --all-env              use all environment variable as value
  --force                remove the secret[s] if it already exists
  --from-env=from-env    use an environment variable as value
  --from-file=from-file  use a file as value
  --line=line            value of the secret from commandline
  --[no-]newline         separate output with new line instead of space

zicode secret:list

list all application-specific docker secrets

  $ zicode secret:list

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode user

Sub-Command to control users

  $ zicode user

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode user:activate [FILE]

describe the command here

  $ zicode user:activate [FILE]

  -f, --force
  -h, --help       show CLI help
  -n, --name=name  name to print

zicode user:add EMAIL

create a zicode user

  $ zicode user:add EMAIL

  -a, --admin
  -e, --dotenv=dotenv      use .env file from a path
  -h, --help               print this help
  -p, --password=password
  -q, --[no-]quiet         do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent             shut up
  -v, --verbose            show debug info
  --[no-]newline           separate output with new line instead of space

zicode user:delete EMAIL

delete a zicode user

  $ zicode user:delete EMAIL

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode user:list

list users

  $ zicode user:list

  -h, --help  show CLI help

zicode user:paswd EMAIL PASSWORD

create a zicode user

  $ zicode user:paswd EMAIL PASSWORD

  -h, --help  show CLI help

zicode user:reset [FILE]

describe the command here

  $ zicode user:reset [FILE]

  -f, --force
  -h, --help       show CLI help
  -n, --name=name  name to print

zicode user:suspend [FILE]

describe the command here

  $ zicode user:suspend [FILE]

  -f, --force
  -h, --help       show CLI help
  -n, --name=name  name to print

zicode web

Sub-Command to control the web module

  $ zicode web

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode web:bash

bash into web container

  $ zicode web:bash

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode web:build [FILE]

build the web module

  $ zicode web:build [FILE]

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv    use .env file from a path
  -h, --help             print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet       do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent           shut up
  -v, --verbose          show debug info
  --[no-]cache           use docker cache
  --[no-]cache-composer  use composer cache
  --[no-]newline         separate output with new line instead of space
  --path=path            override the default path module/web

zicode web:convolute [TARGET]

Start the SSH connection inside the web container

  $ zicode web:convolute [TARGET]

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -i, --i=i
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode web:exec COMMAND

docker exec into web container

  $ zicode web:exec COMMAND

  COMMAND  the command to execute inside the web container

  -d, --daemon         exec command with -d option (run as daemon)
  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -i, --interactive
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -t, --tty
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode web:logs

Display docker service logs

  $ zicode web:logs

  -a, --app            show app log files instead of stdout logs
  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -f, --follow
  -h, --help           print this help
  -n, --num=num        number of log lines to show
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode web:migrate

migrate the connected db

  $ zicode web:migrate

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode web:push

Push the web docker images

  $ zicode web:push

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -t, --tagged
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode web:start

Start the web module

  $ zicode web:start

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]convolute     convolute after startup
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --registry           use the zicode registry

  The web module will read configurations from the following secrets
  Use `zicode secret` to create and list secrets

zicode web:status

Show status of web service on docker swarm

  $ zicode web:status

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode web:stop

stop the web service

  $ zicode web:stop

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode web:tag

tag web image with the private repo

  $ zicode web:tag

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode web:tinker

tinker into web container

  $ zicode web:tinker

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --[no-]tty           use -t with docker exec

zicode workbench

Sub-Command to control the workbench module

  $ zicode workbench

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode workbench:bash

bash into workbench container

  $ zicode workbench:bash

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode workbench:build [FILE]

build the workbench module

  $ zicode workbench:build [FILE]

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]cache         use docker cache
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --path=path          override the default path module/workbench

zicode workbench:docker

DELETE ME! Execute a docker command in workbench connected to docker

  $ zicode workbench:docker

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode workbench:exec

docker exec into workbench container

  $ zicode workbench:exec

  -d, --daemon         exec command with -d option (run as daemon)
  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -i, --interactive
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -t, --tty
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode workbench:start

start the workbench module

  $ zicode workbench:start

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --manager            deploy on a swarm manager
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space
  --registry           use the zicode registry

zicode workbench:status

stop the workbench service

  $ zicode workbench:status

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

zicode workbench:stop

stop the workbench service

  $ zicode workbench:stop

  -e, --dotenv=dotenv  use .env file from a path
  -h, --help           print this help
  -q, --[no-]quiet     do not panic if you do not file an env file
  -s, --silent         shut up
  -v, --verbose        show debug info
  --[no-]newline       separate output with new line instead of space

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