
0.0.15 • Public • Published


Beta software: expect bugs and breaking changes...

Package released on npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/zenmd


The simplest way to transform a directory of .md files into a static site.


Get Started

Just one command to build and another to deploy:

  1. Generate site
npx zenmd <inputFolder> --output <outputFolder or default: ./dist>
# Or if you prefer to install to a global command:
npm install zenmd -g
zenmd ...
  1. Drag and drop the generated folder into Netlify
  2. Or netlify deploy

Use Cases

  • Bring your own editor and host. Obsidian, Bear, Typora, VS Code... Netlify, Vercel, Cloudflare...
  • Publish your Obsidian digital garden.
  • Back to the future: edit .html layouts without compiling.
  • Bring your own framework, and let ZenMD render your .md files.


  • Simplicity at its Core: Just a npx command away to transform your markdown files into a minimalistic static site.


  • Transform .md to html
    • GFM markdown, with all the features supported by remark-gfm.
      • That includes table, footnotes, even raw html tags, e.g.: iframe for embeds.
    • Support images in markdown files.
    • Wiki links: [[Another Page]] => [Another Page](/another-page).
    • Auto header anchor links, so you can navigate to any H2-h5 headers directly.
    • Support raw html in markdown
  • Custom html Layout support (any layout.html files at the same level or above will be used, if none found, default layout will be used.)
  • Filter docs with matching tags --tags=publish:true which will only build files with publish flag or --tags=draft:false which will not build files with draft flag.
  • Automatically infer title from first H1
  • Generates sitemap.xml at the output directory.
    • Requires baseUrl option or BASE_URL env var, since sitemap.xml requires full URL.
    • If missing base url, no sitemap will be generated.
  • Automatically generates robots.txt


Here is a list of known gaps:

  • This may only support a subset of your favorite markdown syntax. For example, if you work with Obsidian, your image reference will work with ![](image.jpeg), with ZenMD it needs to be more specific ![](./assets/image.jpeg)
  • The generated site doesn't have a RSS feed.

Feel free to create an issue or submit a PR on Github if you notice more deal breakers...

How is this different from...?

  • Hugo/jekyll and traditional SSG: no need to download a framework or generate a framework specific repo, your content (and npx) is all you need.
  • Blog starter kits: less customization, simpler setup, no git repo with a dozen configs mixed with your content. No React components.
  • Notion/Obsidian Publish: these are simpler solutions (no git/CLI) from bigger org and more integrated to your workflow if you use these tools heavily. ZenMD is a balance between independence and simplicity.


Who made this?

Made by randomor, who also made ZenJournal

Development Notes

  • Publish: npm publish --access public


ZenMD is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.

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npm i zenmd

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  • randomor