
0.2.1 • Public • Published

Zen Area — textarea with inner power

This is a work in progress. Stay tuned for 1.x.x releases!

This tiny (~15Kb minified) framework-agnostic library provides an extensible set of commands along with some fluent API.

Use them to train your textarea into powerful text processing warrior.

Add a few lines of code:

new ZenArea(document.querySelector('textarea'))
  .bind('Tab', 'indent')
  .bind('Shift + Tab', 'outdent');

Congrats, you've just trained your textarea to indent selected lines with Tab and remove indentation with Shift+Tab.

You can also bind commands to UI (buttons, menus, etc.) and easily create your own commands.

Download latest build

Key Features

  • Vanilla JavaScript, no dependencies
  • Supports modern browsers and IE9
  • Designed with/for Browserify
  • Compatible with RequireJS/AMD
  • No custom/shadow elements — only textarea and you
  • Undo/redo friendly (well, mostly, see below)



We highly recommend building front-end with npm and Browserify. Installation is trivial:

npm i zenarea
var ZenArea = require('zenarea');


Grab latest build into your project and require it (ZenArea class is exposed).

Script tag

Grab latest build and include it to your page:

<script src="/js/zenarea.js"></script>

The ZenArea class is now bound to window.


This library exposes ZenArea constructor which accepts a single textarea Element:

var z = new ZenArea(document.querySelector('textarea'));

This instance holds all API methods described below.

Binding commands to keyboard

Commands are simply API methods defined on ZenArea.prototype.

You can bind any command to your keyboard like this:

z.bind('Ctrl + B', 'surround', ['*', '*', true]);

Pressing Ctrl+B is now equivalent to

z.surround('*', '*', true)

See? It's also pretty easy to add your own command.

By default ZenArea does not bind any command, it's up to you to teach your textarea your favorite kung fu style.

Init / destroy

ZenArea attaches certain events listeners to textarea (e.g. keydown). Use z.destroy() to remove them — this is especially useful in Single Page Applications to prevent memory leaks.

Once ZenArea has been destroyed it is possible to return it back to its former glory with z.init().

Custom commands

Commands are simply methods defined on ZenArea.prototype. You can add new command to all ZenArea instances like this:

ZenArea.prototype.sayHello = function(name) {
  return this.insetText('Hello, ' + name);

Here's how you bind this command to Ctrl+H:

z.bind('Ctrl + H', 'sayHello', ['World']);



  • selection property returns current user selection like this:

      start: 10,
      end: 15,
      length: 5,
      value: 'World'
  • select(start[, end]) sets user selection range to specified indices (e.g. z.select(0, z.value.length) selects everything in textarea)

  • selectAll() — select everything

  • selectLines(start[, end]) — select lines between specified indices

  • selectCurrentLines() — expand selection in both directions up to line boundaries

  • selectLeft(predicateFn) — expand selection to the left until predicateFn(sel) returns true

  • selectRight(predicateFn)

  • expandSelection() — expand selection: from caret to word, from word to line, from line to everything


  • insertText(text[, preserveSelection]) — replace selected text with specified one; passing true as second argument will also select this text

  • indent([indentation]) — prepends each current line with specified indentation chars (two spaces by default), preserving original selection; if nothing is selected, just inserts indentation chars at caret position

  • outdent([indentation]) — removes specified indentation chars from current lines, preserving original selection

  • surround(prefix, suffix[, toggle]) — surrounds selected text with prefix and suffix; when the third argument is truthy it will detect already surrounded text and de-surround it (e.g. strip prefix and suffix instead)

Search & Replace

  • search(regex[, startIndex]) — selects first match of regex starting at specified startIndex
  • searchNext(regex) - like search, but starts at the end of current selection
  • replace(regex, replacement[, startIndex]) — replaces first match of regex
  • replaceNext(regex, replacement) — like replace, but starts at the end of current selection
  • replaceAll(regex, replacement) — replaces all matches of regex with replacement (the g flag on regex is mandatory, otherwise just replaces first occurrence)


Getters return selection objects without modifying actual user selection in textarea:

z.get(0, 5)
// { start: 0, end: 5, length: 5, value: 'Hello' }
// current user selection not modified

Selection API delegates to getters to evaluate start/end indices of selection. Therefore getters are essentially non-mutating helpers for their selection counterparts.

  • get(start, end) returns a selection object for a substring between specified indices
  • getLines(start, end)
  • getCurrentLines()
  • getExpandedLeft(predicate)
  • getExpandedRight(predicate)
  • getExpanded()

Known issues

  • Undo/redo is known to be broken in IE after manipulation commands.

    This is due to the fact that initTextEvent does not remove text when an empty string is passed as an data, causing some commands like deleteText, deleteCurrentLines, etc. to fail silently.


ISC / Boris Okunskiy


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