Redux wrapper for yourchoice.
With npm
npm install yourchoice-redux --save
Since yourchoice-redux is a frontend module, you will need a module bundler like webpack or browserify.
Caution: Yourchoice Redux uses Symbol.iterator
which is not yet supported by all environments. You can polyfill it with core-js
if !windowSymbol
YourChoice Redux provides a reducer with a standard signature (state, action) => nextState
// connect to storeconst store =
Bind to selection
returns an object that contains the yourchoice
actions and selectors bound to a specific selection.
// bind yourchoice to specific selection name// if the selectionName is omitted it defaults to 'selection'const mySelection = ;/*returns { actions: { setItems, rangeTo, remove, ... }, selectors: { getSelection, getChangedSelection, ... }}*/
Selectors need to be given the substate the reducer acts on.
Simple use case
const selection = // connect to storeconst store = // connect to ReactComponentconst mapStateToProps = { return myList: selectionselectors mySelection: selectionselectors } // dipatch actionsstorestore
Bind more than one selection
// add global reducer to store at mountpoint yourchoice (see above) // get action creators and selectors bound to selection name 'users'const userSelection = ;;store;...// get selectorconst getSelectedUsers = userSelectionselectors // get action creators and selectors bound to selection name 'teams'const teamSelection = ;...
reducer(state, action)
- action creator:
- action creator:
- action creator:
- action creator:
- action creator:
- action creator:
- action creator:
- selector:
- selector:
- selector:
- selector:
common types used in API specification
type State = any;type Item = any;type Action = any;
```javascript reducer(state: State, action: Action): State ``` Standard signature reducer, which can be added anywhere in your reducer hierarchy.bindToSelection
```javascript bindToSelection(selectionName: string = 'selection'): BoundAPItype BoundAPI = { actions: ActionCreators; selectors: Selectors; };
type ActionCreators = { rangeTo: (item: Item) => Action; remove: (items: Item[]) => Action; removeAll: () => Action; replace: (item: Item) => Action; setItems: (items: Item[]) => Action; setSelection: (items: Item[]) => Action; toggle: (item: Item) => Action; };
type Selectors = { getChangedSelection: (state: State) => Item[]; getChangedDeselection: (state: State) => Item[]; getItems: (state: State) => Item[]; getSelection: (state: State) => Item[]; };
`bindToSelection` returns an object containing all the following action creators and selectors, bound to the given selection name.
<h3 id="_action_rangeTo">action creator: rangeTo</h3>
rangeTo(item: Item): Action
Selects a range of items usally starting from the previously toggled or replaced item and ending at the given item
. This is equivalent to a shift+click by the user in a file manager.
action creator: remove
```javascript remove(items: Item[]): Action ``` Removes the given `items` from the current selection.action creator: removeAll
```javascript removeAll(): Action ``` Removes all items from the current selection.action creator: replace
```javascript replace(item: Item): Action ``` Replaces the current selection with the given `item`. Also defines this item as the starting point for a subsequent [`rangeTo()`](#actionsrangeto--action) selection. This is equivalent to a simple click by the user in a file manager.action creator: setItems
```javascript setItems(selectableItems: Item[]): Action; ``` Changes the current set of items that can be selected/deselected.The selectableItems
can be any javascript iterable.
This enables yourchoice to operate on any data structure. Native data types such as Array
or Map
implement the iterable protocol.
This action is usually dispatched initially before any selection is performed. This action should be called in order to update the state when selectable items have been added or removed. For example, if some of the currently selected items are not present in the given selectableItems
anymore, then these items will be automatically removed from the current selection.
Consider using a store middleware or saga to do this.
action creator: setSelection
```javascript setSelection(selectedItems: Item[]): Action ``` Replaces the current selection with the given `items`.action creator: toggle
```javascript toggle(item: Item): Action ``` Adds or removes the given `item` to/from the selection. Other currently selected items are not affected. Also defines this item as the starting point for a subsequent [`rangeTo()`](#actionsrangeto--action) selection if it is added to the selection. This is equivalent to an alt+click (cmd+click) by the user in a file manager.selector: getItems
```javascript getItems(state: State): Item[] ``` Returns an array containing all selectable items.selector: getSelection
```javascript getSelection(state: State): Item[]Returns an array containing the currently selected items.
<h3 id="_selector_getChangedSelection">selector: getChangedSelection</h3>
getChangedSelection(state: State): Item[]
Returns an array containing those items that have been added to the selection by the directly preceding operation. E.g. calling this after a call to rangeTo()
will return all the items that have been added to the selection by this operation.