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Package is renamed to Working dir is /Users/zinchuk. Gulp: Task `ym-clean` started. Gulp: Task `ym-rebuild` started. Gulp: Task `ym-clean` done within 0.04 sec. Gulp: Task `ym-rebuild` done within 0.08 sec. Gulp: Task `ym-build` started. Gulp: Task `ym-build` done within 0.00 sec. and moved to


0.1.1 • Public • Published

ym-builder 0.1

Builder for projects based on ym modules. Built on top of gulp task runner.


ym-builder works with Node.js ^0.10.

Getting Started

CLI usage:####

You can install ym-builder globally using Node Package Manager (npm):

npm install -g ym-builder

Then you can use ym-builder console command to build your project, create configuration files or setup auto-build task (watch) for any file changes. Builder will then try to find your build.json and gulpfile.js configuration files or use default ones.

ym-builder [build] [DIR=.] # Runs gulp task "ym-build" described by local or default gulpfile.js. 
ym-builder watch [DIR=.] # Setups gulp task "ym-watch" that will run "ym-build" on any change of source files specified in build.json. 
ym-builder configure [DIR=.] [build.json] [gulpfile.js] [-f] # Makes a copy of default build.json and/or gulpfile.js in specified directory. 
ym-builder help     # Displays this message. 

Explaining build.json:####

build.json contains build settings. You can copy the default one into your project dir with ym-builder configure . and then override it.

    // Globs for files to be processed. Related to project dir.
    "src": {
        "js": "src/**/*.js",
        "css": "src/**/*.css",
        "templates": "src/**/*.ymtpl"
    // Path that build results will be placed into. Related to project dir.
    "dest": "build/",
    // Name of main output JS file.
    "concatTo": "all.js",
    // Output files optimization.
    "minify": true,
    // If you want to make a plugin for existing project providing `ym` modular system (i.e. `Yandex Maps API`),
    // you should specify where to find it in the client code (JavaScript variable having `modules` property).
    "environment": "ymaps",
    // Alternative for previous:
    // If you want to run your project as standalone,
    // builder will inject `ym` modular system and helper modules source code into your main output file.
    // This option specifies the variable name of the object to be exported into the `global` scope,
    // that will contain `modules` property referencing the modular system.
    "standalone": false

Explaining gulpfile.js:####

If you want more flexibility you can also override default gulpfile.js by cloning it locally with ym-builder configure . gulpfile.js. Read more about gulpfiles on gulp project page.

Plugins usage:####

If you're already using gulp and have your own gulpfile.js you can require our plugins directly and use them in your tasks.

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    ymbPlugins = require('ym-builder').plugins;
gulp.task('templates', function () {
    gulp.src(/* .. */)
        .pipe(/* .. */);
        .pipe(/* .. */);

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