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2.0.0 • Public • Published

XState Helpers

A collection of helpers for XState (with React).


npm install xstate-helpers

API Reference


createReactContextHelpers creates a set of helpers that make it easy to share and access a machine through React context.

Creates a React.Context which provides the machine's interpreter and returns a Provider for the context and useInterpreter(), useSend(), useActor(), and useSelector() hooks which are initialized to the machine.

// ExampleProvider.tsx

import React from 'react';
import { useInterpret } from '@xstate/react';
import { createReactContextHelpers } from 'xstate-helpers/react/createReactContextHelpers';
import { useErrorHandler } from 'react-error-boundary';

import { useAuth } from 'auth';
import { exampleMachine } from './example.machine';

export const {
  Provider: ExampleProvider,
  ReactContext: ExampleContext,
  useInterpreter: useExampleInterpreter,
  useActor: useExampleActor,
  useSelector: useExampleSelector,
  useSend: useExampleSend,
} = createReactContextHelpers('Example', (props: { name: string }) => {
  const auth = useAuth();
  const handleError = useErrorHandler();
  const interpreter = useInterpret(exampleMachine, {
    context: { name: props.name },
    actions: {
      handleCriticalError: (_, e) => handleError(e.data),

  React.useEffect(() => {
    interpreter.send({ type: 'SET_USER', user: auth.user });
  }, [interpreter, auth.user]);

  return interpreter;

export default ExampleProvider;
// App.tsx
import React from 'react';

import ExampleProvider, {
} from './ExampleProvider';

const App: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <ExampleProvider name="Example">
      <Component />

const Component: React.FC = () => {
  // the raw interpreter
  const interpreter = useExampleInterpreter();
  // just the send method, for components that don't need to read state
  const send = useExampleSend();
  // a pre-bound `useActor()` hook for when you need the whole state and the send function
  const [state, send] = useExampleActor();
  // a better pre-bound selector, that preserves proper types when React.useCallback() is used!
  // Favor using this over `useExampleActor()` when possible, because selectors cause rerender
  // only when the selected value changes, while `useExampleActor()` rerenders on every machine change.
  const name = useExampleSelector(React.useCallback(state => state.context.name, []));
  // ...


An easy way to add the XState Inspector directly to your React app

import React from 'react';
import { XStateInspectLoader } from 'xstate-helpers/react/XStateInspectLoader';

const App = () => {
  return (
      <YourComponents />

Then you can enable/disable the inspector by using the browser's console:


You can also override the inspector options from the console. For example, on some pages you might want the Inspector to run in a separate window:

XStateInspector.overrideOptions({ iframe: false })

And then you can return to the default iframe behavior:


<XStateInspectLoader> props:

Prop Type Description
wrapperElement string | DivElement Optional. DOM Selector string or DIVElement to put the inspector into. If ommitted, inspector is placed as the first child of <body>
styles React.CSSProperties Optional. CSS styles for the inner wrapping DIV of the inspector iframe.
initialIsEnabled boolean Optional. Should the inspector initialize open the first time it's used. Afterwards, the console XStateInspector.enabled()/disabled() API takes precedence
forceEnabled boolean Optional. Force the inspector into enabled/disabled state, regardless of console XStateInspector setting.
options object Optional. Pass options into @xstate/inspect - { url: 'https://statecharts.io/inspect', iframe: false }



Depricated in favor of useStateCan()

Check if a state transition is available from the current machine state.

import { createMachine } from 'xstate';
import { useMachine } from '@xstate/react';
import { useIsXStateTransitionAvailable } from 'xstate-helpers/react/useIsXStateTransitionAvailable';

const [state, send, service] = useMachine(
    initial: 'one',
    states: {
      one: {
        on: {
          GO_TO_STATE_TWO: 'two',
            target: 'two',
            cond: (_, e) => e.parameter,
      two: {
        on: {
          GO_TO_STATE_ONE: 'one',

// true
useIsXStateTransitionAvailable(service, 'GO_TO_STATE_TWO');

// false
useIsXStateTransitionAvailable(service, 'GO_TO_STATE_ONE');

// TypeError, no such event exists
useIsXStateTransitionAvailable(service, 'I_DONT_EXIST');

// true
useIsXStateTransitionAvailable(service, {
  parameter: true,

// false
useIsXStateTransitionAvailable(service, {
  parameter: false,
Parameter Type Description
service An interpreted machine or a spawned machine Required.
event EventObject or EventType Required.


A hook that makes using state.can() easier!

To use state.can() in React component, you must take extra steps to avoid additional re-renders:

const eventToCheck = { type: 'SOME_EVENT' };
const result = useSelector(
  React.useCallback(state => state.can(eventToCheck), [JSON.stringify(eventToCheck)]),

This hook makes it easier:

const [state, send, service] = useMachine(
    initial: 'one',
    states: {
      one: {
        on: {
          GO_TO_STATE_TWO: 'two',
            target: 'two',
            cond: (_, e) => e.parameter,
      two: {
        on: {
          GO_TO_STATE_ONE: 'one',

// true
useStateCan(service, 'GO_TO_STATE_TWO');

// false
useStateCan(service, 'GO_TO_STATE_ONE');

// TypeError, no such event exists
useStateCan(service, 'I_DONT_EXIST');

// true
useStateCan(service, {
  parameter: true,

// false
useStateCan(service, {
  parameter: false,
Parameter Type Description
service An interpreted machine or a spawned machine Required.
event EventObject or EventType Required.


Force an event to be handled as if it was of a particular type. Will throw a runtime exception if the given event does not match the expected event.

import { createMachine } from 'xstate';
import { invariantEvent } from 'xstate-helpers/events';

const machine = createMachine<Context, Event>(
    on: {
      SHOW_DATE: { actions: 'showDate' },
      UPDATE_DATE: { actions: 'updateDate' },
    actions: {
      showDate: (ctx, e) => {
        // TypeError and a runtime error
        invariantEvent(e, 'NON_EXISTANT');
      updateDate: assign({
        date: (_, e) => {
          // Runtime error, because this action is called with the `UPDATE_DATE` event, not the `SHOW_DATE` event
          invariantEvent(e, 'SHOW_DATE');
Parameter Type Description
event EventObject Required.
eventType(s) EventObject | EventType | EventObject[] | EventType[] Required.


Check if an event matches the expected event type.

import { createMachine } from 'xstate';
import { isEvent } from 'xstate-helpers/events';

const machine = createMachine<Context, Event>(
    on: {
      SHOW_DATE: { actions: 'showDate' },
      UPDATE_DATE: { actions: 'updateDate' },
    actions: {
      showDate: (ctx, e) => {
        if (!isEvent(e, 'SHOW_DATE') return;
      updateDate: assign({
        date: (_, e) => {
          if (!isEvent(e, 'UPDATE_DATE')) return;
          return e.date; // has type "Date"
Parameter Type Description
event EventObject Required.
eventType(s) EventObject | EventType | EventObject[] | EventType[] Required.


Force an event to be handled as if it was of a particular type. This function does not enforce the type at runtime. It's used just to appease TypeScript.

Warning! This just blindly asserts a type, without any runtime validation. It's recommended to use isEvent() or invariantEvent() instead.

import { createMachine } from 'xstate';
import { assertEvent } from 'xstate-helpers/events';

const machine = createMachine<Context, Event>(
    on: {
      SHOW_DATE: { actions: 'showDate' },
      UPDATE_DATE: { actions: 'updateDate' },
    actions: {
      showDate: (ctx, e) => {
        assertEvent(e, 'SHOW_DATE');
      updateDate: assign({
        date: (_, e) => {
          assertEvent(e, 'UPDATE_DATE');
          return e.date; // has type "Date"
Parameter Type Description
event EventObject Required.
eventType(s) EventObject | EventType | EventObject[] | EventType[] Required.




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    • van.tanev