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5.3.0 • Public • Published

JS DigitalBits Base

The xdb-digitalbits-base library is the lowest-level digitalbits helper library. It consists of classes to read, write, hash, and sign the xdr structures that are used in digitalbits-core. This is an implementation in JavaScript that can be used on either Node.js or web browsers.

Warning! Node version of this package is using sodium-native package, a native implementation of Ed25519 in Node.js, as an optional dependency. This means that if for any reason installation of this package fails, xdb-digitalbits-base will fallback to the much slower implementation contained in tweetnacl.

If you are using xdb-digitalbits-base in a browser you can ignore this. However, for production backend deployments you should definitely be using sodium-native. If sodium-native is successfully installed and working DigitalBitsBase.FastSigning variable will be equal true. Otherwise it will be false.

Quick start

  1. Install Bundler
  2. Use node version >= 12.

Clone repository, install dependencie, compile libs and link directory

git clone https://github.com/xdbfoundation/xdb-digitalbits-base
cd xdb-digitalbits-base
bundle install
yarn gulp
yarn link

Use yarn to include xdb-digitalbits-base in your own project. Execute in root directory of your project

yarn link xdb-digitalbits-base

Then require/import it in your JavaScript:

var DigitalBitsBase = require('xdb-digitalbits-base');


For information on how to use xdb-digitalbits-base, take a look at the docs in the docs folder.


To run all tests:

yarn gulp test

To run a specific set of tests:

yarn gulp test:node
yarn gulp test:browser

You can also run yarn test for a simpler subset of the test cases.


Documentation for this repo lives inside the docs folder.


xdb-digitalbits-base is licensed under an Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.


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    • xdbfoundation