TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

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wrangler is a command line tool for building Cloudflare Workers.


Wrangler v2 is only receiving critical security updates. We recommend you migrate to Wrangler v3 if you can.

Quick Start

# Make a javascript file
echo "export default { fetch() { return new Response('hello world') } }" > index.js
# try it out
npx wrangler dev index.js
# and then deploy it
npx wrangler deploy index.js --name my-worker
# visit https://my-worker.<your workers subdomain>.workers.dev

Create a Project

# Generate a new project
npx wrangler init my-worker --no-delegate-c3
# try it out
cd my-worker && npm run start
# and then deploy it
npm run deploy


$ npm install wrangler --save-dev


Wrangler is configured via a wrangler.toml file in the project root. When utilizing the wrangler init command, a wrangler.toml file will be created for you.


name = "my-worker"
main = "./src/index.ts" # init w/ TypeScript
compatibility_date = "YYYY-MM-DD"

For more detailed information about configuration, refer to the documentation.


wrangler init [name]

Creates a Worker project. For details on configuration keys and values, refer to the documentation.

wrangler dev

Start a local development server, with live reloading and devtools.

wrangler deploy

Publish the given script to the worldwide Cloudflare network.

For more commands and options, refer to the documentation.


wrangler pages dev [directory] [-- command]

Either serves a static build asset directory, or proxies itself in front of a command.

Builds and runs functions from a ./functions directory or uses a _worker.js file inside the static build asset directory.

For more commands and options, refer to the documentation or run wrangler pages dev --help.


For the latest Wrangler documentation, click here.

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npm i wrangler

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  • wrangler-publisher