
0.3.2 • Public • Published

PoliteJS / WorkspaceCLI

This is the support repository for PoliteJS Workspace project.
Please visit the main project page.

Available Commands:

wks init            // setup npm dependencies
wks init --karma    // above including karma
wks init -f [new-feature-name]
wks init -m [new-module-name]
wks develop         // start a coding session
wks develop --ci    // above with continuous integration
wks release         // create a release build
wks ci              // run a continuous integration session

Install Workspace CLI:

In order to use the utility command wks you need to install it in your system:

sudo npm install -g workspace-cli

(sudo should be avoided on Windows machines)

The only dependency is NodeJS which need to be installed on your computer.

To check if everything is at the right place you should just run wks on your terminal, it show some basic help messages.

Initialize a Workspace Project

mkdir ~/my-project
cd ~/my-project
wks init

wks init initialize an empty folder as a new Workspace project.

The app structure boilerplate is cloned from GitHub and all the NodeJS dependencies are solved thanks to npm.

This task could take some time, it depends on you Internet connection quality!

Start a Coding Session

wks develop

When I code you I to see only my IDE and the outcome on the browser!

This command sets up the debug server (which you can configure on your Gruntfile.js) and the live building process into one single terminal process.

Every time you modify a file from src/* the project is build again and you can see it on your browser.

If you use LiveReload extension for Chrome you don't even need to reload the page!

To exit the coding session just use Ctrl + c.

Create a Release Build

wks release

Create a New Feature

wks init -f feature-name

Create a New Module

wks init -m module-name

Enable Karma Test Runner

wks init --karma

Enable Continuous Integration

wks develop --ci


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  • marcopeg