
1.1.15 • Public • Published

This module has been marked as deprecated. Please use the module esp8266-firmware-update module instead.


This module allows the wemos D1 mini ask for an update to a server, which knows whether the device already has a firmaware or not.

The projects contains two pieces of code:

  • The wemos D1 mini library
  • The backend nodejs module

Wemos library

This library has to be included in the arduino IDE. Once you've installed on Arduino IDE the usage is pretty simple:

#include <WemosAutoupdate.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
const char* ssid     = "your-ssid";
const char* password = "your-password";
WemosAutoupdate updater = WemosAutoupdate(10"http://localhost:3000""fan-controller"true);
void setup() {
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) 
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second 
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW 
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second 

The arguments are as follows:

  • interval : The update check interval in seconds; how often de device will ask for a update.
  • url : The endpoint that will serve the firmware.
  • deviceId : The device id. This is used to get track of the updates over your devices. Even if you have a specific firmware for a specific device.
  • restartOnUpdate : The devices should restart after firmware update ?

The server side

You need to write a simple code to create a server that listen for firmware update requests.


$ npm install wemos-firmware-update-js --save


const updateServer = require("wemos-firmware-update-js");

Also, you can override the configuration options passing the flags:

node app.js --firmware=firmware.bin --firmware-location=/opt/firmware

Or even you can use the default firmware location (./firmware):

node app.js --firmware=firmware.bin

Or even you can use the default firmware name (firmware.bin):

node app.js --firmware-location=/opt/firmware

also, the module may keep in memory (as default option) the firmware definition and the flashing history, meaning that the data will lost on reboot. If you want to keep all the operation you have to specify the db location:

node app.js --db-location=/top/db/

And, if you need to flash a specific firmware to a specific device you can to name your firmware file with the Particle device id, asumming your device has the ID ABCDE1234ABCDE1234ABCDE1234:


so you can diferentiate which firmware goes to which device.


Start listening for events


If you are going to include the module on an existing express app, you can bind the module to the these app.

//Assuming you have defined an express app as follows
const express = require("express");
var app = express();
app.listen(3001, function () {
  console.log('Update Service listening on port ');


This module uses bunyan as a logger; if you want to provide custom logger configuration now you can (since version 1.1.14) pass it as a config parameter in a bunyan config fashion :

const updateServer = require("wemos-firmware-update-js");
  "logger": {
    name: "MyCustomLoggerConfig",
    src: false,
    streams: [
        stream: process.stdout

For more bunyan options go to bunyan documentation

Command line options

  • firmware : (Optional. Default firmware.bin). The name of your latest firmware to flash.
  • firmware-location : (Optional. Default ./firmware). The directory where the module will look for a firmware file.
  • db-location : (Optional). If you specify this path, your DB will be on memory, otherwise the database will be stored in that location.
  • no-ui : If passed, no web UI will be available.

JSON Config options

  • port : (Mandatory). The HTTP port that the module will listen for requests.
  • firmware : (Optional. Default firmware.bin). The name of your latest firmware to flash.
  • firmwareLocation : (Optional. Default ./firmware). The directory where the module will look for a firmware file.
  • dbLocation : (Optional). If you specify this path, your DB will be on memory, otherwise the database will be stored in that location.

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  • maleficarum