
0.2.0 • Public • Published

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Webpack Bundle Content Validator

Webpack plugin and CLI tool for Webpack bundle content validation.

  • ✔️ check if your Webpack bundle contains mandatory dependencies and doesn't contain disallowed ones
  • ⚠️ print warning in console or fail whole build process when validation is not successful
  • 🤖 use as Webpack plugin or CLI tool

This plugin/tool is compatible with Webpack 4. Compatibility with older versions of Webpack was not tested yet, but there might be some issues with that due to the fact that structure of Webpack Stats object was changed in Webpack 4.

Note: This is early version of this project. Feedback and suggestions are appreciated!


We're using internal package of vendor libraries in my project. We wanted to ensure that none of dependencies provided by vendor ends up in bundles representing our applications. Therefore, I wrote this tool to validate content of Webpack bundle against list of mandatory and disallowed dependencies, and open sourced it. We're using it as Webpack plugin during development and as CLI tool in CI/CD process.


You can download this project as a package from NPM:

npm install --save-dev webpack-bundle-content-validator

You can also download this project as a source code from GitHub and build it yourself (compiled project will be placed in lib directory):

npm run build

As Webpack plugin

In order to use it as Webpack plugin, import it in your Webpack configuration, and add it to plugins section of Webpack's configuration file.

const WebpackBundleContentValidatorPlugin = require('webpack-bundle-content-validator/lib/plugin');

module.exports = {
  // rest of your configuration
  plugins: [
    // rest of your plugins
    new WebpackBundleContentValidatorPlugin(/* options */),


Name Description Default value
mandatoryDependencies Array of names of dependencies without which validation will be unsuccessful. []
disallowedDependencies Array of names of dependencies with which validation will be unsuccessful. []
failOnInvalid If set to false, unsuccessful validation will print warning message in console, but bundle will be compiled. If set to true, unsuccessful validation will print error in console and exit process; bundle will not be compiled. false


const WebpackBundleContentValidatorPlugin = require('webpack-bundle-content-validator/lib/plugin');

module.exports = {
  // rest of your configuration
  plugins: [
    // rest of your plugins
    new WebpackBundleContentValidatorPlugin({
      mandatoryDependencies: ['preact'],
      disallowedDependencies: ['react', 'react-dom'],
      failOnInvalid: true,

As CLI tool

In order to use it as CLI tool, you need to produce Webpack Stats object first. This can be done with following command:

webpack --json > stats.json

Make sure that the file contains valid JSON! If yes, you can pass it to Webpack Bundle Content Validator.

node ./node_modules/webpack-bundle-content-validator/lib/cli.js -s ./stats.json


Name Description Default value
-s, --stats Path to JSON file with Webpack Stats object. stats.json
-m, --mandatory Array of names of dependencies without which validation will be unsuccessful. []
-d, --disallowed Array of names of dependencies with which validation will be unsuccessful. []
-f, --fail If set to false, unsuccessful validation will print warning message in console, but bundle will be compiled. If set to true, unsuccessful validation will print error in console and exit process; bundle will not be compiled. false


./node_modules/webpack-bundle-content-validator/lib/cli.js -s ./my-stats.json -m preact -d react,react-dom -f


  • install CLI tool globally and make it run with npx


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  • soofka