
0.10.0 • Public • Published

Web3 Wrap

Web3 Wrap is a client Javascript library inspired on the work of Jordi Baylina (runWeb3Wrap and ethconnector).

  • It allows to interact with Web3, regardless of the underlying version or the browser support
  • It provides a unified way to deploy, call and send transactions to Ethereum Smart Contracts
  • It also allows to perform simple transactions in a simple way
  • It abstracts the usage of the web3 component. Simply require the component and forget about the window.web3 version


NOTE: This version is only targeted for browsers and/or Webpack.


$ npm install web3-wrap

Once the package is ready, import it in your app:

const Web3Wrap = require("web3-wrap");



const { connect, useConnection } = Web3Wrap;

To simply connect to localhost:8545, you can use:

	.then(() => console.log("Success"))
	.catch(err => console.log("Error", err));

You can specify a custom URL like so:

	.then(() => console.log("Success"))
	.catch(err => console.log("Error", err));

Or you can reuse an already existing web3 instance:

	.then(() => console.log("Success"))
	.catch(err => console.log("Error", err));

At any time, you can check if a connection is already established:

const { isConnected } = Web3Wrap;

isConnected(); // returns true or false

And you can also subscribe to connection status changes. You will receive a status object with the properties { connected, network, accounts }.

const { onConnectionChanged } = Web3Wrap;

onConnectionChanged(status => {
	if(!status.connected) {
		console.log("Web3 support is not available");
	else if(status.accounts && status.accounts.length) {
		console.log(`Connected to ${status.network} => ${status.accounts.join()}`);
	else {
		console.log(`Your account on ${status.network} is currently locked or has no accounts`);

Working with contracts

When you have a Smart Contract already compiled, you can wrap it into a class/object using the function wrapContract. You need to provide its Application Binary Interface (ABI) and its Byte Code.

const { wrapContract } = Web3Wrap;

const abi = [...];
const byteCode = "0x12345...";

const HashStoreContract = wrapContract(abi, byteCode);

This function generates a customized Javascript class template, that you can use to deploy new instances or to attach to already deployed ones.

Deploying a contract

On the wrapped object, invoke the .deploy() method, along with the constructor parameters, and any options that you need.

const abi = [...];
const byteCode = "0x12345...";

const HashStoreContract = wrapContract(abi, byteCode);

HashStoreContract.deploy("parameter-1", "parameter-2", {value: 1234})
	.then(myContractInstance => {
		console.log("Deployed on", myContractInstance.$address);

		// ...
	.catch(err => console.log("Error", err));

Calling deploy(...) returns a promise that resolves with an instance of the newly deployed contract.

Attaching to an already deployed contract

On the wrapped object, invoke the .attach() method, along with the instance address.

const abi = [...];
const byteCode = "0x12345...";
const address = "0x1234567890...";

const HashStoreContract = wrapContract(abi, byteCode);

const myContractInstance = HashStoreContract.attach(address);

Calling attach(addr) returns an instance of the contract that can be used immediately.

Interacting with a contract instance

Sending a transaction to the contract

All the functions of the contract have been mapped into que contract's instance. To invoke a state-changing method, just call it along with any parameters you need (and options if need be).

const options = { value: 1234 };
myContractInstance.setHash("param-1", "param-2", options)
	.then(transaction => {
		console.log("Transaction", transaction);

		// ...
	.catch(err => console.log("Error", err));

Calling a read-only function

Simmilarly as before, constant functions are invoked right away with its parameters, but with only one difference.

Instead of returning a promise that resolves to a transaction receipt, the promise resolves with the value returned from the function.

	.then(value => {
		console.log("Resulting value", value);

		// ...
	.catch(err => console.log("Error", err));

Retrieving public variables

The same scenario applies to the public variables of a contract instance.

	.then(value => {
		console.log("totalAmount =", value);

		// ...
	.catch(err => console.log("Error", err));

Invoke the fallback function

Simply send a transaction to the contract's address

const params = {
	to: myContractInstance.$address,
	value: 10 // wei

	.then(receipt => {
		console.log("Receipt:", receipt);

		// ...
	.catch(err => console.log("Error", err));

Working with simple transactions

Transactions can simply be a matter or transfering funds to another account.

var accounts;
const { getAccounts, sendTransaction } = Web3Wrap;

	.then(acc => { accounts = acc; })
	.catch(err => console.log("Error", err));

To send ether to another account, we can simply:

const amount = Web3Wrap.getCurrentWeb3().utils.toWei("0.01", "ether");

const params = {
	// from: "0x123456...",  // by default will be accounts[0]
	to: accounts[1],
	value: amount,
	// data: "0x12345..."  // optional bytecode

	.then(result => console.log("Result", result))
	.catch(err => console.log("Error", err));


const { getBalance, getBlock, getNetwork } = Web3Wrap;

These two functions are simply a wrapper of their corresponding method in web3. They return a Promise resolving to the appropriate value.


Check out the file example/index.js for an example script.

$ cd example
$ ./compile.sh
$ serve


By Jordi Moraleda


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