
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Water Pipe

A small async piping utility for Node.js. It's a wrapper of water​fall inspired by *nix pipe. Its main advantages are:

  • Stop the callback hell keeping it plain
  • Handle errors elegantly
  • Modularize your code with a reusable interface

Getting started

Install it to your node project:

npm install water-fall --save

Include it and you are ready to use it:

var start = require('water-fall');
start(op1, '1').pipe(op2).pipe(op1, 'b').end(function(err, data){


The common interface for unix pipe | is the string, but in javascript functions and objects cannot be stringify easily so the common interface is a simple object {} with namespaces. You can of course define your own interface for the code, but I recommend following the convention:

  .pipe(operation2, [parameter1], [parameter2], [...])
  // ...

The function pipe() accepts two arguments:

  • operation: the current operation to perform
  • parameter: the parameter that will be passed. It can only be one, but it might be a string, array, object or anything else

Each operation looks like this:

function operation(callback, previous, parameter1, parameter2, ...){
  // ... logic
  callback(error, nextData);

Where the operation receives three arguments, callback, previous and parameter:

  • callback: the function that must be called to follow the flow.
    • error: An error if there was anything wrong or null if everything was okay
    • nextData: The data that will be passed to the next function as previous.
  • previous: the data that the previous pipe() sent through the callback in the callback(null, next). It depends on what you defined in the previous pipeline, but it's highly recommended that you have an object with namespaces.
  • parameter: it's the current piping parameter: pipe(checkSomething, 'parameter'). You can only add a parameter, but it can be an array, object, string or whatever

The finishing function looks like this:

function finish(err, data){
  console.log(err, data);

It all finished with end(), the functions are actually called and the error (if any) or the data are sent. This is needed so water-pipe knows when to get it all together. It has two arguments:

  • err: is any of the errors in any of the piped functions
  • data: is the resulting data from piping it all together


Because the Node flow for larger projects is quite messy. For instance, let's say that you have to retrieve all of the subjects that your current logged in user has, her reputation in the website and her new notifications. That's not pretty however you want to see it:

module.exports.index = function(req, res, next){
  if (!req.user) next(new Error("No user logged in"));
  subject.find({ user: req.user._id }, function(err, subjects){
    if (err) next(err);
    if (!subjects) next(new Error("No subjects"));
    reputation.find({ user: req.user._id }, function(err, reputation){
      if (err) next(err);
      // ... do some reputation magic
      notification.find({ user: req.user._id, read: false }, function(err, notifications){
        res.render('subject/index', {
          user: req.user,
          subjects: subjects,
          reputation: reputation,
          notifications: notifications

Even with async it has few other problems. Imagine that you want to add a couple more of operations. Or that what you retrieve can change rapidly, having to change the nesting order. Sure you can modularize it, but still each part of the code is doing whatever it wants, is nested and all mixed together.


So let's do the previous example with pipe() so you see how it works:

var start = require('water-pipe');
// Load all of the models (check the library auto-load, it's useful and I helped a bit)
var model = require('auto-load')('model');
module.exports.index = function(req, res, next){
  // Note: order does not matter if a function doesn't depend on the previous data
    .pipe(model.subject.byUser, req.user._id)
    .pipe(model.reputation.byUser, req.user._id)
    .pipe(model.notification.unreadByUser, req.user._id)
    .end(function (err, data){
      if (err) return next(err);
      res.render('subject/index', extend(data, { user: req.user });

Then in model/notification.js or somewhere convenient we have this:

// This is nice to have
var extend = require('extend');
module.exports.unreadByUser(callback, stack, id){
  db.find({ user: id, unread: false }, function(err, notifications){
    callback(err, extend(stack, { notification: notification }));

What do I hear you saying about highly readable and modular code? The other functions can be created in a similar way.

Error handling

But I actually cheated, I didn't show the code for checking the subject, which is also a strength of pipe(). Let's see how we could require a subject:

function needsSubject(callback, stack, param){
  if (!stack || !stack.subject) {
    return callback(new Error("Subject not present"));
  callback(null, stack);
// Note: order does not matter if a function doesn't depend on the previous data
  .pipe(model.subject.byUser, req.user._id)
  .pipe(needsSubject)  // That's it for checking if there's a subject
  .pipe(model.reputation.byUser, req.user._id)
  .pipe(model.notification.unreadByUser, req.user._id)
  .end(function (err, data){
    // Get the error here if no subject
    if (err) return next(err);
    res.render('subject/index', data);

But let's require ALL THE THINGS:

// Make sure we have the namespace and it's not empty
function needs(callback, stack, param){
  if (!stack || !stack[param]) {
    return callback(new Error(param + " not present"));
  callback(null, stack);
// Then just... pipe it as you please
  .pipe(model.subject.byUser, req.user._id)
  .pipe(needs, 'subject')
  .pipe(model.reputation.byUser, req.user._id)
  .pipe(model.notification.unreadByUser, req.user._id)
  .pipe(needs, 'notification')
  .end(/* ... */)

As you can see a pipeable function is really flexible, it can fetch, check, save, parse, send, write data or any other thing that you can normally do with some data.

Trivial example

This is a small example that wouldn't be worth the trouble in the real world, but I wanted to show it just so you see how it works. Just sum numbers. First define the operation that follows the common interface:

function sum(callback, prev, param){
  // Make sure we're dealing with previous data
  if (typeof prev !== 'number') prev = 0;
  if (typeof param !== 'number') param = 0;
  // Main operation
  var next = prev + param;
  // Important to call our callback (and pass error if needed)
  var error = null;
  callback(error, next);

Then use it with a finishing function in end():

  .pipe(sum, 3)
  .pipe(sum, 5)
  .end(function(err, total){
    if (err) return console.log(err);
    alert("Total: " + total);

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  • franciscop