
0.2.5 • Public • Published


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The is a card.. for vue.. that flips!

Why the name flip-flop-card, you ask? Well, hopefully it will be just as easy to apply in a project, as applying a set of flip flops to your feet. Oh, and the other names were taken, I guess 🤷‍♂️

This is my first attempt making a reusable npm-module, and it's mainly an exercise for me to learn how to package SFCs (Single File Components) for Vue via rollupjs, as well as getting into the habit of maintaining and documenting open-source on npm and git. Not expecting it to work perfectly for all purposes, but will try to maintain from time to time.

Feel free to report issues, fork, send feature/pull-requests, or reuse for whatever purpose you see fit.

Disclaimer: the author would like to emphasize that he doesn't wear flip flops. Ever.


Preview horizontal flip Preview vertical flip Preview styled card


npm install vue-flip-flop-card --save

Getting started

Global registration

Within a Vue project, add these lines in your main.js or index.js;

import Vue from 'vue';
import FlipFlopCard from 'vue-flip-flop-card';


Local registration

import FlipFlopCard from "vue-flip-flop-card";
export default {
    components: {FlipFlopCard}

Example usage

Component usage with just bare slots for custom content:

<flip-flop-card :elevation="8" direction="horizontal">
    <template slot="front">
      <div class="container basic-card">
        <h2>horizontal flip</h2>
    <template slot="back">
      <div class="container basic-card">

Notes; within the slot, wrapping the content in a <div> with a class named container will automatically apply full height of the card.

Component usage with styled card;


Options set via object;

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      styledCardFront: {
        coverImg: '',
        coverTitle: 'Hello, there!',
        themeColor: '#64ce87',
        themeColor2: '#188d65',
      styledCardBack: {
        coverImg: '',
        coverTitle: 'I\'m back!',
        themeColor: '#5eadcd',
        themeColor2: '#126b8e',


Prop Type Default Value Description
height Number 450 Height of the card in pixels
width Number 350 Width of the card in pixels
direction String (enum) horizontal Direction of the flip, either; horizontal or vertical
disabled Boolean false Disabled the flip effect of the card
speed Number 5 A calculated speed on the transition flip-effect. Values between 1-10; with 1 being fastest and 10 being slowest.
elevation Number 0 The border box-shadow effect
styled-front Object - 🎴 See Styled card documentation
styled-back Object - 🎴 See Styled card documentation

Props are also documented within component, and can be found using the documentation shortcut in your IDE, such as Ctrl + Q in Jetbrains' Webstorm.

Styled card 🎴

The styled card is a pre-styled card where you pass in a set of options (as an object) that help theme how the card looks. The styled card consists of a header/cover image, title heading, and color styles for displaying content. The content is set via slots (see below);

Property Option Datatype Description
coverImg url String Optional link to image for displaying as cover image
coverTitle title String A styled title caption to go with the header image
themeColor color String Optional color overlay-effect for shading cover image
themeColor2 color String Optional alternative color for applying a linear-gradient shade
bgColorFill false / true Boolean Optional alternative to fill background-color with theme-colors


Slots are used to pass content for the front or the back of the card. Both styled and regular blank cards use the same slot name (as of current version).

Slot name Placement Styled or regular?
front the entire front of the card regular
front below styled cover-image and title styled 🎴
back the entire back of the card regular
back below styled cover-image and title styled 🎴


  • [ ] Implement custom ways to trigger flip (not just :hover)
  • [ ] Debug documentation/IDE support failing
  • [ ] More options for styled card. Alternative shading for title, slots, etc



  • package.json sfc browser reference updated
  • Updated documentation (jsDoc)
  • Updated package description
  • Fixed shield-links
  • Updated documentation, moved assets to docs


This package is open source and released under the MIT Licence.


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  • joakimvrangum