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0.0.38 • Public • Published


What it does?

This plugin automates my solid-image package for vite. The final output code replaces all Images functions with img or picture elements. There is no trace of solid-image after dev or prod build.

How does it work?

The Images function is never called. It is simply a placeholder, so regex can find it and extract the arguments, then replace the Images function with the img or picture element. Because this process is static, dynamic code will not work. You cannot use variables as arguments in the Images function.

The first time you run the code, the images will be created. This process can take a few seconds, up to a few minutes, depending on how many images your creating. During the creation phase, the images may appear broken. Wait until the images are created, and reload the page to refresh.

If you would like feedback during image creation, add progressBar=true to your argument. After image creation, you can delete this. ex.. public/phone.png?w=20&f=avif&progressBar=true


  • npm i -D vite-plugin-solid-image

Folder, File and Argument Naming

  • allowed characters -no spaces in folder, file and Images argument names.
  • - _ a-z A-Z 0-9 : ; , = \ / & ? .

Astro Example

  • see below 👇


  • This plugin only looks in the src folder for files.
    • See Options.entrypoint 👇.
  • Image Location
    • currently only the public folder is supported.
      • ex.. public/phone/phone.png?w=20;120&f=avif;webp...
  • URL restrictions
    • the url can only be in string format.
      • ex.. public/phone/phone.png?w=20;120&f=avif;webp
    • The regex to split the url is: ,\n (comma followed by a newline). Be careful of your formatter removing newlines when you have short lines of text.
      • ex .. {Images(['/public/phone.png?', '/public/phone.png?'])}
        • // will not work! Must have newline between urls.
  • URL Options
    • see: solid-image#url-options
    • clean. Be careful using the same image multiple times and turning on clean=true. It can delete other sizes from previous Images functions.
    • progressBar and print to console.log are turned off by default.
      • to turn on:
        • progressBar=true
        • print=true
  • Comments
    • {/* {Images(...)} */} // will not be processed.
      • because regex is used to locate the Images function, it may still 'find' the code if it doesn't look exactly like the example 👆. Better to remove dead code and avoid problems.
  • Options
    • an Options object can be passed to the solidImage vite function.
    • entrypoint
      • main directory to look for files. Relative to root.
      • default: src
      • ex.. solidImage({entrypoint: 'myFolder'}) // plugin will only look for files in the 'myFolder' directory.
    • files
      • array of strings you can control what file types the plugin will read.
      • default: .tsx, .jsx, .astro
      • ex.. solidImage({files: ['.tsx', '.mdx']}) // only .tsx and .mdx files will be read.
        • The files property overrides the default. Only what you pass in will be read.


import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import { solidImage } from 'vite-plugin-solid-image';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [solidImage()],


import Images from 'vite-plugin-solid-image';

export default function MyComponent() {
  return (

      <p>Multi Line Example with Template Strings.</p>
        &alt=the image of champions

      <p>Art Direction</p>
        '/public/phone/phone.png/phone.png?w=120&f=avif;webp&media=(max-width: 500px)',
        '/public/phone/phone.png/phone.png?w=125&f=avif;webp&media=(max-width: 1000px)',
        '/public/phone/phone.png/phone.png?w=155&f=avif;webp&media=(min-width: 1001px)',

      <p>Art Direction with template strings</p>
        &media=(max-width: 500px)`,

        &media=(max-width: 700px)`,

        &alt=this is a image of a phone.
        &media=(min-width: 1000px)`,

Astro Example


import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import { solidImage } from 'vite-plugin-solid-image';

export default defineConfig({
  vite: {
    plugins: [solidImage()],


import Layout from '../layouts/Layout.astro';
import Images from 'vite-plugin-solid-image';

<Layout title="Welcome to Astro.">
		<h1>Template String & Tailwindcss Example</span></h1>
			&c=bg-green-300 basis-1/4 !font-medium


images not defined

  • if you get this error, it is because the regex missed your Images function. Make sure it has the same spacing as the example 👆.
  • If your images are not coming out correctly, double check syntax and make sure all & and ? are in place and there are no accidental commas.


Published under the MIT license. © Bryon Smith 2023.

Dependencies (1)

Dev Dependencies (1)

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npm i vite-plugin-solid-image

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  • webmastersmith