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1.2.0 • Public • Published


Vite Plugin: React Rich SVG

Seamless SVG loader with versatile import options (see demo page)


A vite plugin that handles SVG loading with zero-config effort.

It handles loading raw (html string), inline data uri (data:svg+xml,...) and SVGR Component (with easily usable SVGO options) imports easily!

This plugin is heavily inspired by vite-svg-loader, which is an SVG loading Vite plugin for Vue. It is one of my favourites. Thanks to everyone contributed to it! 💜

How to use?

  1. Use your favorite package manager to install as dependency
npm install vite-plugin-react-rich-svg --save-dev
  1. Include it in your vite.config.ts
import richSvg from "vite-plugin-react-rich-svg";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react(), richSvg()],
  1. If you're using Typescript, you might want to include the typings under vite-env.d.ts:
// Caveat: referencing our plugin first will ensure vite types do not overlap

/// <reference types="vite-plugin-react-rich-svg/client" />
/// <reference types="vite/client" />
  1. Start importing your SVGs! Happy coding!
// Raw string import
import viteLogoRaw from "./assets/vite.svg?raw";

// Data URL import
import viteLogoDataURL from "./assets/vite.svg?url";

// Base64 Encoded import
import viteLogoBase64 from "./assets/vite.svg?base64";

// SVGR Component import
import ViteLogoComponent from "./assets/vite.svg?component";

// Default import, not handled by our plugin
import viteLogo from "./assets/vite.svg";

Plugin Configurations

include option

Acts as a whitelist predicate for the files you want to be processed.

    include: (path) => /.*\.icon\.svg$/.test(path),
    // ^ This config will only process files that look like:
    // ...chevron-right.icon.svg?raw
    // ...chevron-left.icon.svg?component
    // ...home.icon.svg?url

exclude option

Acts as a blacklist predicate for the files you want to be ignored.

    exclude: (path) => /.*\.ignore\.svg$/.test(path),
    // ^ This config will ignore files that look like:

componentLoaderOptions option

  • svgrConfig = Options used while running SVGR on the original svg code/asset (See SVGR Options)

  • esbuildConfig = Options used to generate import code with given SVGR output (See ESBuild Transform Options)

    componentLoaderOptions: {
      svgrConfig: {
        ref: true,
        memo: true,
      // ^ This config will make it load component svg imports loads with forwardedRef & memo wrapped

        minify: true
      // ^ This config will make it load component svg imports loads with minification enabled

rawLoaderOptions option

  • svgoEnabled = Enables SVGO optimizations

  • svgoConfig = Options used while running SVGO optimizations on the original SVG asset (See SVGO Options)

    rawLoaderOptions: {
      svgoEnabled: true,
      svgoConfig: {},

base64LoaderOptions option

  • svgoEnabled = Enables SVGO optimizations

  • svgoConfig = Options used while running SVGO optimizations on the original SVG asset (See SVGO Options)

    base64LoaderOptions: {
      svgoEnabled: true,
      svgoConfig: {},

urlLoaderOptions option

  • svgoEnabled = Enables SVGO optimizations

  • svgoConfig = Options used while running SVGO optimizations on the original SVG asset (See SVGO Options)

    urlLoaderOptions: {
      svgoEnabled: true,
      svgoConfig: {},

SVGO, Prettier & Other SVGR Plugins

SVGO and Prettier are supported out of the box. Just mark them in the svgrConfig and they'll start working.

You can also include your own SVGR plugins as you desire!

import myCustomSvgrPlugin from "my-custom-svgr-plugin";
import myCustomSvgoPlugin from "my-custom-svgo-plugin";
import myCustomPrettierPlugin from "my-custom-prettier-plugin";

  componentLoaderOptions: {
    svgrConfig: {
      svgo: true,
      prettier: true,
      prettierConfig: {
        plugins: ["prettier-plugin-foo"]
      plugins: [myCustomSvgrPlugin],
  rawLoaderOptions: {
    svgoEnabled: true,
    svgoConfig: {
      plugins: [myCustomSvgoPlugin]
  base64LoaderOptions: {
    svgoEnabled: true,
    svgoConfig: {
      plugins: [myCustomSvgoPlugin]
  urlLoaderOptions: {
    svgoEnabled: true,
    svgoConfig: {
      plugins: [myCustomSvgoPlugin]


© 2024 Taha Anılcan Metinyurt (iGoodie)

For any part of this work for which the license is applicable, this work is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. (See LICENSE).

Creative Commons License

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  • igoodie