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Project Renamed: New Repository - vite-plugin-api-routes

Please note that this project has been renamed to "vite-plugin-api-routes" and has been moved to a new repository. The latest version and updates can now be found in the vite-plugin-api-routes repository. Kindly update your references and bookmarks accordingly.

Important: This repository (vite-plugin-api) is no longer actively maintained, and all future development will take place in the vite-plugin-api-routes repository.

Enhance API routing in ViteJS based on directory structure for improved visibility and project structure in Node.js and Express.

See the tutorial


  • Simplify project configuration.
  • Convert the directory tree into route rules.

Example Structure:

> tree src/api/
│   ├───auth
│   │   ├───login.js
│   │   └───status.js
│   └───user
│       ├───index.js
│       └───[userId]        //Remix Format
│           ├───index.js
│           └───detail.js
│   ├───article
│   │   ├───$articleId.js   //NextJS Format
│   │   └───new.js
│   └───page
│       ├───$pageId.js
│       └───new.js

The directory tree is exported as router rules tree:

GET     /api/site/
GET     /api/routers
USE     /api/admin/user
GET     /api/admin/user
GET     /api/admin/user/
POST    /api/admin/user/
GET     /api/admin/auth/login
POST    /api/admin/auth/login
GET     /api/site/article/new
GET     /api/admin/auth/status
POST    /api/admin/auth/status
GET     /api/site/page/:pageId
GET     /api/admin/user/:userId/
PUT     /api/admin/user/:userId/
DELETE  /api/admin/user/:userId/
GET     /api/site/article/:articleId
GET     /api/admin/user/:userId/detail

For example, the src/api/admin/user/$userId.js file exports allowed request methods:

export const DELETE = (req, res, next) => {
  res.send("DELETE REQUEST");
export const PUT = async (req, res, next) => {
  res.send("PUT REQUEST");
// Support default, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE by default
// For CONNECT, OPTIONS, TRACE, PATCH, and others, you need to add the mapping to the mapper attribute config

// If you need middlewares for a route, simply export an array containing all middlewares as the default
export default [authMiddleware, secondMiddleware /* ... */];

Similarly, the [userId].js or $userId.js file name is exported as a request parameter /user/:userId, following the Next.js/Remix framework.

How to Use


yarn add vite-plugin-api


In vite.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { pluginAPI } from "vite-plugin-api";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      // moduleId: "@api",  // Old version change to "virtual:vite-plugin-api",
      // cacheDir: ".api",
      // server: "[cacheDir]/server.js",
      // handler: "[cacheDir]/handler.js",
      // routeBase: "api",
      // dirs: [{ dir: "src/api"; route: "", exclude?: ["*.txt", ".csv", "data/*.*"] }],
      // include: ["**/*.js", "**/*.ts"],
      // exclude: ["node_modules", ".git"],
      // mapper: { default: "use", GET: "get", ... },


  • moduleId: Name of the virtual module, default @api (used for imports, change if conflicts occur).
  • server: The main file to build as the server app. See default file.
  • handler: The main file to register the API. It is called in viteServer and is the default entry. See default file.
  • routeBase: Base name route for all routes. The default value is api.
  • dirs: List of directories to be scanned. The default value is [ { dir: 'src/api', route: '', exclude: []} ].
  • include: Files and directories to include in the scan process. The default value is ["\\/.js", "\\/.ts"].
  • exclude: Files and directories to exclude from the scan process. The default value is ["node_modules", ".git"].
  • mapper: Mapping rules from exported functions to server instance methods.
  • cacheDir: Cache Directory target to write temp files.


Default Value

mapper: {
  //[Export Name]: [Http Verbose]
  default: "use",
  GET: "get",
  POST: "post",
  PUT: "put",
  PATCH: "patch",
  DELETE: "delete",
  // Overwrite

Custom Mapping


export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      mapper: {
         * export const PING = ()=>{...}
         * Will be mapped to express method
         * app.get('/path/dir', PING)
        PING: "get",
         * export const OTHER_POST = ()=>{...}
         * Will be mapped to posible method
         * app.post2('/path/dir', OTHER_POST)
        OTHER_POST: "post2",
         * export const PATCH = ()=>{...}
         * Will not be mapped
        PATCH: false,

You can disable a method by setting its value to false. In the example PATCH: false, the PATCH method is disabled. /src/api/index.js

export PING = (req, res, next)=>{
    res.send({name:"Ping Service"});
export OTHER_POST = (req, res, next)=>{
    res.send({name:"Ping Service"});
export PATCH = (req, res, next)=>{
    res.send({name:"Ping Service"});

/src/handler.js or see handler.js

// @ts-nocheck
import express from "express";
import { applyRouters } from "@api/routers"; // Notice '@api', this is the moduleId!

export const handler = express();

// Add JSON-Parsing
handler.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));

applyRouters((props) => {
  const { method, route, path, cb } = props;
  if (handler[method]) {
    if (Array.isArray(cb)) {
      handler[method](route, ...cb);
    } else {
      handler[method](route, cb);
  } else {
    console.log("Not Support", method, "for", route, "in", handler);

/src/server.ts or see server.ts

// @ts-ignore
import { handler } from "@api/handler"; // Notice '@api', this is the moduleId!
// @ts-ignore
import { endpoints } from "@api/routers"; // Notice '@api', this is the moduleId!
import express from "express";

const { PORT = 3000, PUBLIC_DIR = "import.meta.env.PUBLIC_DIR" } = process.env;
const server = express();
server.use("import.meta.env.BASE", express.static(PUBLIC_DIR));
server.use("import.meta.env.BASE_API", handler);
server.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Ready at http://localhost:${PORT}`);


  • Duplicate declaration (GET in /user.ts and /user/index.ts). Handler definition is required.
  • Extend the mapper attribute to support custom HTTP methods using a header attribute.

Dependencies (2)

Dev Dependencies (5)

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npm i vite-plugin-api

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  • yracnet