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Node.js I2C driver for the VISHAY VEML6030 ambient light sensor on Linux boards like the Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone.

Supports Node.js versions 10, 12, 14, 15 and 16.

VEML6030 chipset datasheet :

VEML6030 chipset application notes :



  • Ambient light sensing
  • Autocalibration mode
  • Manual mode
  • Promise based asynchronous call methods


npm install --save veml6030


Report the ambient light with auto calibration mode example.

const VEML6030    = require('veml6030');

const veml6030 = new VEML6030({debug: true});

.then(() => {
    .then(datas => console.log('%o', datas))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));
.catch(error => console.log(error));

Sample output:

  rawValue: 1101,
  luxValue: 31.7088,
  gain: 2,
  integrationTime: 100,
  autocalibrate: true,
  retry: 6

VEML6030 class methods

Constructor options

VEML6030 class constructor accept an optionnal options object.

None of theses options are mandatory, so you can invoke VEML6030 constructor without any parameters. In this case it will use options default values.


Option name Description Default Value
debug If debug is set to true, VEML6030 class will print to console debug information false
i2cAddress I2C address (in hex) of VEML6030 chipset 0x48
gain Fix the gain the chipset should use for reading (use it for manual calibration mode). Authorized value are 0.125, 0.25, 1 or 2. 1
integrationTime Fix the integration time (in ms) the chipset should use for reading (use it for manual calibration mode) 100
ALSPersistenceProtectNumber Leave this option to default value 1
ALSInterruptEnableSetting Leave this option to default value false
ALSShutDownSetting Leave this option to default value false
i2cBusNumber I2C bus number. I most case leave this value to default value 1

VEML6030 methods


Returns a Promise that will be resolved with no arguments once the initial configuration has been wrote to the VEML6030 chipset, or will be rejected if an error occurs.

Configuration values are default ones if you invoke constructor without any options object. If you set some optionnal parameters in constructor call or if you invoke one or more parameter methods, it will be the current values that are send to chipset.

Once init resolve you can use the read readSensorData() method.


Returns a Promise that will be resolved with an object once the VEML6030 chipset return the readed value, or will be rejected if an error occurs.

readSensorData accept one boolean parameter to indicat if you want an autocalibrating measure (prefered) or a raw measure with the current reading options values (gain, integration time, etc.)

If autocalibration parameter is set to true this method will adjust the gain and the integration time of the chipset according to VISHAY recommandations.

If you set the parameter to false a simple reading is done with the parameters you set. This mode is intended to permit you to implement your own calibration method.

We recommend using autocalibration once you don't need to implement your own measures scheme.

Object properties returned when promise resolve:

  • rawValue : The raw value readed from chipset
  • luxValue : The optimized value calculated from raw value (in lux) according to VISHAY recommandations
  • gain : The gain value used for reading
  • integrationTime : the integration time (in ms) used for reading
  • autocalibrate : Inditate if in autocalibration mode (true) or not (false)
  • retry : Number of measures done. If autocalibration mode this nuber is > 1 due to gain and integration time adjustments.

Sample object:

  rawValue: 1101,
  luxValue: 31.7088,
  gain: 2,
  integrationTime: 100,
  autocalibrate: true,
  retry: 6

VEML6030 constants

VEML6030 package publish folowing constants. You can use it when implementing your own implementation measures.

All theses constants are static, so you can use it like this:

const VEML6030 = require('veml6030');
console.log('Read command is: %o', VEML6030.ALS_READ_REGISTER);
  • ALS_SETTING_REGISTER: Send configuration command code. This constant value is 0x00.
  • ALS_WH_REGISTER: Send an high value for threshold. This constant value is 0x01. This command is currently not used in this package.
  • ALS_WL_REGISTER: Send an low value for threshold. This constant value is 0x02. This command is currently not used in this package.
  • ALS_POWER_SAVE_REGISTER: Power saving command. This constant value is 0x03. This command is currently not used in this package.
  • ALS_READ_REGISTER: Read command for ALS channel. This constant value is 0x04.
  • WHITE_READ_REGISTER: Read command for white channel. This constant value is 0x05. This constant value is 0x03. This command is currently not used in this package.
  • ALS_INT_REGISTER: Interrupt status command (use to detect low or high threshold). This constant value is 0x06. This command is currently not used in this package.
  • READ_BASE_RESOLUTION: . This constant value is 0.0036.

Related Packages


  • Implement white channel reading
  • Implement low and high threshold and interupt status reading

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