Implementation of the VBAN protocol in node.js ( rev 9, oct 2021 )
npm i vban
// define your server, type, features, rates, a color, a name / username ... All are optionnal
const server = new VBANServer({
application: {
applicationName: 'VBAN Example',
manufacturerName: 'Anonymous',
applicationType: EServicePINGApplicationType.SERVER,
features: [EServicePINGFeatures.AUDIO, EServicePINGFeatures.MIDI, EServicePINGFeatures.TXT, EServicePINGFeatures.SERIAL],
bitFeatureEx: 0,
PreferredRate: 0,
minRate: 6000,
maxRate: 705600,
color: { blue: 74, green: 232, red: 57 },
nVersion: 12345,
GPSPosition: '',
userPosition: '',
langCode: 'fr-fr',
deviceName: 'NodeJs Server',
userName: '',
userComment: ''
//do something on error
server.on('error', (err) => {
console.log(`server error:\n${err.stack}`);
server.on('message', (packet, sender) => {
//here you can do the magic !
//each packet is a VBAN Object parsed
//We will send a text message each time we receive a packet (for example)
//try to create a new TEXT packet
const textPacket = new VBANTEXTPacket(
streamName: 'Command1', //the streamName waited by the other tool
formatBit: EFormatBit.VBAN_DATATYPE_BYTE8, //the storage format, currently this is the only option available
streamType: ETextEncoding.VBAN_TXT_UTF8 //we will send it in UTF8, most of VM Tools use UTF8
'test' // => the message we want to send (always in UTF8, if streamType is not UTF8, the library will convert)
//send it to on port 6980
server.send(textPacket, 6980, '');
//listen on event when the server start listening, to log the port used
server.on('listening', () => {
const address = server.address();
console.log(`server listening ${address.address}:${address.port}`);
//start to listen on port 7000
More Examples in the examples folder
technical documentation is available here
Package Status
This package is a work in progress .
Functionalities in progress :
- [X] Convert UDP packet to objects
- [X] Convert Objects to UDP packet
- [X] Start a VBAN Server, with configuration, and auto SERVICE replies
- [ ] Implements RT-Packet Service
Thanks to
This project is inspired by node-VBAN from Jacob Bower. He does the job for audio part, and the example .
And a big thanks to VB-Audio, for the VBAN protocol
If you want to do a donations, please do it on the VBAN creator website : https://vb-audio.com/Services/licensing.htm