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An awesome library with great API which offer a complete support for IAB Video Ad Serving Template standard: VAST2, VAST3 and VAST4

app demo

Main features are :

  • validate a VAST from string input
  • awesome API to create 100% iab valid VAST 2, 3 & 4
  • validate created VAST

Why is it the best ? :

  • made by developers for developers
  • fully maintained
  • 100% test coverage, including stress test and memory leak test see
  • build directly on top of the documentation see
  • extermly fast, without any native dependancy
  • full JSdoc for functionnal intellisense autocomplete (including params)

with only one stand alone dependance.

All APIs are directly generated on top of standard IAB specifications documents :

Getting started


It requires node 8 or above.

# with npm 
npm i vast-builder --save
# with yarn 
yarn add vast-builder

Validate existing VAST

const { validate } = require('vast-builder');
// simply pass the vast string to validate
const bool = validate(
  `<VAST version="x">
      // ....
Option Default Description
logWarn false Validation warning and error will be printed to stderr.
throwOnError false Validation errors will now throw an exception.

Create new VAST

const createVast = require('vast-builder');
// vast1 is deprecated and not supported
const vast2 = createVast.v2(options);
const vast3 = createVast.v3(options);
const vast4 = createVast.v4(options);


Here is a sample VAST3 Ad :

const vast3 = createVast.v3();
  .attachMediaFile('my_video', {
    delivery: 'streaming',
    type: 'video/mp4',
    width: '600',
    height: '400'
    program: 'my_program',
    width: '50',
    height: '50',
    xPosition: 'bottom',
    yPosition: 'left'
  .attachStaticResource('ressource_link', {creativeType:'image/jpeg'})
const render = vast3.toXml();

Will render this VAST :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<VAST version="3.0">
              <Tracking event="start"><![CDATA[content]]></Tracking>
              <MediaFile delivery="streaming" type="video/mp4" width="600" height="400"><![CDATA[my_video]]></MediaFile>
              <Icon program="my_program" width="50" height="50" xPosition="bottom" yPosition="left">
                <StaticResource creativeType="image/jpeg"><![CDATA[ressource_link]]></StaticResource>

You can also use intermediates objects, the result will be exactly the same :

const vast3 = createVast.v3();
const Ad = vast3.attachAd();
const InLine = Ad.attachInLine();
const Creatives = Inline.attachCreatives();
// etc ...

Fast learn

This is a recursive API, meaning all elements can invoke all same methods from each returned object. This way and you can navigate between elements easly.

As XML is a tree, in this API:

  • when you "attach" an element to another, you move on the new child a level lower
  • when you "add" an element to another, you stay on the current object on the same level

Here is a demo with helping indentation :

  vast3.attachAd()                   // Ad
    .attachInLine()                  //  Inline
      .addImpression('imp_link')     //  Inline : add = same level
      .addAdSystem('Society')        //  Inline
      .attachCreatives()             //   Creatives : attach = lower level
        .attachCreative()            //    Creative
          .attachLinear()            //     Linear
            .attachTrackingEvents()  //      TrackingEvents
            .addTracking('s',        //       TrackingEvents
              {event: 'start'}
          .and()                     //     Linear : and = upper level
          .addDuration('00:30:00')   //     Linear
          .attachMediaFiles()        //      MediaFiles
  // etc ...


This package does no magic under the hood, the API is very redondant and always the same, for easy learn and easy maintainability

Full API

Full APIs are availables here :

Common Node API

Every elements inherits from a generic VastElement, all methods return a VastElement child allowing to chain methods calls.

// You can init Tag with nothing, content, attribute or both
// each detailled methods signature is available in full documentation (below)
// add*()
// return the current VastElement itself, allowing chaining at same level
// nb: Replace ValidTag by a spec valid tag, depending on current VastElement
VastElement.addValidTag(content, attributes);
// attach*()
// return VastElement child, alowing chaining at lower level
// nb: Replace ValidTag by a spec valid tag, depending on current VastElement
VastElement.attachValidTag(content, attributes);
// dangerouslyAttachCustomTag
// dangerouslyAddCustomTag
// attach or add wathever Tag you need, usefull for <Extensions> childs
// name is the <Tag> you want, cannot be validated
const child = VastElement.dangerouslyAttachCustomTag(tagName, content, attributes);
const self  = VastElement.dangerouslyAddCustomTag(tagName, content, attributes);
// and: can be called on every object to return the parent tag
const father = VastElement.and();
// back: is an alias for element.and().and()
const grandFather = VastElement.back();
// cdata: turn content into cdata, return the current object
// apply recursively to be able to make addValidTag().cdata() apply to childs
// nb: if option cdata is true, it does nothing
// content: return the string content (without any cdata)
const stringContent = VastElement.content;
// content: return the raw attributes object
const attributes = VastElement.attrs;
// getAttrs: return sanitized attributes object (invalid attributes are removed)
const attrsObject = VastElement.getAttrs();
// getChilds: return an array with childs filtered by "name"
const childs = VastElement.getChilds(name);
// nb: childs are available via :
const childs = VastElement.childs;
// getVastVersion: return an integer of current vast version
const intVersion = VastElement.getVastVersion();
// validate: assert the entire VAST is valid
// nb: if "logWarn" option is true, it will print errors to stderr
// nb: if "throwOnError" option is true, it will throw an exception if the vast is not valid
const boolValid = VastElement.validate();
// toXml: return the generated Vast xml string
const xmlVast = VastElement.toXml();


You can pass options to the createVast.vX(options) method. Availables options are :

Option Default Description
cdata true Force all contents to use <![CDATA[ ]]></a> tags.
logWarn true Validation warning and error will be printed to stderr.
throwOnError false Validation errors will now throw an exception.
validateOnBuild false Run a validation before build, usefull for development environment.
spaces 2 Number of spaces to be used for indenting XML output. Passing characters like ' ' or '\t' are also accepted.

Following options are also available and inherited from awesome xml-js package :

Option Default Description
fullTagEmptyElement false Whether to produce element without sub-elements as full tag pairs <a></a> rather than self closing tag <a/>.
indentCdata false Whether to write CData in a new line and indent it. Will generate <a>\n <![CDATA[foo]]></a> instead of <a><![CDATA[foo]]></a>.
indentAttributes false Whether to print attributes across multiple lines and indent them (when spaces is not 0).
ignoreDeclaration false Whether to ignore writing declaration directives of xml. For example, <?xml?> will be ignored.
ignoreInstruction false Whether to ignore writing processing instruction of xml. For example, <?go there?> will be ignored.
ignoreAttributes false Whether to ignore writing attributes of the elements. For example, x="1" in <a x="1"></a> will be ignored
ignoreComment false Whether to ignore writing comments of the elements. That is, no <!-- --> will be generated.
ignoreCdata false Whether to ignore writing CData of the elements. That is, no <![CDATA[ ]]> will be generated.
ignoreDoctype false Whether to ignore writing Doctype of the elements. That is, no <!DOCTYPE > will be generated.
ignoreText false Whether to ignore writing texts of the elements. For example, hi text in <a>hi</a> will be ignored.


All PR are welcome. This project and it's documentation are automatically generated from specs/*.yml files.

This command do all builds :

yarn build-api

The tests fixtures are generated by the tests if they not existed. To clean them use :

yarn clean-fixtures

Thinks to check in the next commit if the result is still valid.

Stress test

You can clone this project to compare performance between this package and a native based one (vast-xml) :

Actual mesured speed test for 50000 generated VAST is :

  • this package: 28s
  • vast-xml package: 29s

and we have a much better api ;)


MIT. Copyright (c) David Babel.


Thanks for your gentle contribs :

Donations: If you like this package, want it to be maintened and use it to makes millions, you can buy me a coffee ☕ or a beer 🍺.


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  • davidbabel