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1.1.7 • Public • Published

Validation Vue

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Validation-Vue is a powerful Vue.js package that provides components for form validation, including Form, Input, and Select. These components enable you to easily implement form validation logic in your Vue.js applications, ensuring data integrity and enhancing user experience.


  • Form Component: The Form component serves as a wrapper for your form elements, providing a convenient way to manage the form's state and trigger form submission. It emits a "submitForm" event when the form is submitted, providing a boolean parameter indicating whether the form is valid based on the defined validation rules.
  • Input Component: The Input component is a versatile input field that supports various input types such as text, email, phone, credit card, and textarea. It provides real-time validation feedback to the user, allowing you to define validation rules for each input field. The supported validation rules include required fields, minimum and maximum lengths, pattern matching, and more. Additionally, the Input component supports both function-based validations and validation names, allowing you to easily implement custom validation logic. It also supports asynchronous validation, enabling you to perform validation checks that require server-side or asynchronous operations. As the library evolves, more input types and validation options will be added to enhance its versatility.
  • Select Component: The Select component is an enhanced custom select input with additional features. It not only allows users to select options from a dropdown but also provides a search functionality for easily finding desired options. It also supports validation to ensure a valid selection is made.
  • Extensibility: The Validation-Vue package is designed to be easily extendable, allowing you to add more components and validation rules to suit your specific requirements. You can create your custom components and integrate them seamlessly into the validation framework.


This project requires NodeJS (version 12 or later) and NPM. Node and NPM are really easy to install. To make sure you have them available on your machine, try running the following command.

$ npm -v && node -v

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Follow these steps to get started with the project:


BEFORE YOU INSTALL: please read the prerequisites

To install and set up the library, run:

$ npm install validation-vue

Or if you prefer using Yarn:

$ yarn add validation-vue


Local Usage


    <v-form @submitForm="onSubmit" @submitStart="onSubmitStart" @submitFailed="onSubmitFailed">
      <v-input :idx="0" id="input" v-model="name" required/>
      <v-select :idx="1" id="select" v-model="count" :options="[1, 2, 3]" required/>
      <v-input :idx="2" id="input" v-model="email" :rules="['email']" required />
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>
import { VInput, VSelect, VForm } from 'validation-vue'

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      name: '',
      count: 0,
      email: '',
  methods: {
    onSubmit(event) { 
      // - event - The submit event object

      // Handle form submission
    // If needed you can use start or failed events
    onSubmitStart() {
      // for example - this.isLoading = true
    onSubmitFailed() {
      // Do something
  components: {

Global Usage


import { createApp } from 'vue'
import './style.css'
import App from './App.vue'

import { VForm, VInput, VSelect } from 'validation-vue'

const app = createApp(App)
app.component('VForm', VForm)
app.component('VInput', VInput)
app.component('VSelect', VSelect)


Form Events

The <VForm> component emits the following event:

  • @submitForm: Emitted when the form is submitted and the form valid.
  • @submitFailed: Emitted when the form is submitted and the form is not valid.
  • @submitStart: Emitted when start form submition. This event can be used to trigger actions such as showing a loading indicator or disabling the form during submission.


Shared Properties

Property Type Default Description
id String required The unique identifier for the component.
required Boolean false Indicates whether the input / select is required.
primaryColor String '#005FAA' The primary color for the field. For example, you can use this color to change the color of the show-password icon.
errorColor String '#c10015' The color to indicate an error state in the component.

Input Properties

Properties define the behavior of the v-input component:

Property Type Default Description
type String 'text' The type of input.
placeholder String '' The placeholder text for the input.
label String '' The label text for the input.
readonly Boolean false Readonly input
preventFocus Boolean false Indicates whether to prevent focus in readonly mode
focus Boolean false When changing 'focus' to true the input is focused
autofocus Boolean false Indicates whether the input is focused when mounted
rules Array [] The rules prop is an array of validation rules that can be applied to the input or select component. It allows you to specify various validation conditions to validate the entered value. The rules can be defined either as strings or as pointers to validation functions from the parent element. When using strings, you can provide names of pre-defined validation options such as 'required', 'email', 'cc', 'minLength:6', 'maxLength:10' etc. These validation options represent common validation rules that can be applied to the input. Alternatively, you can define custom validation rules using pointers to validation functions from the parent element. Each validation function should take the value as a parameter and return an object with two properties: isValid and errorMessage. isValid indicates whether the value passes the validation condition, and errorMessage provides the error message to display when the validation fails. Here's an example: rules: [(value) => ({ isValid: /[A-Z]/.test(value), errorMessage: 'Password must contain at least 1 uppercase character' })]
asyncRule Function null A pointer to an asynchronous validation function. Please refer to Async Example below for an illustration of the asyncRule usage.
submitRule Function null A pointer to an asynchronous validation function. Run a specific check on the data, but only when submitting the form. By default, after the first submission, it will continue to check on input.
validateOnSubmitOnly Boolean false If there is a submit rule defined and you want the validation to occur only when submitting the form, set this prop to true. This will ensure that the submit rule is checked for validation only during form submission, even after the first submission.
showValidIcon Boolean false Indicates whether to show a valid icon.
showPasswordIcon Boolean false Indicates whether to show a password icon.
required Boolean false Indicates whether the input is required.
isChecklist Boolean false Indicates whether the input has a checklist of validations.
isChecklistGrid Boolean true Indicates whether to use a grid layout for checklist items.
hideAsterisk Boolean false Indicates whether a red asterisk (*) should not be displayed next to the label as a visual indicator of a required field. (By default the asterisk is shown).
isDigitsOnly Boolean false Indicates whether the input should accept only digits.
maxLength Number Infinity The maximum number of characters allowed in the input.
minLength Number 0 The minimum number of characters required in the input.
textareaRows Number 0 The number of rows for a textarea input.
errorColor String '#c10015' The color of the error message and error icon.
validColor String '#7CB261' The color of the success icon.
placeholderColor String '#7B97AC' The color of the placeholder text.

Select Properties

Properties define the behavior of the v-select component:

Property Type Default Description
options Array [] An array of options for the Select component. The options can either be primitive values (e.g. [1,2,3] or ['USA', 'Canada', 'Israel']) or objects with { label: '', key: '' } structure.
iconColor String '#005FAA' The color of the arrow icon.
bgColor String '#fff' The backgroung color of the select.
selectLabel String '' The label for the select component.
isInsideLabel Boolean false Determines if the label should be inside the select box.
defaultOption Object { label: 'Choose', key: '' } The default option for the select component.
isSearch Boolean false Determines if a search functionality should be enabled.


Form example GIF

Async Example

  <VInput :idx="0" id="input" v-model="name" :asyncRule="validateAsync"/>
import { VInput } from 'validation-vue'
export default {
  data() {
      return {
          name: '',
  methods: {
  validateAsync(val) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      setTimeout(() => {
            isValid: val.includes('123'),
            errorMessage: 'Username must include 123',
      }, 2000)
  components: { VInput }


Contributions to the Validation-Vue package are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue on the GitHub repository or submit a pull request.

This task will create a distribution version of the project inside your local dist/ folder



MIT License © Dvir Cohen


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