
1.1.4 • Public • Published

Valence Logo

CNX Corporation

Available for Valence ^5.2

Use the valence-connect package when developing your Valence apps in Node.js. With valence-connect, your Node.js apps can participate in Valence role-based security, session management, logging and more. Writing Node.js apps for Valence using valence-connect also allows for maximum portability -- you can move your code between IBM i, Linux and Windows servers with little or no changes.

Documentation    Examples    Tests    Versions

Clean Install

mkdir acme
cd acme
npm init --yes
npm install valence-connect --save

After completing a clean installation start the new node server. You can find more information on starting the server below.

Install Gif

Starting the Node Server


npm start


$ DEBUG=acme:* npm start

On Windows

> set DEBUG=acme:* & npm start

On Windows: PowerShell

PS > $env:DEBUG="acme:*" ; npm start


When running in production mode the server will be clustered and compress files to improve performance.

npm run start:production

On Windows: PowerShell

PS > npm run start:production_ps


By default the server will be clustered when running in production mode and create workers based on the available CPU's. You can override the number of workers produced by setting the WEB_CONCURRENCY environment variable. Set WEB_CONCURRENCY to "0" if you don't want clustering turned on.

$ WEB_CONCURRENCY=3 npm run start:production

On Windows

> set WEB_CONCURRENCY=3 & npm run start:production

On Windows: PowerShell

PS > $env:WEB_CONCURRENCY="3" ; npm run start:production_ps


After performing a clean install and answering yes to "Automatically create application skeleton?" You will have one example application that displays a list of customers from our example table DEMOCMAST. Be sure the new server is running before attempting to launch the example application.

Try the example by creating a new Valence app in Portal Admin with an application type of "Valence Application". The Path will be the full URL consisting of this server and the route to the example.


Example :

Structure after a clean install

│       www.js
│       valence-connect
│       *other modules
│   │
│   └───apps
│   │   │
│   │   └───customers "example"
│   │
│   └───images
│   │       valence_logo.png
│   │
│   └───stylesheets
│           style.css
│   │   index.js
│   │   valence.js
│   │
│   └───api
│           customers.js "example"
│       customers.js "example"
│       services.js "example"
│       error.pug
│       index.pug
│       layout.pug
│   .gitignore
│   app.js
│   package.json
│   valence.json


  "url": "",
  "IBMi": true,
  "logging": false

Property Type Description
url string Valence Connect Web Service URL "Located in Valence Portal Admin/Web Services"
IBMi boolean Running Valence for IBM i. Pass false if connecting to Valence Universal on Windows, Linux or OS X. Defaults to true if not passed.
logging boolean When true will capture statistical information which can be viewed in Portal Admin-->Logs.

Valence Connect init


 * Valence Router
const express        = require('express'),
      cors           = require('cors'),
      corsWhiteList  = [''],
      corsOptions    = {
          origin : (origin, callback) => {
              if (typeof origin === 'undefined'
                  || corsWhiteList.indexOf(origin) !== -1) {
                  callback(null, true);
              } else {
                  callback(new Error('Not allowed by CORS'));
      router         = express.Router(),
      valenceConnect = require('valence-connect'),
      customers      = require(global.__services + 'customers/customers');

// Initialize Valence Connect

// Allow Cross Origin
router.all('*', cors(corsOptions));

 * Check if the request session is authenticated
 * @param {IncomingMessage} req http request
 * @param {ServerResponse} res http response
 * @param {callback} next continue
let valenceCheck = (req, res, next) => {
    valenceConnect.isAuthenticated(req, res)
        .then(() => {

// Always check before proceeding that the session is valid for all Valence requests

// Routes

// Example Valence Route "query customers"
router.all('/customers/queryAll', customers.queryAll.bind(customers));

module.exports = router;


After performing a clean install and answering yes to "Automatically create application skeleton?" you will have an example test for the customer service using node-tap.

To run the example services test issue the below command passing a valid session id. You can get a valid session id by logging into the Valence Portal and launching developer tools. Once developer tools is launched go to the console and run Valence.util.Helper.getSid(). That will return your current session id.

$ session=CURRENTSESSIONID npm test

On Windows

> set session=CURRENTSESSIONID & npm test

On Windows: PowerShell

PS > $env:session="CURRENTSESSIONID" ; npm test



Documentation: Security, session management, logging and utilities



get session storage

setSessionStorage(key, info)Promise.<void>

set the session storage


Documentation: Security, session management, logging and utilities

Kind: global class

new ValenceConnect()



const valenceConnect = require('valence-connect');

valenceConnect.baseInit() ⇒ Promise.<void>

init session storage

Kind: instance method of ValenceConnect

valenceConnect.init([options]) ⇒ InitPromise

Initialize valence connect for communication with Valence for IBM i or Valence Universal. By default, valenceConnect.init will look for a valence.json configuration file at the root of the project for the required properties. You may override those properties by passing in an options object.

Kind: instance method of ValenceConnect

Param Type Description
[options] object Configuration Options
options.url string Valence Connect Web Service URL "Located in Valence Portal Admin/Web Services"
options.IBMi boolean Running Valence for IBM i. Pass false if connecting to Valence Universal on Windows, Linux or OS X. Defaults to true if not passed.
options.logging boolean When true will capture statistical information which can be viewed in Portal Admin-->Logs.


// Using valence.json


// Passing options
    url     : '',
    IBMi    : true,
    logging : false,

valenceConnect.dbQuery(req, [res], statement) ⇒ DbQueryPromise

Run an SQL SELECT statement and get the results.

Kind: instance method of ValenceConnect
Returns: DbQueryPromise - when fulfilled will contain an object with the results.

Param Type Description
req IncomingMessage | object http request or object containing parameters to send off to process the query. Parameters: rootName, maxResults, startFrom.
[res] ServerResponse http response
statement string SQL statement to run. Only SELECT statements are allowed


router.all('/customers', (req, res) => {
    let statement     = 'select cusno as NUMBER, cname as NAME,' +
        ' ccity as CITY, cstate as STATE from DEMOCMAST',
        queryResponse = (response) => {
        queryError    = (err) => {

    valenceConnect.dbQuery(req, res, statement)

valenceConnect.decodeUTF16(inStr) ⇒ string

Decode UTF16 hex-encoded strings

Kind: instance method of ValenceConnect
Returns: string - decoded string

Param Type Description
inStr string string to decode


let decodedValue = valenceConnect.decodeUTF16(encodedValue);

valenceConnect.getParams(req, [param]) ⇒ Object | string | number | date | array | boolean | *

Get a single request parameter or all request parameters from both the body and query string.

Kind: instance method of ValenceConnect

Param Type Description
req IncomingMessage http request
[param] string parameter id


// All Parameters
// The variable params would be an object containing all the query string
//   and body parameters combined.
router.all('/processInventory', (req, res) => {
    let params = valenceConnect.getParams(req);

    if (params.inventoryId) {
      // process inventory


// Single Parameter
// The inventoryId variable would be a number since the front-end passed a numeric
//   value.
router.all('/processInventory', (req, res) => {
    let inventoryId = valenceConnect.getParams(req, 'inventoryId');

    if (inventoryId) {
      // process inventory

valenceConnect.getSessionInformation(sid) ⇒ SessionInformationPromise

Get the session information from the passed in session id

Kind: instance method of ValenceConnect
Returns: SessionInformationPromise - when fulfilled will contain the session information. Environment Id, Mode, Session Variables, etc.

Param Type Description
sid string session id


router.all('/transferOrder', (req, res) => {
    let sessionId       = valenceConnect.getParams(req, 'sid'),
        sessionError    = (err) => {
        sessionResponse = (info) => {
            if (info.envId === 1) {
                // process default
            } else {
                //process other environment


valenceConnect.getSettings(sid, [names], [cacheBuster]) ⇒ SettingsPromise

Get Valence Settings

Kind: instance method of ValenceConnect
Returns: SettingsPromise - when fulfilled will be a name/value array of Valence settings

Param Type Description
sid string session id
[names] array optional array of setting names to get
[cacheBuster] boolean If true force pull of latest settings from Valence.


router.all('/settings', (req, res) => {
    let sessionId        = valenceConnect.getParams(req, 'sid'),
        settingsError    = (err) => {
        settingsResponse = (settings) => {
                settings : settings


valenceConnect.getUserInformation(sid, [cacheBuster]) ⇒ UserInformationPromise

Get the current user information from the passed in session id

Kind: instance method of ValenceConnect
Returns: UserInformationPromise - when fulfilled will contain the user information. Id, First, Last Name, Email, etc.

Param Type Description
sid string session id
[cacheBuster] boolean If true force pull of latest users information from Valence.


router.all('/userInformation', (req, res) => {
    let sessionId    = valenceConnect.getParams(req, 'sid'),
        userError    = (err) => {
        userResponse = (info) => {
                user : info


valenceConnect.isAuthenticated(req, res) ⇒ IsAuthenticatedPromise

Is the session authenticated based off the current session id on the request object.

Kind: instance method of ValenceConnect

Param Type Description
req IncomingMessage http request
res ServerResponse http response


valenceConnect.isAuthenticated(req, res)
    .then(() => {
        // authenticated so continue...

valenceConnect.isEmpty(value) ⇒ boolean

Check to see if a value is empty

Kind: instance method of ValenceConnect

Param Type Description
value * | string value to test if empty


if (valenceConnect.isEmpty(value)) {
    //value is empty
} else {
    //value is not empty

getSessionStorage(key) ⇒ Promise.<*>

get session storage

Kind: global function

Param Type
key string

setSessionStorage(key, info) ⇒ Promise.<void>

set the session storage

Kind: global function

Param Type
key string
info string

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Prior to 1.1.1

  • beta

1.1.1 - 2018-05-18

  • General Availability

1.1.2 - 2018-09-12

  • When calling getParams with a specific parameter value return null if not found instead of an empty object.

1.1.3 - 2018-12-27

  • Update the required package url-parse minimum version to 1.4.3.

1.1.4 - 2020-12-21

  • Update package dependencies to the latest ver
  • Update core to handle dependency changes


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