The teeny tiny cross-browser XHR library - just 493 bytes gzipped!
// with a data object; // ... or with a data string; // abort a requestvar req = ; req;
Argument | Type | Required |
url | String | Yes |
data | String | Object |
options | Object | No |
Option | Type | Default | Notes |
method | String | GET |
GET , POST , HEAD , PUT , DELETE , etc. see wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP#Request_methods |
headers | Object | {} |
Custom headers for this request, see wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields#Requests |
sync | Boolean | false | Should this request be synchronous? |
timeout | Number | 0 |
Timeout (in ms) before aborting the request |
complete | Function | function(){} |
Callback fired when the request is completed |
success | Function | function(){} |
Callback fired when the request is completed successfully (eg. with HTTP status code < 400) |
error | Function | function(){} |
Callback fired when the request returns an error (eg. HTTP status code >= 400) |
returns the request object
Tested on
- Chrome 29 on OSX
- Chrome 28 on Windows
- Firefox 23 on OSX
- Firefox 21 on Windows
- Internet Explorer 7-10 on Windows
- Opera 16 on OSX
- Safari 6 on OSX
- Safari 6 on iPhone4/iOS6
- Safari 6 on iPhone5/iOS6
- Safari 6 on iPad2/iOS6
- Safari 6 on iPad3/iOS6