
1.0.20 • Public • Published


A utility library for working with BufferGeometry in Three.js. I have created this library to make it easier to work with BufferGeometry in Three.js.


You can install utils-three-js using npm:

    npm install utils-three-js


import { BufferGeoUtils } from 'utils-three-js';

import * as THREE from 'three';

// Create a BufferGeometry

const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry();

// Perform operations on the geometry

const positionArray = BufferGeoUtils.getPositionArray(geometry);

const normalArray = BufferGeoUtils.getNormalArray(geometry);

const uvArray = BufferGeoUtils.getUVArray(geometry);

const facePoints = BufferGeoUtils.getFacePoints(geometry,10)

// ...and more

API Documentation


Method Description Parameters Returns
isBufferGeometry Checks if the given geometry is a BufferGeometry. geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) Boolean
getPositionArray Returns the position array of the geometry. geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) Array
getNormalArray Returns the normal array of the geometry. geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) Array
getUVArray Returns the UV array of the geometry. geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) Array
getIndicesArray Returns the indices array of the geometry. geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) Array
getNumberOfFaces Returns the number of faces in the geometry. geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) Number
getNumberOfVertices Returns the number of vertices in the geometry. geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) Number
getPoint Returns the point at the given index. geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry), index (Number) THREE.Vector3
getFacePointIndices Returns the indices of the points of the face at the given index. geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry), faceIndex (Number) Array[Number]
getFacePoints Returns the points of the face at the given index. geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry), faceIndex (Number) Array[THREE.Vector3]
getTriangleArea Returns the area of the triangle with the given points. p1 (THREE.Vector3), p2 (THREE.Vector3), p3 (THREE.Vector3) Number
getSurfaceArea Returns the surface area of the geometry. geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) Number


Method Description Parameters Returns
getAllMeshes Returns all meshes of the given object. object (THREE.Object3D) Array[THREE.Mesh]
unGroupAllMeshes Un-groups all meshes of the given object.(Scaling may not work) If removeMeshTransformation is true, the transformation of the mesh is removed and applied to the geometry object (THREE.Object3D), removeMeshTransformation (Boolean) (default value is false) Array[THREE.Mesh]
deleteMeshWithData Deletes the mesh and its geometry, material, textures mesh (THREE.Mesh) Boolean
deleteObjectWithData Deletes the object and its geometry, material, textures. warning - make sure that they are not used by any other mesh object (THREE.Object3D) Boolean
getBoundingBox Returns the bounding box of the object. object (THREE.Object3D), inLocalSpace (Boolean) (Optional)(default value is false) THREE.Box3
getClassInstanceObjects Returns all objects of the object with the given class. object (THREE.Object3D), objectClass (any) Array<objectClass>
isObject Checks if the given object is an instance of THREE.Object3D. object (THREE.Object3D) Boolean
isMesh Checks if the given object is an instance of THREE.Mesh. object (THREE.Object3D) Boolean


Method Description Parameters Returns
removeFloatingPointError Removes the floating point error of the given value. value (Number), decimals (Number) (Optional)(default value is 2) Number
removeFloatingPointErrorVec3 Removes the floating point error of the given vector. inVec (THREE.Vector3), inDecimals (Number) (Optional)(default value is 2) THREE.Vector3


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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  • ranaraumik16