
1.12.0 • Public • Published

Ustream JavaScript SDK

npm version

JavaScript wrapper for Ustream's REST API.



npm install ustream-sdk


yarn add ustream-sdk

Basic Usage

All methods that access API resources, such as* or* will return a Promise.

let Ustream = require('ustream-sdk')
// Set up instance using password authentication
let ustream = new Ustream({
    username: "...",
    password: "...",
    client_id: "...",
    client_secret: "...",
    token_type: "...", // Optional, default is bearer
    type: "password"
}) => {
    // Use video
}).catch((err) => {
    // Handle error

Paging Results

Some methods return data that is divided into many pages. These methods will return an object with helper methods to allow for easy access to both your data and next pages.

// Get list of channels => {
    // Access the list of channels
    let channels =
    // Check if result set has a next page
    if (pageableResult.hasNextPage()) {
        // Retrieve the next page of channels => {
            // Use next page's results
}).catch((err) => {
Method Returns Description
next() Promise<PageableResult> Retrieves the next page of results. Returns null if a next page does not exist.
data() array<Object> Returns the data for a given page.
hasNextPage() boolean If true, next() will return a new page of data. If false, no next page exists.

Authentication API

Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow

let ustream = new Ustream({
    type: 'password',
    username: '...',
    password: '...',
    client_id: '...',
    client_secret: '...',
    token_type: "..." // Optional, default is bearer

Client Credentials Flow

let ustream = new Ustream({
    type: 'client_credentials',
    device_name: '...',
    scope: '...', // "broadcaster" or empty
    client_id: '...',
    client_secret: '...',
    token_type: "..." // Optional, default is bearer

Oauth Implicit Authentication Flow

let ustream = new Ustream({
  type: 'oauth_token',
  access_token: '...',
  token_type: 'bearer',
  expires_in: 86400

Oauth Authorization Code Authentication Flow

let ustream = new Ustream({
  type: 'oauth_code',
  client_id: '...',
  client_secret: '...',
  code: '...',
  redirect_uri: '...'

Password Credentials Flow for Analytics API

let ustream = new Ustream({
    type: 'password',
    username: '...',
    password: '...',
    client_id: '...',
    client_secret: '...',
    token_type: "jwt",
    endpoint: '',
    version: 'v1'

Note: The Analytics API uses only the jwt token type with a different API endpoint, and the targetted version is required.

Oauth Demo App

View Demo

Changing Authentication Credentials Workflow

If you choose to change your authentication workflow or swap out credentials after initializing Ustream, you can utilize the setAuthCredentials method.

    type: "<new authentication workflow>",

Video API

Upload Video, file, opts)
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.
file.originalname string Name of file. ReadStream File stream.
opts.title string Title of video.
opts.description string Description of video.
opts.protect "public" "private" Default is "private". If set to true, video will be published upon end of upload.

Video Upload Status, videoId)
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.
videoId int ID of an existing video.

List Videos, pageSize, page)

Promise returns a Pageable result. See "Paging Results" section for details.

Parameter Type Description
channelId int Id of a channel.
pageSize int (optional) Default: 100. The number of results to show per page.
page int (optional) Default: 1. The page to retrieve.

Get Video Details
Parameter Type Description
videoId int ID of an existing video.

Delete Video
Parameter Type Description
videoId int ID of an existing video.

Channel API

Get Channel, opts)
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.
opts.detail_level string Default is null. If set to "minimal", the result set is limited to id, title, picture, owner and locks data. If the channel is protected, only minimal data can be retrieved without valid access token.

Create Channel, opts)
Parameter Type Description
title string Channel title.
opts.description string Description of channel.

Edit Channel, title, opts)
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.
title string Title of channel.
opts.description string Description of channel.
opts.tags string Comma delimited list of channel tags

Delete Channel
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.

List Channels, page)

Promise returns a Pageable result. See "Paging Results" section for details.

Parameter Type Description
pageSize int (optional) Default: 100. The number of results to show per page.
page int (optional) Default: 1. The page to retrieve.

Check Password Protection Status
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.

Enable Password Protection, password)
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.
password string The password used to access the channel.

Disable Password Protection
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.

Get Embed Lock Status
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.

Edit Embed Lock Status, isEmbedLocked)
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.
isEmbedLocked boolean Default is false. True to enable restricted embed access. False to disable.

Get Whitelisted URLs
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.

Add URL to Whitelist, url)
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.
url string URL to whitelisted domain.

Remove URLs from Whitelist

The API currently does not support removing a single URL from the whitelist. All URLs must be removed, then added., url)
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.
url string URL to whitelisted domain.

Sharing Control, canShare)
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.
canShare boolean If true, users will be able to share a channel's content.

Change Branding Type, type)
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.
type string The branding type.

Playlist API

Is Enabled

You can check whether playlists are enabled or disabled on the channel page.

Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.

Promise returns a boolean result stating if playlists are enabled for the channel or not.

List Playlists

Allows for the retrieval of the list of the playlists in the channel.

ustream.playlist.list(channelId, pageSize, page, includeEmptyLists)
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.
pageSize int How many entries to return in one request. Default is 50 and max is 50.
page int Starting page number. Default is 1.
includeEmptyLists boolean If the value is true then empty playlists will be returned (false by default).

Promise returns a Pageable result. See "Paging Results" section for details.

List Videos in Playlist

This service retrieves a list of videos that are in a specific playlist.

ustream.playlist.listVideos(playlistId, pageSize, page)
Parameter Type Description
playlistId int ID of an existing playlist.
pageSize int How many entries to return in one request. Default is 200 and max is 200.
page int Starting page number. Default is 1.

Promise returns a Pageable result. See "Paging Results" section for details.

Create Playlist

Create a new playlist in the channel.

ustream.playlist.create(channelId, title, options)
Parameter Type Description
channelId int ID of an existing channel.
title string The title of the playlist.
isEnabled int Whether the playlist is enabled or not. Possible values are 1 (enabled), 0 (disabled). The default is 1 (enabled).

Get Playlist Details

This entry point retrieves the details of a playlist.

Parameter Type Description
playlistId int ID of an existing playlist.

Add Video to Playlist

Add an already uploaded video in the channel to the playlist.

Parameter Type Description
playlistId int ID of an existing playlist.
videoId int ID of an existing video.

Delete Playlist

Remove a playlist from a channel.

Parameter Type Description
playlistId int ID of an existing playlist.


  • Authentication
    • Oauth implicit flow
    • Oauth authorization code flow
  • Device passwords
    • Get device passwords
    • Create device password
    • Delete device password
  • Playlists
    • List the user's playlists
    • Create a playlist
    • Playlist details
    • Modify a playlist
    • Delete a playlist
    • Playlist videos
    • Playlist video
    • Channel playlists
  • Video (new endpoints)
    • Download video
    • Set up viewer authentication
    • Video expiration
    • Video thumbnail
    • Video labels
      • List all labels
      • Create label
      • Modify label
      • Delete label
      • List a video's labels
      • Add labels to video
      • Remove label from video
      • Edit video details
    • Video metadata
      • List all video metadata values
      • Set video metadata value
      • Remove video metadata value
    • Video caption
      • List captions
      • Show caption details
      • Modify caption details
      • Download captions
      • Upload captions
      • List supported caption languages
    • Video trim
    • Video copy
      • Check copy status
    • Video chapters
  • Channel
    • List featured videos
    • Update featured videos
    • Get channel managers
    • Set up viewer authentication
    • Channel metadata
      • List metadata values
      • set metadata value
      • remove metadata value
      • List metadata display settings
      • set metadata display setting
      • remove metadata display setting
    • Recording broadcasts
      • Get recording status
      • Start recording
      • Stop recording
      • Auto-record
      • Get record time limit
  • Stream settings
    • Multi quality streaming
  • Custom metadata
    • List metadata fields
    • Create new metadata field
    • Delete metadata field
  • Ingest settings
    • Get ingest settings
  • User
    • List channels
    • List videos
    • Create label
    • Update label
    • List labels
    • Delete label
  • Analytics
    • List of unique viewers for all contents
    • List of unique viewers for a specific content type
    • Raw view export for a given time period
    • Raw view export for a specific content type for a given time period
    • [] Sum total view number for a given period for all contents
    • [] Sum total view number for a given period and a specific content type
    • [] Number of sum unique devices for a given period and all contents
    • [] Number of sum unique devices for a given period and a specific content type
    • ...
  • Other
    • Improve test coverage


All tests are located in the /test directory. To execute the testing suite, or check for style guide violations, run the following command.

npm run test

Issues and Contributing

Have a feature request or bug report? Create an entry in the issue tracker, and include as much detail as possible. I usually reply within 12 hours.

Code contributions must adhere to the contribution guidelines.

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  • michaeljamesparsons