
1.0.7 • Public • Published

usePasswordPolicy Hook

This React hook simplifies password policy enforcement in your application. It provides a flexible and customizable way to validate passwords against various criteria, ensuring strong password security.


  • Built-in Policies: Enforces common password complexity requirements like minimum length, case sensitivity, digit inclusion, and special characters.

  • Custom Policies: Define your own validation checks using regular expressions or custom functions for even more granular control.

  • Configurable Defaults: Specify a default configuration for common policies, or override them with custom settings.


npm install use-password-policy


import { usePasswordPolicy } from './use-password-policy';
function MyComponent() {
	const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
	const policy = usePasswordPolicy({
						config: { minLength: 12 },
						customPolicies: [{ name: 'noRepeatedChars', regex: /^(?!.*(.)\1)/ },],});
	const isPasswordValid = Object.values(policy).every(check => check);
	return (
				onChange={e => setPassword(}
		{isPasswordValid ? (
			<p>Password is strong!</p>
		) : (
				{Object.entries(policy).map(([key, value]) => (
				<li key={key}>{!value && key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1')}</li>


Prop Name Props Values Type Description Default Value
password string The password to be validated. Required
config object (optional) An object overriding default configuration for built-in policies.
- minLength number Minimum password length 8
- uppercaseCharRegex RegExp Regular expression for uppercase characters /[A-Z]/
- digitRegex RegExp Regular expression for digits /\d/
- specialCharRegex RegExp Regular expression for special characters /[!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};':"|
- caseCheck boolean This flag determines the availability of a feature or functionality within your application's state true
- lengthCheck boolean This flag determines the availability of a feature or functionality within your application's state true
- digitCheck boolean This flag determines the availability of a feature or functionality within your application's state true
- specialCharCheck boolean This flag determines the availability of a feature or functionality within your application's state true
customPolicies array of objects (optional) An array of custom policies to enforce.
- name string Name of the custom policy for clarity in feedback.
- regex RegExp (optional) Regular expression for custom validation.
- checkFunction function (optional) A function taking the password as an argument and returning true/false for a custom check.
useDefaultConfig boolean This flag controls whether to use the default configuration for validations or checks in your application. true

Return Value:

An object containing boolean values for each policy check (built-in and custom). Use Object.values(policy).every(check => check) to determine if all policies are satisfied.


  • Improved Security: Enforces strong passwords, reducing the risk of brute-force attacks and data breaches.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Provides clear feedback to users on password strength, guiding them towards creating secure passwords.
  • Customization: Adapts to your specific security requirements through configurable defaults and custom policies.


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