
0.9.5 • Public • Published


Provide svg to iconfont and png/jpg to sprity-image


npm install use-icons


var useIcons = require("use-icons");

 * Generate the sprites - image
var pics = []; 
var picOptions = {};
useIcons.pic2icons(pics, picOptions, function(err, files) {

var useIcons = require("use-icons");
 * Generate svg icon fonts
var svgs = [];
var svgOptions = {};
useIcons.svg2icons(svg, svgOptions, function(err, files) {



  • svg2icons(data, options, callback)
    • data Array

              file: "./aa.svg", //The SVG file path
              unicode : "e001", //font unicode
              classname : "aa", //default unicode, output classname
              content: "<svg>...</svg>", // The content of the SVG file
              unicode : "e002", //font unicode
              classname : "bb", //default unicode, output classname
    • options:Object

      svgicons2svgfont options

          fileName : "", //Type: String default: iconfonts, font file name
          classPrefix : "",//Type: String default: "icon-", font class prefix
          fontBaseUri : "", //Type: String default: "", font url
          fontOptions : [], //Type: Array default : [{family : "iconfonts", classname : "iconfonts"}]
          resetViewBoxSize : false, //Type: Boolean Default: false, 
          prependUnicode : false, //Type: Boolean Default: false, The automation of module
          startUnicode : 0xE001, //Type: Number, Default - 0xE001, the number of the start unicode
          /*--- svgicons2svgfont options ---*/
          fontName : "", //required, Type: String Default value: 'iconfont',The font family name you want.
          fontId : "", //Type: String Default value: the options.fontName value,The font id you want.
          fontStyle : "", //Type: String Default value: '',The font style you want.
          fontWeight : "", //Type: String Default value: '',The font weight you want.
          fixedWidth : false, // Type: Boolean Default value: false,Creates a monospace font of the width of the largest input icon
          centerHorizontally : false, //Type: Boolean Default value: false,Calculate the bounds of a glyph and center it horizontally.
          normalize : false, //Type: Boolean Default value: false,Normalize icons by scaling them to the height of the highest icon.
          fontHeight : "", //Type: Number Default value: MAX(icons.height) The outputted font height (defaults to the height of the highest input icon).
          round : 10e12,//Type: Number Default value: 10e12 Setup SVG path rounding.
          descent : 0, //Type: Number Default value: 0,The font descent. It is usefull to fix the font baseline yourself.
          ascent : "", //Type: Number Default value: fontHeight - descent,The font ascent. Use this options only if you know what you're doing. A suitable value for this is computed for you.
          metadata : "", //Type: String Default value: undefined,The font metadata( You can set any character data in but it is the be suited place for a copyright mention.
          log : "",//Type: Function Default value: console.log,Allows you to provide your own logging function. Set to function(){} to impeach logging.
    • callback(err, files):Function

      • err Mixed // error info

      • files Array//out files content

                fileName : options.fileName,// same of Options.fileName
                fileType : "svg",
                content : "..."
                fileName : options.fileName,// same of Options.fileName
                fileType : "eof",
                content : "..."
                fileName : options.fileName,// same of Options.fileName
                fileType : "ttf",
                content : "..."
                fileName : options.fileName,// same of Options.fileName
                fileType : "woff",
                content : "..."
                fileName : options.fileName,// same of Options.fileName
                fileType : "woff2",
                content : "..."
                fileName : options.fileName,// same of Options.fileName
                fileType : "css",
                content : "..."
                fileName : options.fileName,// same of Options.fileName
                fileType : "html",
                content : "..."



  • pic2icons(data, options, callback)
    • data:Array

              file: "./aa.jpg", //The Image file path
              classname : "aa", //Default: filename, output classname
              file: "./bb.jpg", //The Image file path
              classname : "bb", //Default: filename, output classname
              content : "...", //The Image binary resources, use image content ,the classname is required
              classname: "cc", //Required, output classname
              ext: "png", //Default: png, file ext
    • options:Object

      Spritesmith Options

          padding : 5, //Default: 5, The Image space
          /*--- Spritesmith Options ---*/
          algorithm : "binary-tree",//Default: binary-tree,top-down,left-right,diagonal,alt-diagonal,binary-tree
          quality : 100, //Default: 100, The quality of the picture
          sort : false,//Default: false, Whether the sorting
          imageName : "sprites.png", //Default: sprites.png, output Sprites Image
          imageUrl : "",//Default: options.imageName, background-image:url image-url
          classMain : "sprites, //Default: sprites, main class
          classPrefix : "sprites-" //Default: "sprites-", class prefix
    • callback(err, files):Function

      • err Mixed // error info

      • files Array//out files content

                fileName : options.imageName.replace(/\.([^\.]+)$/, ""),
                fileType : options.imageName.replace(/.*\.([^\.]+)$/, "$1"),
                content : "..."
                fileName : "sprites",
                fileType : "css",
                content : "..."
                fileName : "sprites",
                fileType : "html",
                content : "..."



  • hex2int(intStr)
    • intStr Number
  • int2hex(hexStr)
    • hexStr String



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  • rockywu