
1.0.1 • Public • Published


Replace things like IDs and other regexes in a URL path with a placeholder

Sample Usage

const parse = require('url-id-replace')();
console.log(parse('/users/12345')); // /users/*
console.log(parse('/users/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000/')); // /users/*/

Built-in Matchers

A few common matchers are already provided:

const builtInMatchers = urlIdReplace.getBuiltInMatchers();
// Returns an object that looks like this:
    digits: ..., // Regex for matching only digits
    uuid: .., // Regex for matching only UUIDs
    hexLowercase: ..., // Regex for matching only lowercase hex values that are at least 7 characters
    hexUppercase: ..., // Regex for matching only uppercase hex values that are at least 7 chracters
    iso8061: ... // Regex for matching ISO8061 timestamp values

Currently, only digits and uuid are included in the list of default matchers. (IE: if you use the default parameters when building the parser.) The others are provided for your convenience if you need them. Simply follow the next step for adding custom matchers.

Custom Matchers

Custom matchers are regexes that can be specified when the parser is created

const parse = require('url-id-replace')({
    matchers: [/^ITEM-\d*$/]
console.log(parse('/items/ITEM-12345/location')); // /items/*/location
console.log(parse('/items/123')); // items/123 -- the default matchers were overwritten

This will override the default matchers. The default matchers are still available if you need them by calling getDefaultMatchers(). This returns an array of the default RegExps, to which you can then add other matchers:

const urlIdReplace = require('url-id-replace');
const parse = urlIdReplace({
    matchers: urlIdReplace.getDefaultMatchers().concat(/^ITEM-\d*$/)
console.log(parse('/items/ITEM-12345/location')); // /items/*/location
console.log(parse('/items/123')); // items/*

You can include the built-in matchers in a similar way:

const urlIdReplace = require('url-id-replace');
const parse = urlIdReplace({
    matchers: [urlIdReplace.getBuiltInMatchers().hexLowercase]
console.log(parse('/items/abc348f/location')); // /items/*/location

Changing the Placeholder

Instead of *, you can specify any string you want to be used for matches:

const parse = require('url-id-replace')({
    placeholder: 'X'
console.log(parse('/items/123/location/')); // items/X/location/


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