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2.1.0 • Public • Published


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Obfuscated WebRTC data channels.


WebRTC supports the creation of peer-to-peer data channels. WebRTC data channels are secured with DTLS. An observer of the network traffic between two connected hosts can trivially see that DTLS is in use; from this, they may infer that data channels are in use. We wish to make it difficult for an observer to detect the use of data channels.

This repository builds a Freedom module which affords control over WebRTC data channels at the network layer. The module, churn, provides an interface similar to uproxy-lib's uproxypeerconnection.

churn works by configuring WebRTC to pipe its peer-to-peer data through a local TURN server. This affords us an opportunity to transform the data prior to sending it over the network; churn code on the remote host then restores the data to its original format prior to delivering it to the remote WebRTC peer.

Currently, uTransformers are used to transform and restore the data being sent over the network. The libFTE transformer, in particular, affords great control over format of the data across the untrusted network.

This repository builds two sample apps, both Chrome apps.


Demonstrating the simplest possible use of the turn and net modules, this app spins up a TURN server on port 9997.

The server may be used with standard TURN clients, e.g. the command-line tools from the rfc5766-turn-server suite:

  • Install the rfc5766-turn-server client utilities (apt-get install rfc5766-turn-server on Debian-like systems)
  • Open a terminal and execute turnutils_peer. This starts a UDP echo server on ports 3480 and 3481.
  • Open another terminal and execute turnutils_uclient -s -u test -w test -e -p 9997

You should see a flurry of activity in the Chrome debugging console. On the command line, you will soon see a report. The output is not very user-friendly but the important parts are tot_send_msgs and tot_send_bytes. With the TURN server, echo server, and TURN client all running locally, you should not see any dropped packets. For more options, e.g. to open more channels or send larger datagrams, see the turnutils_uclient documentation.


Demonstrates how the churn module may be used to drive a two-way chat client.

The endpoints in use - along with a lot of debugging information - may be determined by examining the Javascript console; to convince yourself that the data is indeed obfuscated, examine your system's network traffic with the help of wireshark.


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