Securely generate UP8-compatible, @q
-encoded master tickets. Split
and combine tickets via a k/n Shamir's Secret Sharing scheme.
If you plan on generating a master ticket for a galaxy wallet, for example, you
might want to use gen_ticket_drbg(384)
to generate the ticket, and then
shard(.., 5, 3)
to split it into five shares (any three of which can be used
to recover it).
Grab it from npm like so:
npm install up8-ticket
To include in your node project, use:
const up8 =
To use in the browser, you can use e.g. rollup and the
rollup-plugin-node-resolve plugin, and specify the following in your
or similar:
Boot a node repl with async/await support and require the library like so:
$ node --experimental-repl-await
Welcome to Node.js v12.18.3.
Type ".help" for more information.
> const up8 = require('up8-ticket')
Generate a 256-bit master ticket via a simple CSPRNG (crypto
> up8.gen_ticket_simple(256)
You can add your own entropy (generated elsewhere) by passing it in the second argument as a Buffer. It will simply be XOR'd with the random bytes produced internally:
> up8.gen_ticket_simple(256, Buffer.from("a very random string"))
Do the same thing, but also use more-entropy to produce additional entropy when generating the ticket. Note that it returns a Promise (and takes a little longer):
> await up8.gen_ticket_more(256)
You can similarly pass your own entropy in as an additional Buffer here:
> let ticket = await up8.gen_ticket_more(256, Buffer.from('muh entropy'))
Do the same thing, but use a HMAC-DRBG function to combine the entropy produced
by the underlying CSPRNG and more-entropy. Like gen_ticket_more
, it returns
a Promise, and takes longer.
Note that you must use at least 192 bits of entropy for this method.
> await up8.gen_ticket_drbg(256)
As with the other functions, you can pass your own entropy in as an additional Buffer:
> let ticket = await up8.gen_ticket_drbg(384, Buffer.from('a personalization string'))
Split a ticket into 'shards' using a k/n Shamir's Secret Sharing scheme. Specify the number of shards to create and the number of shards required to reassemble the original ticket, along with the ticket itself:
> let ticket = await up8.gen_ticket_drbg(384)
> let shards = up8.shard(ticket, 3, 2)
> shards
Combine shards created via shard
. Pass in at least the required number of
shards as an array, with elements in any order:
> up8.combine(shards.slice(0, 2)) === ticket
> up8.combine(shards.slice(1, 3)) === ticket
> up8.combine([shards[0], shards[2]]) === ticket
> up8.combine(shards) === ticket