DefinitelyTyped icon, indicating that this package has TypeScript declarations provided by the separate @types/until-promise package

0.3.0 • Public • Published

A library that executes a function until its returned value satisfies some criteria.

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until(aFunction, aConditionFunction, someOptions).then(...);

Supports 3 modes:

  • infinite: (no duration or retries option)
  • retries option (retries option)
  • duration option:=

In theory (...and in practice), you can combine retries and duration options.

To "throttle" the calls, you can pass wait option. The first call is done immediately. Then, if the condition is not satisfied, it waits waitms before executing the function a second time (...and so on...)


import until from 'until-promise';
  // a function that takes no param
  // can return any value... such as a Promise..
  // `.bind(...)` as much a you want!
  () => { return aValue; },
  // a function that will be called with the returned/resolved value of the first function
  // and that should return true if the condition is satisfied
  (res) => { return res.prop === 'expectedValue'; },
  // optional options:
    // * wait: number of milliseconds between 2 function calls
    wait: 500,
    // * duration: the maximum number of milliseconds before rejecting
    duration: 2000
    // * retries: maximum number of retries before rejecting
    retries: 3
).then(() => {
  // do what you have to do

Setup / Reset

This library also expose a setup(options) function that allows to configure default options that will be used eveytime until is called (until setup(options) or reset() are called):

  • Promise: specify a Promise library like bluebird if needed (defaults to Promise which is available in nodejs and most modern browser)
  • onError: define a custom Error handler: its signature is:
// `reject` should be called exactly once.
onError({ errorType, reject, nbAttempts, startedAt, capturedResults }, options)
  • captureResults: if not falsy and > 0, until will cature the last X results and pass them to onError handler (capturedResults property)
  • wait: time to wait between 2 calls - default: 0
  • duration: max number of milliseconds before rejecting - default: Infinity
  • retries: default number of retries before rejecting - default: Infinity

Note that any of those options can also be used when invoking until(func, testFunc, options) (third param). Adding those options when invoking until will not modify the default until options

The default options are:

  wait: 0,
  captureResults: 0,
  onError({ errorType, reject, nbAttempts, startedAt, capturedResults }, options) {
    let err = new Error(`condition not satified after ${Date.now() - startedAt}ms / nbAttempts: ${nbAttempts}`);
    // note that you can attach properties to error if needed. For example:
    err.duration = Date.now() - startedAt;
    Object.assign(err, { nbAttempts, errorType, startedAt, capturedResults, options });


If the condition is never satisfied and duration is not a multiple of wait, then the returned promise might fail after Math.ceil(failAfter / wait) * wait ( which is > failAfter)

This will resolve after ~600ms:

let a = 1;
// `a` will equal 2 after 500ms
setTimeout(() => { a = 2; }, 500);
return until(
  function () { return Promise.resolve(a); },
  (res) => res === 2,
  // the function will be executed at:
  // ~0ms, ~200ms, ~400ms, ~600ms
  { wait: 200, duration: 1000 }

This is rejected after ~900ms:

let a = 1;
// `a` will equal to 2 after 5000ms
setTimeout(() => { a = 2; }, 5000);
return until(
  function () { return Promise.resolve(a); },
  (res) => res === 2,
  // the function will be executed at:
  // ~0ms, ~200ms, ~400ms and should fail at ~500ms (while waiting 200ms before doing the 4th call)
  { wait: 200, duration: 500 }

Custom Promise Library


This library has no dependencies on bluebird. Just a dev dependency so I can test setup({ promise }) function.

If you want to use a custom Promise library (to benefit from some extra chaining methods exposed by this library for example...), use can use setup({ promise: customPromiseLibrary});

Here is an example with bluebird:

import until, {setup as untilSetup } from 'until-promise';
import bluebird as bluebird;

untilSetup({promise: bluebird});

return until(doSomething, conditionFunction)
  // `map` is available with bluebird, not with regular Promise
  .map(() => {...} );

Note: you don't have to call setup() in all the files that imports unitl-promise: any call to setup() from a js file will affect another file that also uses until-promise (in the same node process of course).

FYI: instead of using setup(), you can also wrap the until() call into a promiseLib.resolve(), like this:

return Bluebird.resolve(until(doSomething, conditionFunction)
  // `map()` is not a regular Promise method... yet...
  .map(() => {...} );

Dev Tips?Reminders

... Because I tend to forget things (and change way I do things between projects...)...

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  • npm version [major|minor|patch]


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