
3.1.0 • Public • Published

This task is only relevant for standalone applications!

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Task for ui5-builder, enabling cachebusting for standalone applications.


⚠️ UI5 Tooling Compatibility All releases of this tooling extension using the major version 3 require UI5 Tooling V3. Any previous releases below major version 3 (if available) also support older versions of the UI5 Tooling. But the usage of the latest UI5 Tooling is strongly recommended!


npm install ui5-task-cachebuster --save-dev

Configuration options (in $yourapp/ui5.yaml)

  • debug: true|false
    Verbose logging
  • moveResouces: true|false
    default true: moves all the files in the build to a subfolder named /~timestamp~/
    false: no files are moved and no subfolder created
  • excludeFromMove : eg. ["index.html", "logout.html"]
    only relevant if moveResources is true
    default ["index.html"]: the files which should not be moved into the timestamp subfolder


  1. Define the dependency in $yourapp/package.json:
"devDependencies": {
    // ...
    "ui5-task-cachebuster": "*"
    // ...
  1. configure it in $yourapp/ui5.yaml:

What is possible:

  - name: ui5-task-cachebuster
    afterTask: generateResourcesJson
      debug: true | false
      moveResources: true | false
      excludeFromMove: ["index.html", "logout.html"]

For app in SAP BTP in Cloud Foundry environment with managed approuter:

  - name: ui5-task-cachebuster
    afterTask: generateResourcesJson
      moveResources: false

If ui5-task-zipper is used you need to include the beforeTask config.

  - name: ui5-task-cachebuster
    beforeTask: ui5-task-zipper    

How it works

This is only relevant for standalone applications, not apps that run in SAP Fiori Launchpad

Why do we need this? "Cache busting is a way for updates to still happen when using web caching." To make sure that the newest deployed changes of the webapp are displayed, even though web caching is used by the client browsers, a cachetoken is added to the paths which point to the static files. This cachetoken is changing for each build, therefore the browser has to reload all resources if the cachetoken has changed.

Standalone apps have to explicitly deal with cachbusting.

This task can be used to move all files except index.html to a subfolder with the current timestamp as a name. In the index.html the data-sap-ui-resourceroots path is updated to include the /~timestamp~/ path like so: {"my.app": "./~1234241421~/"}. This dynamic cachebusting token ensures that the static resources will have to be reloaded after a new build was deployed.

If the app is deployed on SAP BTP in the Cloud Foundry environment with the managed approuter, the configuration moveResources: false should be used, since the ~token~ in the path to the files will be ignored.

If you included any other .html files in your project who's path should not change, like a logout.html which is routed to in the xs-app.json, you should add it to the excludeFromMove configuration. This takes an array of file paths (relative to webapp folder) which should not be moved into the timestamp subfolder.

Use Cases:

  • Standalone Web-Server: Adapt index.html + Move files into timestamp folder
  • CloudFoundry HTML5 Apps with managed approuter: Just adapt index.html
  • Neo HTML5 Apps: Adapt index.html + enable cachebuster handling in neo-app.json with ui5CacheBuster: true


This work is licensed under Apache 2.0.


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  • 3.1.0
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