TOAST UI Component : Context Menu
Component that creates a menu when the right mouse button is clicked.
🚩 Table of Contents
- Collect statistics on the use of open source
📙 Documents🎨 Features🐾 Examples-
💾 Install -
🔨 Usage 🌏 Browser Support-
🔧 Pull Request Steps 💬 Contributing🍞 TOAST UI Family📜 License
Collect statistics on the use of open source
TOAST UI ContextMenu applies Google Analytics (GA) to collect statistics on the use of open source, in order to identify how widely TOAST UI ContextMenu is used throughout the world.
It also serves as important index to determine the future course of projects.
(e.g. > “") is to be collected and the sole purpose is nothing but to measure statistics on the usage.
To disable GA, use the following usageStatistics
option when creating the instance.
const options = {
usageStatistics: false
const instance = new ContextMenu(container, options);
Or, include tui-code-snippet
(v2.2.0 or later) and then immediately write the options as follows:
tui.usageStatistics = false;
📙 Documents
You can also see the older versions of API page on the releases page.
🎨 Features
- Creates a context menu hierarchically by data.
- Makes each menu item enable or disable.
- Supports custom events.
🐾 Examples
- Basic : Example of using default options.
💾 Install
TOAST UI products can be used by using the package manager or downloading the source directly. However, we highly recommend using the package manager.
Via Package Manager
TOAST UI products are registered in two package managers, npm and bower. You can conveniently install it using the commands provided by each package manager. When using npm, be sure to use it in the environment Node.js is installed.
$ npm install --save tui-context-menu # Latest version
$ npm install --save tui-context-menu@<version> # Specific version
$ bower install tui-context-menu # Latest version
$ bower install tui-context-menu#<tag> # Specific version
Via Contents Delivery Network (CDN)
TOAST UI products are available over the CDN powered by TOAST Cloud.
You can use the CDN as below.
<script src=""></script>
If you want to use a specific version, use the tag name instead of latest
in the url's path.
The CDN directory has the following structure.
├─ latest/
│ ├─ tui-context-menu.css
│ ├─ tui-context-menu.js
│ ├─ tui-context-menu.min.css
│ └─ tui-context-menu.min.js
├─ v2.1.0/
│ ├─ ...
Download Source Files
🔨 Usage
You need to add two elements. One is the container element to display a context menu, and the other is a target element in which a context menu is attached.
<div id="tui-context-menu-container"></div>
<div id="tui-context-menu-target"></div>
This component can be used by creating an instance with the constructor function. To get the constructor function, you should import the module using one of the following ways depending on your environment.
Using namespace in browser environment
const ContextMenu = tui.ContextMenu;
Using module format in node environment
const ContextMenu = require('tui-context-menu'); /* CommonJS */
import ContextMenu from 'tui-context-menu'; /* ES6 */
You should call register
method with options after creating an instance to attach a context menu.
const container = document.getElementById('tui-context-menu-container');
const target = document.getElementById('tui-context-menu-target');
const instance = new ContextMenu(container);
instance.register(target, { ... });
For more information about the API, please see here.
🌏 Browser Support
Chrome | Internet Explorer | Edge | Safari | Firefox |
Yes | 9+ | Yes | Yes | Yes |
🔧 Pull Request Steps
TOAST UI products are open source, so you can create a pull request(PR) after you fix issues. Run npm scripts and develop yourself with the following process.
Fork develop
branch into your personal repository.
Clone it to local computer. Install node modules.
Before starting development, you should check to have any errors.
$ git clone{your-personal-repo}/tui.context-menu.git
$ cd tui.context-menu
$ npm install
$ npm run test
Let's start development! You can see your code is reflected as soon as you saving the codes by running a server. Don't miss adding test cases and then make green rights.
Running dev server
$ npm run serve
Running test
$ npm run test
Pull Request
Before PR, check to test lastly and then check any errors. If it has no error, commit and then push it!
For more information on PR's step, please see links of Contributing section.
💬 Contributing
🍞 TOAST UI Family
- TOAST UI Editor
- TOAST UI Calendar
- TOAST UI Chart
- TOAST UI Image-Editor
- TOAST UI Components