TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.2 • Public • Published


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npm init -y
npm install tsnode-express --save

Configure tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es6",                     
    "module": "commonjs",                  
    "declaration": true,
    "strict": false,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,

Start application

Create index.ts file

import http from 'http';
import { Application } from 'tsnode-express';
const application = new Application();
application.start((express, config) => {
  http.createServer(express).listen(3000, () => {
    console.log('Server listening')
Notice the start method is async
start method pass to callback express and config provider

Compile code with ts-node

 ./node_modules/.bin/ts-node index.ts
You can install ts-node globally, connect nodemon or configure somehow else

Make first request

Expected result for GET http://localhost:3000/health

  "status": "live"

Write the Controller

Note: all classes should had written before appplication.start() had called
import { Controller, Get } from "tsnode-express";
class SomeController {
  getSuccess(args: IRequestArguments) {
    return {
      data: "success"

The "Controller" decorator accepts as argument base path to route

The "Get" decorator accepts as agrument additional path to route

Expected result fot the GET http://localhost:3000/some

  "data": "success"

Use dependency injections

The application support dependency injection mechanism

import { Service } from "tsnode-express";
class SomeService {
  getSomeData() {
    return {
      data: "from service"

Modify your controller

import { Controller, Get } from "tsnode-express";
class SomeController {
  constructor(public someService: SomeService)
  getFromService(args: IRequestArguments) {
    return this.someService.getSomeData()

Expected result fot the GET http://localhost:3000/some/service

    "data": "from service"

You can also inject any class wich marked as Service() not only in controllers

Service injected in other service wil be works too

Use ConfigProvider as injection

Insert before applocation.start() function

application.useConfig((config) => {
  config.test = 'test config field';
Notice the useConfig method can be async and used in chain

Modify your service or controller

import { Service, ConfigProvider } from "tsnode-express";
class SomeService {
  constructor(public configProvider: ConfigProvider) {}
  getTestConfig() {
    return {
      data: "from service",
      configField: this.configProvider.test

Expected result fot the GET http://localhost:3000/some/service

  "data": "from service",
  "configField": "test config field"

Working with request params and request query

import { Controller, Post } from "tsnode-express";
class SomeController {
  echo({ body, params, query }: IRequestArguments) {
    return {
      body: body.data,
      params: params.param,
      query: query.echo

Expected result fot the POST http://localhost:3000/some/echo/echoParam?echo=echoQuery

  "data": "echoBody"
  "body": "echoBody",
  "params": "echoParam",
  "query": "echoQuery"

Use reuest`s Before and After hooks

Add hooks and route function to the controller

In afrer hook available result object wich collect data from original method

@Before('GET', '/hooks')
beforeWithHooks(reqIRequest, resIResponse, nextFunction) {
  req.body.before = 'before hook'
withHooks(argsIRequestArguments) {
  return {
    origin: 'original method'
@After('GET', '/hooks')
afterWithHooks(reqIRequest, resIResponse, nextFunction) {
  res.result = Object.assign(req.body, res.result, { after: 'after hook' })

Expected result fot the GET http://localhost:3000/some/hooks

  "before": "before hook",
  "origin": "original method",
  "after": "after hook"

Hooks are accepts in first argument method type wich you want define for hook GET, POST etc As second argument you should pass a path to route Hooks can works separately from original function if you don`t need it As example you can work with webhooks and use only @Before wook to validate headers or do with request something else

Example single hooks

 @Before('GET', '/single-before-hook/:param')
singleBeforeHook(reqIRequest, resIResponse, nextFunction) {
  res.send({ break: `Before hook catch ${req.params.param} param` })

Expected result fot the GET http://localhost:3000:3000/some/single-before-hook/someParam

  "break": "Before hook catch someParam param"
@After('GET', '/single-after-hook/:param')
singleAfterHook(reqIRequest, resIResponse, nextFunction) {
  res.send({ break: `After hook catch ${req.params.param} param` })

Expected result fot the GET http://localhost:3000:3000/some/single-after-hook/someParam

  "break": "After hook catch someParam param"

Afrer hook should always close response


Application contains the powerfull authorization interface

Write authorization provider

Verify function should terurns the promise

import { IAuthProvider, IAuthTarget } from "tsnode-express";
@Reflect.metadata('design', 'paramtypes')
class AuthProvider implements IAuthProvider {
  async verify(token: string, authTarget: IAuthTarget): Promise<any> {
    // veryfy token here and return the obj witch you want to see in req otions
    return { name: 'John Doe' };
You can inject in AuthProvider application ConfigProvider or any other service
Any object which you returns from verify you can get on request handler

Example of AuthTarget

  AuthTarget {
    controller: 'AuthController',
    method: 'get',
    basePath: '/auth',
    path: '/me',
    functionName: 'me',
    role: 'default',
    roles: [ 'default', 'admin', 'super' ],
    fullPath: '/auth/me' }

Insert before applocation.start() function and define where and how you want to handle auth token

application.useAuthorizationProvider(AuthProvider, (options: IAuthOptions) => {
  // Define token handler field or leave empty

By defalult options looks like

AuthOptions {
  authorizationHeader: 'authorization',
  authorizationQueryParam: 'access_token',
  authorizationBodyField: 'accessToken' }

Decorare your controller

export class AuthController {

Rigth now any request to /auth will be sequre by AuthProvider verify handler

Authorization oprions

@Authorization({ role: 'default', roles: ['admin', 'user'] })

@Authorization decorator accept role/roles otions which will be inclured to AuthTarget object in AuthProvider verify handler

Authorization oppions in routes decorator

@Get('me', { role: 'default' })

Route decorator also accept role/roles otions which will be inclured to AuthTarget object in AuthProvider verify handler

@Get('sign-in', { auth: false })

Also you can exclude some routes from authorization inside sequre controller This migth be helps when controller needs to be sequre but some routes should be public For example in case when you configure webhook with custom auth

Enabling internal logging

logLevels might contains array as described below

  • info - logging the incoming request(path, target functions)
  • success - runs once when server starts and display sucessfuly builded routes
  • error - always print stactrace and display errors without statusCodes
  • warning - display errors which was throwed mannualy and contains the statusCodes

printStack says to application is the print stack trace required on warnings.

These options by defaulf is empty

  application.useConfig((config) => {
    config.logLevels = ['info', 'success', 'error', 'warning'];
    config.printStack = false;

CORS and primary configuretion not includet to lib yet

Constructor of applications retunrs an express instance so you can configure it before application builds

Example how to configure CORS

const application = new Application((express) => {
  express.use((req: IRequest, res: IResponse, next: Function) => {
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization");

Application has his own wrapper for express.use and can be used in chain

const application = new Application();
  .use(/** another handler */)
  .use(/** another handler */)

Error Handling

The applications uses as error lib https://www.npmjs.com/package/ts-http-errors

So applications allows to override handleError and handleNotFound methods which uses as express middleware

const application = new Application();
app.handleError = function (err: ExtendedError, req: IRequest, res: IResponse, next: Function) {
  //put your code here

You can choose another way and extend your own class from application

class OwnApp extends Application {
  constructor() {
    this.express.use((req: IRequest, res: IResponse, next: Function) => {
      res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
      res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization");
const app = new OwnApp();

Building from several files and folders

As the typescript import is different with nodejs require Application have a simple stub to keep code structural


  • moduleA
    • service.ts
    • controller.ts
    • index.ts
  • moduleB
    • controller.ts
    • service.ts
    • index.ts
  • index.ts
import * as moduleA from './moduleA';
import * as moduleB from './moduleB';
const application = new Application();

External Injections

Application support external injections throuth

public inject<T>(namestring, cbFunction)Application;
public inject<T>(instanceT)Application;

So you can inject to application already creates instances or use factory to create incjection. Factory can be async


abstract class IInjectedService {
  stub: string
class InjectedService extends IInjectedService {
  stub: string
  constructor(opts) {
    Object.assign(this, opts);
const injectedService: InjectedService = new InjectedService({ 
  stub: 'injected as class'
const application = new Application();
  .inject<IInjectedService>('IInjectedService', async () => ({ stub: 'injected as interface' }))

And after application start those can be available on services or controllers

class SomeService {
    public injectedService: InjectedService,
    public iInjectedService: IInjectedService
  ) {}

As in typescript interfaces can not be reflected I propose using empty abstract classes

Doc is not finished yet. Please you look at the full example on github

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