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1.0.2 • Public • Published


  1. Mutual conversion between "A1:B1" and [row, col].
  2. Inserting images into specified cell ranges without changing the aspect ratio of the images.
  3. Allowing downloading of workbooks.


  • Tested on Chrome from a React application created with CRA.


  • Tested on Chrome from a React application created with CRA.


yarn add ts-exceljs-utility


  • [2024/3/31]v1.0.1 released.
  • [2024/3/24]v1.0.0 released.


  • An interface representing a cell or a range of cells. It allows the following representations:
  1. Representation by string. "A1", "A1:B2"
  2. Representation of a single cell by row and column indices. {top: 1, left: 1} //="A1"
  3. Representation of a cell range by indices of the top-left and bottom-right cells. {top: 1, left: 1, bottom: 2, right: 2} //="A1:B2"
  • Defined as follows:
export type CellAddress = 
  | {
    top: number;
    left: number;
  | {   
    top: number;
    left: number;
    bottom: number;
    right: number;

Mutual conversion between cell or cell range's string representation and index representation


  • Use the method below.
function getCellRange(address: CellAddress): CellRange

type CellRange = {
  rangeStr: string;//String representation like "A1:B2"
  top: number;//Index of the top-left cell starting from 1 for rows.
  left: number;//Index of the top-left cell starting from 1 for columns.
  bottom: number;//Index of the bottom-right cell starting from 1 for rows.
  right: number;//Index of the bottom-right cell starting from 1 for columns.
  • Usage:
import { getCellRange } from "ts-exceljs-utility";

const range1 = getCellRange("A1:B2");
// range1 = {rangeStr: "A1:B2", top: 1, left: 1, bottom: 2, right: 2}

const range2 = getCellRange({top: 1, left: 1});
// range2 = {rangeStr: "A1:A1", top: 1, left: 1, bottom: 1, right: 1}

const range3 = getCellRange({top: 1, left: 1, bottom: 2, right: 2});
// range3 = {rangeStr: "A1:B2", top: 1, left: 1, bottom: 2, right: 2}

Inserting images into specified cell ranges without changing the aspect ratio



  • Constructs arguments for ExcelJS's workbook.addImage from a URL (string) or Blob.


  • Inserts an image from a URL (string) or Blob.
  • Allows specifying the destination cell or cell range with CellAddress.
  • Inserts the image without changing its aspect ratio, enlarging or reducing it to fit, with a specified size.
  • Requires specifying the image size.
  • Adds a margin of 2px on all sides.
import { createAddImageParam, addImageToCell} from "ts-exceljs-utility";

//■Create workbook and worksheet
const book = new ExcelJS.Workbook();
const sheet = book.addWorksheet("sample");

//■Explicitly set width and height for the rows and columns where images will be inserted
for(let i = 1; i <= 100; i++){
  sheet.getRow(i).height = 13.5;
  sheet.getColumn(i).width = 8.38;

//■Insert image into workbook
const imageId = book.addImage(await createAddImageParam(horizonImage));

//■Insert image into worksheet
//Insert an image with a size of 712x357 into "B1:K10".
addImageToCell(sheet, imageId, 712, 357, "B1:K10");

Using xlsx as an Asset[v1.0.1]


  • Provides functionality to manage xlsx files as assets, similar to PNG images, and load them into workbooks.
  • Assumes a React application created with CRA.

Installing and Configuring Craco

module.exports = {
  webpack: {
    configure: (webpackConfig, { env, paths }) => {
        test: /\.xlsx$/,
        type: 'asset',
        parser: {
          dataUrlCondition: {
            maxSize: 0,
      return webpackConfig;

Prepare xlsx.d.ts

declare module '*.xlsx' {
  const content: string; 
  export default content;

Store xlsx as an Asset in the src Directory

  • Store, for example, src/assets/resource.xlxs.

Load Asset into Workbook

  • Obtain the URL with import assetXlsx from "../assets/example.xlsx"; and get the workbook using loadWorkbook. If the URL does not exist or the workbook fails to read the downloaded data, the return value of loadWorkbook will be undefined.
import assetXlsx from "../assets/example.xlsx";
const workbook = await loadWorkbook(assetXlsx);
if(workbook != null){
  downloadWorkbook(workbook, "example.xlsx");

Inserting colBreaks[v1.0.2]


  • Use addColBreak(worksheet: ExcelJS.Worksheet, colIndex: number): void to add colBreaks (line breaks in columns) to the worksheet.
  • colIndex represents the position of the column starting from 0.
  • You can obtain an xlsx file that reflects colBreaks using the downloadWorkbook method or the writeWithColBreaks method.
   //■Load workbook from resources
  const workbook = await loadWorkbook(assetXlsx);
  if(workbook == null) return;

  //■Convert input to an array of columns to break ([5,10,15])
  const breaks = input.split(",").map(item => item.trim()).filter(item => item.length > 0).map(item => Number(item)).filter(item => !isNaN(item));

  //■Add column breaks to the first sheet
  const sheet = workbook.worksheets[0];
  breaks.forEach(colBreak => {
    addColBreak(sheet, colBreak);

  //■Trigger download
  downloadWorkbook(workbook, "example.xlsx");
  //const blob = await writeWithColBreaks(workbook);

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  • akatonbo