
1.0.3 • Public • Published

Trix Database Package


Trix Database is a powerful Node.js package for managing data with built-in support for encryption, MongoDB integration, and caching. It provides an intuitive interface for storing, retrieving, and manipulating data efficiently.


TrixDB Version Is: 1.0.3


You can install the Trix Database package via npm:

npm install trix.db


To use the Trix Database package, require it in your Node.js application:

const Database = require('trix.db');

Then, create a new instance of the Database class:

const db = new Database();


MongoDBDriver Commands

  1. connectToMongoDB(url, dbName): Connects to a MongoDB server with the provided URL and database name.
  2. insertOne(collectionName, document): Inserts a document into the specified MongoDB collection.
  3. findOne(collectionName, query): Finds a document in the specified MongoDB collection based on the query.
  4. updateOne(collectionName, filter, update): Updates a document in the specified MongoDB collection based on the filter.
  5. deleteOne(collectionName, filter): Deletes a document from the specified MongoDB collection based on the filter.
  6. init(table): Initializes the database for MongoDB operations with the specified table name.
  7. setRowByKey(table, key, value): Sets a row in the MongoDB table with the specified key and value.
  8. getAllRows(table): Retrieves all rows from the MongoDB table.
  9. getRowByKey(table, key): Retrieves a row from the MongoDB table based on the specified key.
  10. deleteRowByKey(table, key): Deletes a row from the MongoDB table based on the specified key.
  11. deleteAllRows(table): Deletes all rows from the MongoDB table.
  12. disconnect(): Disconnects from the MongoDB server.

CacheDriver Commands

  1. enableCache(): Enables caching of data.
  2. disableCache(): Disables caching of data.

Regular Commands (Not specific to MongoDBDriver or CacheDriver)

  1. set(key, value): Sets a key-value pair in the database.
  2. get(key): Retrieves the value associated with the given key.
  3. delete(key): Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key.
  4. add(key, num): Adds a numeric value to the existing value of the specified key.
  5. subtract(key, num): Subtracts a numeric value from the existing value of the specified key.
  6. push(key, item): Appends an item to an array stored at the specified key.
  7. math(key, operator, num): Performs basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) on the value associated with the given key.
  8. enableEncryption(): Enables data encryption.
  9. disableEncryption(): Disables data encryption.
  10. fetch(): Retrieves all data from the database, including cached data if caching is enabled.
  11. fetchAll(): Retrieves all data from the database, including cached data if caching is enabled.
  12. all(): Retrieves all data from the database, excluding cached data.
  13. backup(filename): Creates a backup of the database in a JSON file with the specified filename.
  14. reset(): Resets the database by clearing all data.
  15. connect(): Connects to the MongoDB server. (Also available in MongoDBDriver)
  16. close(): Closes the database connection. (Also available in MongoDBDriver)


You can enable or disable encryption using the enableEncryption() and disableEncryption() methods. By default, encryption is enabled.


The MongoDBDriver feature allows seamless integration with MongoDB databases. You can connect to a MongoDB server, perform CRUD operations, and manage database collections effortlessly.


// Connect to MongoDB
await db.connectToMongoDB('mongodb://localhost:27017', 'myDatabase');

// Insert a document
await db.insertOne('users', { name: 'Trix', age: 30 });

// Find a document
const user = await db.findOne('users', { name: 'Trix' });

// Disconnect from MongoDB
await db.disconnect();


The CacheDriver feature improves performance by caching data in memory. You can enable or disable caching using the enableCache() and disableCache() methods.


// Enable caching

// Disable caching

Discord Bot Example :

const { Client, Intents } = require('discord.js');
const Database = require('trix.db');

const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES] });
const db = new Database();
const leaderboard = new Map();

client.once('ready', () => {
    console.log('Bot is ready!');

client.on('messageCreate', message => {
    if (! {
        if (message.content.toLowerCase() === '!balance') {
            const balance = db.get(`balance_${}`) || 0;
  `Your balance is: ${balance}`);
        else if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith('!addmoney')) {
            const args = message.content.split(' ');
            const amount = parseInt(args[1]);
            if (!isNaN(amount)) {
                db.set(`balance_${}`, amount);
      `Added ${amount} to your balance.`);
            } else {
      'Invalid amount. Usage: !addmoney [amount]');
        else if (message.content.toLowerCase() === '!leaderboard') {
            const leaderboardData = db.all(); 
            const sortedLeaderboard = Object.entries(leaderboardData)
                .filter(([key]) => key.startsWith('balance_'))
                .sort(([, balanceA], [, balanceB]) => balanceB - balanceA) 
                .slice(0, 5); 
            const leaderboardEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
                .setDescription('Here are the top 5 users on the leaderboard:')
          [key, balance], position) => ({
                        name: `#${position + 1}`,
                        value: `<@${key.split('_')[1]}>: ${balance}`,
                        inline: true
  { embeds: [leaderboardEmbed] });


🎉 🥳 Updates

1. Data Encryption and Decryption


Added functions for encrypting data using AES-256-CBC encryption. Encryption is enabled by default.

To enable encryption:

const database = new Database({
    encrypt: true, // Enable encryption


Added functions to decrypt encrypted data.

To disable encryption:

const database = new Database({
    encrypt: false, // Disable encryption

2. Logs System


  1. initLogs(): Initializes the logs system.
  2. createLogStream(filename): Creates a new log file with the specified filename.
  3. log(message, filename): Logs a message to the specified log file. Default filename is 'default'.
  4. enableLogs(): Enables logging.
  5. disableLogs(): Disables logging.


To enable logging:

database.enableLogs(); // Enable logging

To disable logging:

database.disableLogs(); // Disable logging

To log a message:

database.log('Message to log', 'customLog.log'); // Logs message to customLog.log


These updates enhance the functionality of the Trix Database package by introducing data encryption and decryption capabilities using AES-256-CBC encryption. Additionally, a flexible logging system has been implemented to facilitate better management of logs.

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