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0.40.5 • Public • Published

Trillion Viewer

This is Trillion Viewer that allow you to integrate Trillion SDK in your site. For more information please visit


Using npm:

npm install trillion-viewer

Using yarn:

yarn add trillion-viewer

How to use:

First of all get your API key from

Then you need to create an empty div element for viewer initialization. For example:

 <div id="trillion-viewer"></div>

Then, in your js code (don't forget to set your API key):

import {TrillionViewerApp} from "trillion-viewer"

const elem = document.getElementById('trillion-viewer')
const trillionViewer = new TrillionViewerApp()

For typescript:

const elem = document.getElementById('trillion-viewer') as HTMLElement

Instance methods

  • trillionViewer.init() - Create viewer on the provided HTML element
  • trillionViewer.setServiceActivationKey(KEY) - Set API key for app
  • trillionViewer.refresh() - reload viewer after changing parameters
  • trillionViewer.setJewelryID(sku) - Set the id(SKU) of the jewelry to load
  • trillionViewer.getJewelryID() - Get the id(SKU) of the uploaded jewelry
  • trillionViewer.setStartSize(number) - Set the start size of the jewelry
  • trillionViewer.getStartSize() - Get the start size of the jewelry
  • trillionViewer.setZoomMin(number) - Set the minumum zoom value
  • trillionViewer.getZoomMin() - Get the minumum zoom value
  • trillionViewer.setZoomMax(number) - Set the maximum zoom value
  • trillionViewer.getZoomMax() - Get the maximum zoom value
  • trillionViewer.setTryon(true) - Enables Try-On btn above the model
  • trillionViewer.setCustomUrlTryOn('') - Set the url for Try-On button

Model configuration methods

Available colors and cuts depends on a model

trillionViewer.configuratorController.changeColor({color: '#f5f5f5', materialName: 'metal'})

change color of material. Available materials names can be retrieved from API in future

trillionViewer.configuratorController.changeCut({name: 'oval', frame: 'oval', band?: 'oval'}, RING_CUTS)

change cut of the stone. RING_CUTS - all available ring cuts, can be retrieved from API in future and band - is optional param, used where band is also changed

trillionViewer.configuratorController.engrave('text to engrave')

change engrave for a model, max length 15 symbols

trillionViewer.configuratorController.changeLetter('A', LETTERS)

change engrave for a model, max length 15 symbols LETTERS - all available letters, can be retrieved from API in future

trillionViewer.configuratorController.setSelectedMaterial("oval", 1, "demo-ring-v2")

Applies a set of material parameters to a mesh with name "oval". 1 is the index in the material configs list and "demo-ring-v2" is the jewellery's SKU.


'VIEWER_LOADED_EVENT' will be fired when viewer is loaded and ready for any user interactions. Here is an example of subscription to that event

document.addEventListener('VIEWER_LOADED_EVENT', () => {
  console.log('Viewer is loaded!');


To change background for the loader screen, just call trillionViewer.setBackground('#FF5733') before .refresh() method.

To override default css variables, you need to define the external variables in your CSS. For example:

:root {
  --font-family-main-external: 'Arial, sans-serif';
  --overlay-item-background-external: rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.5);
  --overlay-item-color-external: rgba(200, 200, 200, 1);
  --primary-external: #FF5733;
  --left-pos-external: 75%;
  --bottom-pos-external: 30px;

Explanation of Variables

--font-family-main-external: Main font family for the application. Defaults to 'Montserrat, Helvetica, sans-serif'

--overlay-item-background-external: Background color for overlay items. Defaults to rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35) ~light-gray

--overlay-item-color-external: Text color for overlay items. Defaults to rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) ~⬜

--primary-external: Primary color for the background for the error page. Defaults to #222D33 ~⬛

--left-pos-external: Horizontal position for an configurator panel. Defaults to 50%. ~center of the screen

--bottom-pos-external: Vertical position for an configurator panel. Defaults to 20px. ~up to 20px from the bootom

Using CDN to get Trillion Viewer

use this pattern:

For example:

import {TrillionViewerApp} from ""

React component

This library also provides the React component for widget.

How to use

import component:

import { TrillionViewer } from "trillion-viewer";

use somewhere in your React application:

function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <div className="MyComponent">
        <TrillionViewer jewelryId={'demo-ring'}/>



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  • serjtrillion
  • bingsar
  • vikegart
  • rk7633