
0.1.4-b • Public • Published

Vue.js Triangled Spider Chart

A Vue.js component that displays a triangled style spider chart.

Full options with 1 fill color

Simple setup

npm install triangled-spider-chart

Simple usage

In the script

import TriangledSpiderChart from "triangled-spider-chart";

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      chartData: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35]

In the template


Customize configuration


  • size: Number Dimension (for both width and height) of the chart. Default is 300.
  • max: Number Maximum value to display within the chart. Maximum value of chartData if omitted.
  • chartData: Array|required Chart series data. Data can be numbers only, ex: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35]. Or can define as array of Object with value and label, ex: chartData: [{ value: 500, label: 'Food', fill: '#25C1C3', hover: '#25C1C3BF' }, { value: 1500, label: 'Drink' }, ...].
  • chartLabelData Array Chart series label.
  • selectedIndex: Number Default selected (highlighted) item index.
  • options Object Custom styling for the chart.
The options definition
  • strokeWidth: Number Size of the chart serie stroke. Default is 3.
  • strokeColor: Number Color fo the chart serie stroke. Default is White.
  • fills String|Array Fill colors of chart series. Ramdomize colors if omitted.
  • hoverFills String|Array Fill colors of chart series when mouse over. Opacity to 75% if omitted.
  • tooltip String Display tooltip format. Use parameter ${label} and ${value} for data binding.
  • showLegends Boolean Show or hide legends. Default is false.
  • showGuideLines Boolean Show or hide guide lines. Default is false.
  • guideColor String Guide line color. Default is #656565.
  • showValues Boolean Show or hide data value. Default is false.
  • valueColor String Color of the data value. Default is #000000.
  • valueStroke String Stroke color of the data value. Default is #FFFFFF.
  • numberFormat String Number formatting fo the data value. Refer to Numeraljs.


  • onItemMouseOver(index): Event emitted when move mouse over an item.
  • onItemMouseOut(index): Evet emitted when move mouse out of an item.
  • onItemClick(index): Event emitted when click on an item.

Full options example

In the script

import TriangledSpiderChart from "triangled-spider-chart";

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      chartSize: 500,
      chartMax: 3500,
      chartData: [
        { value: 500, label: 'Food', fill: '#25C1C3', hover: '#25C1C3BF'},
        { value: 1500, label: 'Drink' },
        { value: 2500, label: 'Clothes' },
        { value: 3000, label: 'Transport' },
        { value: 2000, label: 'Learning' },
        { value: 2900, label: 'Others' }
      chartOptions: {
        strokeWidth: 3,
        strokeColor: '#FFFFFF',
        fills: ['#FF0000', '#6CB91A', '#F7BA1B', '#E24CE5', '#C378FB', '#1674CD'],
        hoverFills: ['#FF0000', '#6CB91ABF', '#F7BA1BBF', '#E24CE5BF', '#C378FBBF', '#1674CDBF'],
        tooltip: '${label}: ${value}k',
        showLegends: true,
        showGuideLines: true,
        guideColor: '#656565',
        showValues: true,
        valueColor: '#000',
        valueStroke: '#FFF',
        numberFormat: '$0,0'

In the template



Full options with 1 fill color

Full options example (1 fill color)

In the script

import TriangledSpiderChart from "triangled-spider-chart";

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      chartSize: 500,
      chartMax: 30,
      chartData: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35],
      chartLabelData: ['Food', 'Drink', 'Clothes', 'Transport', 'Learning', 'Others'],
      chartOptions: {
        strokeWidth: 5,
        strokeColor: '#000000',
        fills: '#ff0000', // all series will be fill Red.
        hoverFills: '#00ff00', // all series will be fill Green when mouse over.
        showLegends: true

In the template



Full options with 1 fill color


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Version History

  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
    • Published
  • 0.1.4-b
  • 0.1.3

Package Sidebar


npm i triangled-spider-chart

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  • dproasia