
0.1.12 • Public • Published


You need to run a local or remote TOP node to use this library.

Please read the documentation for more.



npm i top-sdk-js


use script

npm build browser

1. Overview

This Is The Official TOP Network Javascript SDK

Currently supports:

Local DID management, cryptocurrency asset management, smart contract deployment and calling, asset transactions and so on. More features and applications will be supported in the future.

JavaScript SDK is Node.js module, supporting synchronous writing, which is uploaded to

For browser side use

If needed for browser side use, you can install the browserify module locally, and then execute npm run browser commands in the SDK directory. The TopJs.js file will be generated in the browser directory and can be used directly for web use.

Major Functions

  • Assets Management
  • Deploying and Calling Smart Contracts
  • Error Code

2. Interface

Interface Description
topj.requestToken() Obtain an access token
topj.createAccount() Create an account on the blockchain
topj.accountInfo() Search for account information on the blockchain
topj.transfer() Transfer
topj.accountTransaction() Search for transaction details on the blockchain
topj.publishContract() Deploying Smart Contracts
topj.callContract() Calling Smart Contracts
topj.getProperty() Getting Properties
Utility Method Description
topjs.utils.decodeActionParam(); Parse amount and note data in traders

2.1 Getting Started

const TopJs = require('topJs');
const topjs = new TopJs('http://localhost:19090');

2.2 Obtain a request token

Method Name



Parameter Name Type Introduction Mandatory field?
account object Account object no
callback function Method callback function no

Parameter description: account can be uploaded optionally. When it isn't uploaded, account created is defaultAccount under topjs object. The token returned will be used in subsequent transactions and assigned automatically in account object.

Example Code

> RequestTokenResult 
{ data:
   { secret_key: 'd014f1ea-fecd-468d-9278-1e75b0275825',
     signature_method: 'hmac_sha2',
     signature_ver_code: '1.0',
     token: 'bb7e78f6-6498-4827-86cc-172dd30b6214' },
  errmsg: 'ok',
  errno: 0,
  sequence_id: '1568960180836' 

2.2 Create an account on the blockchain

Every account is required to be created on the blockchain and then it can undertake transactions

Method Name



Parameter Name Type Introduction Mandatory field?
account object Account object no
callback function Method callback function no

Parameter description: account can be uploaded optionally. When it isn't uploaded, account created is defaultAccount under topjs object.

Example code:

> CreateAccountResult 
    "data": {
        "authority_keys": "",
        "authorization": "0x0188ec058b02b894440346e86b554454caaa186f768f3691a8d1f4c4064b4cc37d6254433d21ddf63f02b0b9872a6d14c3b0f09722356af559007def87e13d1943",
        "deposit": 100000,
        "expire_duration": 100,
        "fire_timestamp": 1568110075,
        "from_account_id": 0,
        "from_network_id": 0,
        "hash_work_proof": 0,
        "last_trans_hash": "0xF6E9BE5D70632CF5",
        "last_trans_nonce": 0,
        "last_unit_hash": 0,
        "last_unit_hight": 0,
        "parent_account": "",
        "public_key": "0x0459dae3dbb66c13fd475e1759534fd1366ff340738b3d6b07ef9db423a741d1e1853e0e33ff57d54034751da8efed13bf4f295e30aafc4c7368cb4da1c9822afe",
        "source_action": {
            "account_addr": "T-0-17MJiMxiw4dcMX6YApQ3XdKVGZAkcbL6SB",
            "action_authorization": "",
            "action_hash": 0,
            "action_name": "",
            "action_param": "0x",
            "action_size": 0,
            "action_type": 1
        "target_action": {
            "account_addr": "T-0-17MJiMxiw4dcMX6YApQ3XdKVGZAkcbL6SB",
            "action_authorization": "",
            "action_hash": 0,
            "action_name": "",
            "action_param": "0x26000000542d302d31374d4a694d7869773464634d5836594170513358644b56475a416b63624c365342",
            "action_size": 0,
            "action_type": 2
        "to_account_id": 0,
        "to_network_id": 0,
        "trans_random_nounce": 0,
        "transaction_hash": "0x7aee6eb5063cbb123ae3105d9904e89177a1aa3d8ec5c370ea95bb6057ba629e",
        "transaction_len": 0,
        "transaction_type": 0,
        "version": 0
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "errno": 0,
    "sequence_id": "1568110075437"

2.3 Search for account information

Method Name


Description: When a user send the transaction to the blockchain, it is required to use the latest nonce and last_hash_xxhash64 of the user. The two properties can be got in the returned value of this method.


Parameter Name Type Introduction Mandatory field?
account object Account object no
callback function Method callback function no

Parameter description: account can be uploaded optionally. When it isn't uploaded, account created is defaultAccount under topjs object.Nonce and last_hash_xxhash64 returned will be assigned automatically in account object.

Example code:

> AccountInfoResult 
    "data": {
        "account": "T-0-17MJiMxiw4dcMX6YApQ3XdKVGZAkcbL6SB",
        "balance": 1000000,
        "contract_address": "",
        "freeze": 200,
        "last_hash": "0x7aee6eb5063cbb123ae3105d9904e89177a1aa3d8ec5c370ea95bb6057ba629e",
        "last_hash_xxhash64": "0xed70922781a3c5b7",
        "last_unit_height": 1,
        "nonce": 1,
        "random_seed": "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"
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "errno": 0,
    "sequence_id": "1568110352489"

2.4 Transfer

Method Name



Parameter Name Type Introduction Mandatory field?
account object Account object
to string Receiving address no
data string Remark no
amount string Amount yes
callback function Method callback function no

Parameter description:

  • account can be uploaded optionally. When it isn't uploaded, account created is defaultAccount under topjs object.
  • Before sending transactions, it is required to get the latest nonce and last_hash_xxhash64 first and assign them in the account object. The two parameters can be added in the account object automatically by calling directly the topjs.accountInfo() method.
  • The account balance of the initiator should be more than 100,000 before the transaction, it will be used as deposit.
  • Receiving address is in the account_addr property under the target_action object

Example code:

    to: 'T-0-1EHzT2ejd12uJx7BkDgkA7B5DS1nM6AXyF',
    amount: 110,
    data: 'hello top hahah hahah'
> TransferResult
    "data": {
        "authority_keys": "",
        "authorization": "0x0105ee81c54cbc4055a221033fde7ff0e4b53dc5985f0f51306cbab34b8468655923581ec3d657499e48e580d13ca0eaff5077b3837719bf67c52a0989f54e93cb",
        "deposit": 100000,
        "expire_duration": 100,
        "fire_timestamp": 1568110640,
        "from_account_id": 0,
        "from_network_id": 0,
        "hash_work_proof": 0,
        "last_trans_hash": "0x6a095742ce5c169c",
        "last_trans_nonce": 2,
        "last_unit_hash": 0,
        "last_unit_hight": 0,
        "parent_account": "",
        "public_key": "0x0459dae3dbb66c13fd475e1759534fd1366ff340738b3d6b07ef9db423a741d1e1853e0e33ff57d54034751da8efed13bf4f295e30aafc4c7368cb4da1c9822afe",
        "source_action": {
            "account_addr": "T-0-17MJiMxiw4dcMX6YApQ3XdKVGZAkcbL6SB",
            "action_authorization": "",
            "action_hash": 0,
            "action_name": "",
            "action_param": "0x000000008c0000000000000000000000",
            "action_size": 0,
            "action_type": 0
        "target_action": {
            "account_addr": "T-0-1B75FnoqfrNu6fuADADzwohLdzJ7Lm29bV",
            "action_authorization": "",
            "action_hash": 0,
            "action_name": "",
            "action_param": "0x000000008c0000000000000000000000",
            "action_size": 0,
            "action_type": 6
        "to_account_id": 0,
        "to_network_id": 0,
        "trans_random_nounce": 0,
        "transaction_hash": "0x6b42b566d8fc51534720902851203aa0c8651af5413abf8f8fc1c321c9af600a",
        "transaction_len": 0,
        "transaction_type": 4,
        "version": 0
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "errno": 0,
    "sequence_id": "1568110640805"

2.5 Search for account information on the blockchain

Method Name



Parameter Name Type Introduction Mandatory field?
account object Account object no
txHash string Transaction hash no
callback function Method callback function no

Parameter description: account can be uploaded optionally. When it isn't uploaded, account created is defaultAccount under topjs object.

Example code:

> AccountTransactionResult
    "data": {
        "authority_keys": "",
        "authorization": "0x0105ee81c54cbc4055a221033fde7ff0e4b53dc5985f0f51306cbab34b8468655923581ec3d657499e48e580d13ca0eaff5077b3837719bf67c52a0989f54e93cb",
        "deposit": 100000,
        "expire_duration": 100,
        "fire_timestamp": 1568110640,
        "from_account_id": 0,
        "from_network_id": 0,
        "hash_work_proof": 0,
        "last_trans_hash": "7640734187252356764",
        "last_trans_nonce": 2,
        "last_unit_hash": 0,
        "last_unit_hight": 0,
        "parent_account": "",
        "source_action": {
            "account_addr": "T-0-17MJiMxiw4dcMX6YApQ3XdKVGZAkcbL6SB",
            "action_authorization": "0x",
            "action_hash": 0,
            "action_name": "",
            "action_param": "0x000000008c0000000000000000000000",
            "action_size": 0,
            "action_type": 0
        "target_action": {
            "account_addr": "T-0-1B75FnoqfrNu6fuADADzwohLdzJ7Lm29bV",
            "action_authorization": "0x",
            "action_hash": 0,
            "action_name": "",
            "action_param": "0x000000008c0000000000000000000000",
            "action_size": 0,
            "action_type": 6
        "to_account_id": 0,
        "to_network_id": 0,
        "trans_random_nounce": 0,
        "transaction_hash": "0x6b42b566d8fc51534720902851203aa0c8651af5413abf8f8fc1c321c9af600a",
        "transaction_len": 0,
        "transaction_type": 4,
        "version": 0
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "errno": 0,
    "sequence_id": "1568111059548"

2.6 Deploying Smart Contracts

Method Name



Parameter Name Type Introduction Mandatory field?
account object Account object no
contractAccount Account Smart contract account object yes
contractCode string Smart contract code yes
deposit int64 contract deposit yes
gasLimit int32 Contract gas no
type string coin type no
note string note no
callback function callback no

Parameter description:

  • account can be uploaded optionally. When it isn't uploaded, account created is defaultAccount under topjs object.
  • Before sending transactions, it is required to get the latest nonce and last_hash_xxhash64 first and assign them in the account object. The two parameters can be added in the account object automatically by calling directly the topjs.accountInfo() method.
  • The account balance of the initiator should be more than 100,000 before the transaction, it will be used as deposit.
  • gasLimit is the fee for future transactions in smart contracts account
  • It can't return the calling results if calling smart contracts interface. The data saved in smart contracts will be in smart contracts account as property which can be got in getProperty.

Example code:

            contractAccount: cAccount,
            contractCode: '',
            deposit: 200
> PublishContractResult
{data: Object, errmsg: "ok", errno: 0, sequence_id: "1569343835062"}

2.7 Calling Smart Contracts

Method Name



Parameter Name Type Description Mandatory field?
account object Account object no
contractAddress string Smart contract account object yes
actionName string Action name yes
actionParam object Action param yes
gasLimit int64 contract gas balance no
coinType string coinType no
amount int64 amount no
note string note no
callback function callback no

Parameter description:

  • account can be uploaded optionally. When it isn't uploaded, account created is defaultAccount under topjs object.
  • Before sending transactions, it is required to get the latest nonce and last_hash_xxhash64 first and assign them in the account object. The two parameters can be added in the account object automatically by calling directly the topjs.accountInfo() method.
  • The account balance of the initiator should be more than 100,000 before the transaction, it will be used as deposit.
  • It can't return the calling results if calling smart contracts interface. The data saved in smart contracts will be in smart contracts account as property which can be got in getProperty.
  • in actionParam,the type only support string、number、bool。

Example code:

                account: pAccount,
                contractAddress: cAccount.address,
                actionName: 'opt_map',
                actionParam: [{
                    type: 'string',
                    value: 'inkey'
                }, {
                    type: 'number',
                    value: 65
> CallContractResult
{data: Object, errmsg: "ok", errno: 0, sequence_id: "1569343835062"}

2.8 Getting Properties

Method Name



Parameter Name Type Description Mandatory field?
account object Account object no
contractAddress string Smart Contract address yes
type string data type yes
data string or list data yes
callback function callback no

Parameter description:

  • account can be uploaded optionally. When it isn't uploaded, account created is defaultAccount under topjs object.
  • type and data are respectively type and key of the target parameter. There're 3 types in type field: string, map, list.

The map type data needs 2 keys. The first key corresponds the key of map itself. The second key corresponds the key of map's key-value. So data is an arrey which includes two keys. For example:

    type: 'map',
    data: ['mapKey', 'key'],

The string and list type data only have the keys themselves. So data is a string. For example:

    type: 'list',
    data: 'listKey',
    type: 'string',
    data: 'stringKey',

Supplemental instruction: when getting list data, return directly all data in list.

Example code:

                contractAddress: cAccount.address,
                type: 'map',
                data: ['hmap', 'key']
> AccountTransactionResult

2.9 Parse amount and note data in traders



Parse amount and note data in traders


const d = await topjs.accountTransaction();
const actionParamObj = topjs.utils.decodeActionParam(;
> actionParamObj 
    "coinType": "",
    "amount": 110,
    "note": "transfer note"

Example code

Instruction: When a transaction is sent to the blockchain, signature result verified will be returned immediately. The transaction hasn't been executed at this point. It will be executed successfully after the validation of nodes. So there's setTimeout delay operation in Example Code. code:中存在setTimeout延迟操作。

Deploying and Calling Smart Contracts

const TopJs = require('../src');
const fs = require("fs");

module.exports = async () => {
    const topjs = new TopJs();
    const url = await topjs.getDefaultServerUrl('');
    let pAccount = topjs.accounts.generate();
    let cAccount = topjs.accounts.generate();
    console.log('contractAccount >>> address >', cAccount.address);
    await topjs.requestToken();
    const createAccountResult = await topjs.createAccount({
        account: pAccount
        const accountInfo = await topjs.accountInfo({
            account: pAccount
        if ( {
            pAccount.nonce =;
            pAccount.last_hash_xxhash64 =;
        var data = fs.readFileSync('D:/project/gerrit/js-sdk/test/map.lua');
        const publishContractResult = await topjs.publishContract({
            account: pAccount,
            contractAccount: cAccount,
            contractCode: data.toString(),
            deposit: 200,
        setTimeout(async() => {
            const contractAccountInfo = await topjs.accountInfo({
                account: cAccount
            const result = await topjs.getProperty({
                contractAddress: cAccount.address,
                type: 'map',
                data: ['hmap', 'key']
            console.log('getProperty Result >>> ', JSON.stringify(result));
            const accountInfoResult = await topjs.getProperty({
                contractAddress: cAccount.address,
                type: 'string',
                data: 'temp_1'
            console.log('getProperty Result >>> ', JSON.stringify(accountInfoResult));
        }, 3000)

        setTimeout(async() => {
            const accountInfo = await topjs.accountInfo({
                account: pAccount
            if ( {
                pAccount.nonce =;
                pAccount.last_hash_xxhash64 =;
            const result = await topjs.callContract({
                account: pAccount,
                contractAddress: cAccount.address,
                actionName: 'opt_map',
                actionParam: [{
                    type: 'string',
                    value: 'inkey'
                }, {
                    type: 'number',
                    value: 65
            console.log('callContract Result >>> ', JSON.stringify(result));
            setTimeout(async ()=> {
                const accountInfoResult = await topjs.getProperty({
                    contractAddress: cAccount.address,
                    type: 'map',
                    data: ['hmap', 'inkey']
                console.log('getProperty Result >>> ', JSON.stringify(accountInfoResult));
                const result = await topjs.getProperty({
                    contractAddress: cAccount.address,
                    type: 'map',
                    data: ['hmap', 'key']
                console.log('getProperty Result >>> ', JSON.stringify(result));
            }, 3000)

        }, 3000)
    }, 1000)

Smart Contract

function init()
    set_key('temp_1', '0')
    set_key('temp_2', '0')
    hset('hmap', 'key', 'val')

    rpush('mlist', '44')

function opt_map(key, value)
    hset('hmap', tostring(key), tostring(value))
    lpush("mlist", tostring(value))

function check_map(key)
    local map_len = hlen('hmap')
    set_key('temp_1', tostring(map_len))
    local map_str = hget('hmap', tostring(key))
    set_key('temp_2', tostring(map_str))
    hdel('hmap', tostring(key))

function get_empty_map()
    set_key('map_len', tostring(hlen('empty_map')))
    set_key('map_str', tostring(hget('empty_map', 'unexist')))

function get_empty_key()
    set_key('map_str', tostring(hget('empty_map', '')))

function del_empty_key()
    hdel('hmap', '')
    set_key('map_len', tostring(hlen('empty_map')))

function del_not_exist_key()
    hdel('hmap', 'unexist')
    set_key('map_len', tostring(hlen('empty_map')))


const TopJs = require('../src');

module.exports = async () => {
    const topjs = new TopJs();
    const url = await topjs.getDefaultServerUrl('');
    await topjs.requestToken();
    const createAccountResult = await topjs.createAccount();
    console.log('createAccountResult >>>>> ', createAccountResult);

    setTimeout(async() => {
        const f = await topjs.accountInfo();
        console.log('userInfo >>>>> ', f);
        const transferResult = await topjs.transfer({
            to: 'T-0-1EHzT2ejd12uJx7BkDgkA7B5DS1nM6AXyF',
            amount: 110,
            data: 'hello top hahah hahah'
        console.log('transferResult >>> ', transferResult);

        setTimeout(async() => {
            const s = await topjs.accountInfo();
            console.log('userInfo >>>>> ', s);
            const d = await topjs.accountTransaction();
            const actionParamObj = topjs.utils.decodeActionParam(;
            console.log('userInfo >>>>> ', d);
        }, 1000);
    }, 1000);


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