Tinker automates the creation of backends for your web applications.
Tinker is an open-source, self-hosted, backend-as-a-service. Each backend includes a PostgreSQL database and REST API to start prototyping your web application.
Create public facing backends with minimal configuration in your AWS account through the Tinker CLI. Visualize and modify your application's data and schema with the companion Tinker dashboard.
Before using the Tinker CLI, make sure you have the following:
- An AWS account with a domain registered in Route 53
- The AWS CLI installed and authenticated with a user attached with AdministratorAccess policy
Backends are accessible as subdomains to the provided domain. E.g. https://todos.mydomain.com
, https://films.mydomain.com
To install the Tinker CLI, run the following command from the terminal:
npm i -g tinker--cli
The Tinker CLI provides several commands to manage your backends. Each command can be executed from the terminal.
Deploy the dashboard to AWS, accessible at https://admin.yourdomain.com
During the deployment process, you will be prompted to provide configuration options. Provide any of the following flags to skip its associated prompt.
-r, --region AWS region
-d, --domain Domain in AWS Route 53
-z, --zone Domain's hosting zone ID
tinker deploy -r us-east-1 -d trytinker.com -z ABC123
Create a backend in AWS with a PostgreSQL database and PostgREST web server.
During creation, you will be prompted to provide configuration options. Provide the following flag to skip its associated prompt:
-n, --name: The name of the project. This will be used to identify the project backend.
tinker create -n todos
Delete a backend from AWS. Please note that this operation is irreversible and will delete all data and configurations for that backend.
During deletion, you will be prompted to provide configuration options. Provide the following flag to skip its associated prompt:
-n, --name: The name of the project backend to be deleted.
tinker delete -n todos
Tear down all backends and the dashboard from AWS. Please note that this operation is irreversible and will delete all data and configurations for all backends.
Provide the optional force flag to bypass the confirmation prompt.
-f, --force Teardown tinker without confirmation
tinker destroy -f