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Timp Validate

JavaScript Form Validator

timp-validate is a library for html form validation written entirely in JavaScript, with zero native dependencies.

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To install this package you can use the below npm command.

npm install timp-validate

or inline

<script src="timp-validate.min.js"></script>

Example Usage:


Validator module needs proper HTML-markup

<form action="" method="POST" id="form" data-validate="true">
    <div class="form-box">
        <label class="label">Username</label>
        <input type="text" placeholder="Username" name="username" required>
    <div class="form-box">
        <label class="label">Password</label>
        <input type="password" placeholder="Password" name="password" required>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="login">

Default initialization

// Require module
var Form = require('timp-validate');

// Initialize

If you need to validate your HTML form using default validation only you have to do is add data-validate="true" to your HTML form and also you have to add the required attribute to the fields that you want to validate. Then Timp Validator validates the required fields and as the error messages, there is a default message types base on the field type. Ex: If your field type is text the message will be "This field is required".

If you need to validate all forms inside your application, the only you have to do is add data-validate="all" this attribute to every form element.

Note: To use above mentioned feature you have to specify the validate fields using required attribute.


There are multiple types of options that provide for the validation.


var Form = require('timp-validate');

    rules: {
        fields: {
            element: "username", // Input field names
            message: "Username can not be empty", // Custom message
            set: ".class-name" // Custome message will set to this element

You can Fields option when you need to add a custom message or if you need to set an error message to the custom element. For this option element is required, otherwise, the module throws the error. Also, you can provide multiple input fields to the fields option as a javascript array.

    rules: {
        fields: [
                element: "username",
                message: "Username can not be empty",
                set: "#custom-element",
                element: "password",
                message: "Password can not be empty"


Using this option you can check equality of multiple fields.

    rules: {
        equalTo: [
                element: ["password", "re_password"], // Input field names
                message: "Custom message",
                set: "#custom-element"
                element: ["product_name", "slug", "seo_title"], // Input field names
                message: "Password can not be empty"

This option also has 3 attributes which are element, message, set. The element is a required parameter and also you have to pass at least 2 element names into the element parameter. You can pass those elements as a javascript array. message and set parameters are optional. If you have any custom message and specific element to set the error message you can set those parameters. Not only that but also you can pass multiple objects as fields options as in the above sample code.


You can use this option to check value lengths and character lengths using logic.

    rules: {
        equalTo: [
                element: "username", // Input field name
                size: 10,
                logic: "min", // Parameters [min, max, minLength, maxLength]
                message: "Custom message",
                set: "#custom-element"
                element: "password", // Input field name
                size: 12,
                logic: "maxLength"

In this option, there are 5 types of parameters you can pass. From those parameters element, size, and logic are required. message and set parameters are optional as usual. For the size parameter you need to pass an integer value. And also for the logic there are 4 types of values which are min, max, minLength, maxLength. min and max check the value size. Ex: 1500 > 1450. Also minLength and maxLength check the character length. Ex: fieldsOne.length > fieldsTwo.length.

Custom functions

Timp validator also provides custom function feature. Using this option you can validate using your own rules.

    rules: {
        fields: [
                element: "username", // Input field name
                message: "Username can not be empty",
                set: "#custom-element",
                element: "password", // Input field name
                message: "Password can not be empty"
        customFunctionName: {
            method: function (element) { // function
                return true; // return true or false
            element: "username",
            message: "Custom message",
            set: ".class-name"

Using this option you can write your own code to validate the forms. For that, you can pass 4 parameters which are method, element, message, and set. From those parameters method and element are required. For the method parameter you need to assign a function and inside the function, you can write your code. As a parameter of the function validator passes the element that you set as an element. The important thing is as a return value you should need to pass true or false otherwise validator can't recognize the value. If you are returning the true it means validation success and false means validation failed.

onSubmit Handler

    rules: {
        fields: [
                element: "username", // Input field name
                message: "Username can not be empty",
                set: "#custom-element",
                element: "password", // Input field name
                message: "Password can not be empty"
    onSubmit: function (form, event) {
        // do something...

onSubmit handler represents the form submission event. When someone clicks on the form submit button validator validates all the rules and if validated success the validator calls the onSubmit function. As a function parameters validator give you the form element and form submit an event.


new Form().init({
    errorElement: "span", // Element type
    elementStyle: "error-class", // Error label custom style class (Do not add the full stop mark `.`)
    parentClass: ".field-box-main", // Error label append to this class
    focusOutValidate: true // On focus out validation in fields

Using this option you can customize your error label behaviors and actions. For the errorElement you can pass tag names such as span, label, p etc. If you want to add custom styles to the error label you can use elementStyle parameter. For that you can pass the css class name without full stop mark. And also if you set the parentClass parameter the error label append to that class. Ex:

<form action="" method="POST" id="form" data-validate="true">
    <div class="field-box-main"> // Parent element
        <label class="label">Username</label>
        <input type="text" placeholder="Username" name="username" required>
        <span class="error-class">Error<span/> // Error append here
    <div class="field-box-main"> // Parent element
        <label class="label">Password</label>
        <input type="password" placeholder="Password" name="password" required>
        <span class="error-class">Error<span/> // Error append here
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="login">

focusOutValidate parameter is used to validate fields when focusout event executes.

All Options

Here are the all options Timp Validator is providing,

    rules: {
        fields: [
             element: "product_name", // Input field name
             message: "Custom message",
             set: ".new_one" // Custome message will set to this element
             element: "slug", // Input field name
             message: "Custom message"
         equalTo: {
             element: ["product_name", "slug"], // Input field names as a array
             set: ".new_one",
             message: "Custom message"
        length: {
            element: "product_name",
            size: 16,
            logic: "min", // Parameters [min, max, minLength, maxLength]
            message: "Custom message"
        customFunctionName: {
            method: function (element) {
                return false;
            element: "slug",
            message: "Custom message",
            set: ".new_one"
    onSubmit: (form, event) => {
         // do something...




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