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0.0.5 • Public • Published

Time Series Generator

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time-series-generator is a library for generating time-series. Works on NodeJS, and browsers

Sample output

A common use-case is to generate time-series for analytics. For example, number of active users each day, start from Feb 12, 2021 to Mar 12, 2021. You can use Time Series Generator to generate a list of 28 dates (from start date to end date).

Table of content

  1. How to use
  2. Installation
  3. Build and Test
  4. License
  5. Feedback and Contribution
  6. Changelog

1. How to Use

// ES6
import TimeSeries from "time-series-generator";

// none-ES6
const TimeSeries = require("time-series-generator"); //add .default in some cases

const series = TimeSeries({
  startDate: Date,
  endDate: Date,
  interval: `millisecond` | `second` | `minute` | `hour` | `day` | `week` | `month` | `year`,
  intervalValue: number, // optional
  floorInput: boolean, // optional. `true` by default 

// series => [
//     { startDate: Date, endDate: Date },
//     { startDate: Date, endDate: Date },
//     .....
// ]
  • startDate: begining of datetime period
  • endDate: end of datetime period
  • interval: output series based on given interval millisecond, second, ...
  • intervalValue: the number value of interval, set to 1 by default. For example, interval=second, intervalValue=3, output will generate a list of date each 3 second.
  • floorInput: floor date inputs to the nearest interval value (i.e when interval is "minute", set all "minute", "second", "millisecond" to 0)

Note: startDate can either be less than, or greater than endDate.

See ./tests/Generator.test.js for examples

2. Installation

Via npm (supported on browser and nodejs)

time-series-generator is available via npm. You can install using npm or yarn

# with npm
$ npm install time-series-generator --save

# with yarn
$ yarn add time-series-generator

Via browser

<!-- Embed latest version from jsdelivr (replace @latest with @{version number}) -->
<!-- P/s: When you use @latest, beware of caching when the version is changed-->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/time-series-generator@latest/browser/index.min.js"></script>

<!-- Once the script is loaded, you can call window.GenerateTimeSeries -->
const series = GenerateTimeSeries({ ... });

3. Build and Test

Note: You should build before test.

Run the following command (I'll use yarn, but also similar with npm run)

  • To build as a npm module, run yarn build. Output files will located at ./dist
  • To build for browser, run yarn build-browser. Output file will located at ./browser (only index.min.js)

A test file is located on ./tests directory.

  • Run test by run command yarn test

4. License


5. Feedback and Contribution

Please open a thread for feedback, question. Feel free to create PR for contribution.


6. Changelog

0.0.5 - added floorInput to floor date inputs to the nearest interval value 0.0.4 - initate


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